
Chapter 189

Kanto, Pallet Town.

Pallet was a tranquil and sunny place, a small town touched by the gentle winds of dawn.

In a scattered yard, a lovely woman was hanging up freshly washed bedsheets, occasionally wiping the sweat from her brow as she gazed towards the second-story window.

"Ash, dear, don't tell me you're oversleeping again," Delia remarked, hands resting on her hips. "Mr. Mime, would you kindly check on him for me?"

Mr. Mime, with a broom in hand, set it aside, saluted, and ascended to the second floor using his unique, hands-and-feet walking style.

Mr. Mime rapped on the door with a 'dongdong' sound, but there was no response.

Balancing gracefully, with no solid form, Mr. Mime tapped on the door repeatedly, as if playing a tune on the piano, using his fingers.

"What?!" (He's still not awake?!) Suddenly, there was a loud crash from the room, like something being thrown.

Mr. Mime's expression shifted, and he instinctively covered his ears.

Then, a moment later, a resounding growl echoed from the room.

"Ahhhh!!! I'm going to be late!!!"

Now, let's rewind time by ten minutes.

A young man lay sprawled on his bed, a hint of drool at the corner of his mouth. Resting on his chest was a cute yellow-skinned mouse.

"Pika ~~Pika ~~" Pikachu murmured in his sleep, dreaming of various adventures.

Beside the young man's bed, his game on the mobile phone was paused. It was a game called "Angry Pidove," a collaborative production of Devon Corporation and Pokémon Studio.

"Pikachu...Taillow is about to evolve...just two more levels..." the young man mumbled, still half-asleep.

"Pika..." Pikachu yawned and scratched his eyes, waking up slowly.

Just then, the alarm clock by the bedside went off.

Pidgey, which served as an alarm clock, was about to peek out when a pair of merciless iron hands snatched it as it tried to emerge.

In his sleep, the young man gripped the alarm clock tightly, assuming the pose of a pitcher ready to throw a baseball.

"Go! Poké Ball!"

The alarm clock was flung and smashed against the wall.

The sudden noise jolted the young man awake. He opened his groggy eyes and saw the bright sun outside the window.

Panic washed over his face; he was going to be late!

"Ash, why are you shouting so early in the morning?" Delia scolded as she opened the door a crack.

Ash, caught off guard, sat cross-legged on his bed, sheepishly scratching his head.

"I'm sorry... I almost forgot. It's the weekend, after all! Hahaha!"

"Pika ~~" Pikachu chimed in from Ash's arms, mirroring his apologetic gesture.

Delia, hands on her hips, gave Ash an exasperated look. "Every time there's something big, you get too excited and can't sleep!"

Looking at her son, who was not-so-thick with embarrassment, Delia sighed and asked, "So, what's got you worked up this time?"

"Hehe... it's rare for us to visit Pallet Town," Ash explained. "I wanted to ask Senior Red for his autograph today."

He then lay back down on the bed, dejected. "But I can never catch a glimpse of him!"

Delia smiled, encouraging her son, "Don't worry, you'll run into him eventually. After all, your goal is to become the greatest Pokémon Trainer, isn't it?"

"Yes!" Ash replied enthusiastically, rising from the bed. He scooped Pikachu onto his shoulder and gazed out the window.

"I am Ash from Pallet Town! My goal is to become the world's greatest Pokémon Master!"

"Pikachu!!" Pikachu cheered, clenching its small fist, its eyes filled with determination.

Outside the window, a flock of Pidgey soared through the sky.

"Alright, let's go have breakfast," Delia said, stifling a laugh. "If you're quick, you might even meet Professor Oak's grandson today!"

Ash's eyes sparkled with anticipation. Blue might not be as famous as Red, but he was still a renowned senior Trainer.

Although he hadn't crossed paths with his old rival thus far, the thought of a destined battle with the two senior Trainers was incredibly exciting.

"I'll get up right now!" Ash declared with a grin.

Delia turned to leave, and Ash watched her go. He reached for the phone on his bedside table, eager to answer an important call.

He'd been unable to sleep the previous night, and a significant part of the reason was the highly anticipated game "Angry Pidove."

The game featured soaring Flying-type Pokémon in various striking poses, their aerial acrobatics offering an enchanting visual spectacle.

"I really want to capture Flying-type Pokémon, Pikachu," Ash whispered while seated on the bed.

"Pika?" Pikachu queried, tugging at Ash's sleeve.

"Oh, did you say Pidgeot?"

Ash's gaze revealed a touch of regret, and he continued with a wistful smile, "That guy has a partner he needs to protect...there's no other way."

"Pika," Pikachu said, patting Ash's cheek comfortingly.

"Alright!" Ash rallied, his eyes burning with fierce determination.

"It's settled! When we get to Hoenn, I'm catching a Swellow!"

"Pikachu!" Pikachu leaped with joy, sparks crackling around its body.


"Ahhhh! Pikachu, stop it!"

Downstairs, Delia held her cheek with one hand, smiling gently. "Pikachu and Ash, they're something special."

"Let's go!" Mr. Mime beamed and got to his feet, giving a thumbs up.

In Pallet Town, within the premises of Professor Oak's Laboratory.

Crystal was busy tidying up the somewhat chaotic backyard for Professor Oak.

"Thank you, Crystal," Professor Oak remarked, scratching his head. "These little rascals...they were playing around late into the night."

"It was a rare gathering," Crystal replied with a smile. "You seemed to be enjoying yourself as well."

Professor Oak crossed his arms, grinning broadly. "I'm getting older; I want to enjoy the energy and vitality of the young ones."

"You're right," Professor Oak mentioned. "Where's that brat?"

"You mean Gold, don't you?" Crystal asked, covering her mouth and revealing, "Upon hearing that Teacher Luke was coming to Johto, he spent the entire night perfecting his tactics."

"Teacher Luke..." Professor Oak recalled, "I believe I've heard Professor Rowan mention him. He's Rowan's assistant, isn't he?"

"Huh?" Crystal blinked. "Teacher Luke is also a Tactical Master, isn't he?"

Professor Oak was briefly taken aback.

To excel in both training and scientific research...that sounded remarkably similar to Blue.

Just then, Blue walked past the courtyard. Professor Oak waved him over.

"Blue! A young Trainer will visit in the afternoon. If he challenges you, remember to take it easy!"

"A young Trainer?" Blue furrowed his brows. "Sure, I can handle it."

"Haha, after all, he's a Trainer from Pallet Town, just like you. You're from the same generation, and he's the only one who's reached the top of the Alliance Conference!"

Blue pondered for a moment. "Is that Ash, the one who made it to the top eight at the Johto Conference?"

Professor Oak nodded. "You're well-informed, that's him."

Blue nodded thoughtfully. "I recall. Ash, right? His battling style is a bit reckless, but his creativity is impressive."

He's quite similar to Gold, Blue thought to himself.

"Yes," Professor Oak chuckled heartily. "I've heard his goal is to defeat Red."

Blue's eyes sparkled. "Very interesting. I'll be sure to meet him."

The young man named Ash was a diamond in the rough, and his high-speed, high-offensive battling style was well-suited for training.

From a tactical perspective, a high-speed team, focused on strong, fast attacks, was the most appropriate choice for him.

"By the way...you could consult Teacher Luke," Blue suggested. "While he's known for being a 'winner,' he should also excel with high-speed teams!"

At that moment, Teacher Luke remained unaware that the elegant Flying-type Pokémon from "Angry Pidove" had planted the seeds of becoming a Flying-type Master in the minds of many young Trainers.

In the chat group, Lance was also enthusiastic about the game.

Lance: "@Teacher Luke, why isn't there Gyarados? Gyarados is a Flying-type too."

Luke retorted humorously, "Such a colossal Pokémon, how could you throw it with a slingshot!"

Wattson, with his signature whimsy, suggested, "You could consider a DLC! Change the slingshot into a turret or use a Poké Ball to launch it!"

"I get it now. Let's create DLC!" Luke replied, taking note of another brilliant idea.

Gold shared a snapshot of Togekiss, revealing, "My phone is occupied by Togebo. I've had to use the computer to type."

"By the way, Teacher Luke, when will you be coming to Johto?" Gold inquired.

Luke nodded and responded, "I'll be there when the updates are complete."

Gold chuckled with anticipation.

Even though he couldn't surpass Teacher Luke in the game, they'd finally meet in person.

"Exbo, let's continue our training!" Gold cheered.

At the same time, Blue also sent Teacher Luke a private message.

Blue: "Teacher Luke, could you explain high-speed tactics in more detail?"

Luke was taken aback by the request.

High-speed tactics?

What did this have to do with his usual shenanigans?

"The potential youngsters in town... are more inclined toward this style of play," Blue explained. "Furthermore, simulated battles are more intuitive in conveying the concept."

Luke considered the proposition.

If high-speed tactics were indeed an option, then the young Trainer from Pallet Town should be of particular interest to Blue.

"Wait until I finish my current task," Luke replied, nodding. "I'll conduct a live broadcast to showcase high-speed tactics!"

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