
chapter 1

Lia the duke's dsughter *used* to be married to the prince. He had his times when he was kind. Yet, more times he was cold. Lia ran away to a rival kingdom. That was 3 years ago.

Lia had gone by another name yet never changed your looks. You almost forgot about it until…

One day, there was a crowd among the sidewalks with a new royal carriage coming up. You went to the front of the crowd. 2 people got out. One looks like a courier and the other- *The courier talks*

"All honor Prince Sarius, after the rivalry!"

As she saw the prince her heart flutter but she tried to sneak away

Before she can move further into the crowd…

His face softens in sight of her, his eyes bright and excited. "Could it really be her? She couldn't change in three years." His voice filled with hope.

"Find her." He whispers, pointing to the crowd.

*she got her things and try to run away and hide herself*

Knights are spotted searching near her, one of them is walking near her. "Halt. Are you Lia Hook?

*she smiled at him and acting like she's not her* Lia…? Sorry… I think you might mistook me as someone else

The knight stops, raising his eyebrow. He grabs a paper from his pocket, a paper with your name and description. "So you're not Lia…?" He keeps his tone low, yet it's filled with suspicion.

*acting confused* I am not. I'm living here since birth *she looks at him innocently.'

The knight keeps a glare but slowly takes the paper away, keeping one eye on you. He talks to his companion who nods and walks away.

Her attention is now on Prince Sarius. He is now in sight of her. He takes a step towards her, his eyes still filled with hope. One of the knights are watching you both.

*I bow to him respectfully* I greet the prince of the empire

He smiles and nods, he nods at the knight and that knight now backs off. He walks slowly to you.

"We should go." He whispers, his green eyes still filled with hope. He puts a hand on yours for a split second but quickly pulls back.

"We have to go." He repeats more urgently.

Huh…? Sorry..? I don't think I can understand what are you saying…

He pauses, realizing you just don't get what he's trying to say.

"Come," He finally says, placing a hand lightly around your waist to guide you.

You- what are you doing..? I'm not her!!

He stops, still holding onto your waist. His eyes look back into yours.

"Then you're a look alike. And a very convincing one. *Come*." He says, more sharply this time. His fingers grasp more around your waist and his grip tightens.

"I-I need to… *I try to run away'

He grips more on your waist, tightening his grip. "Look, either you go with me *willingly* or I carry you there myself. Come." His voice is cold.