
I Quit Studies to Date

While ranked first till Middle School, now forever-No.2, Zhi Ying was submitting her homework, she overhead some teachers casually gossiping in the staffroom, about how a student’s academic performance had worsened significantly ever since he started dating.   Zhi Ying’s eyes lit up when she heard this, then and there she made up her mind to go approach the Year’s No.1 student, date him, and then let him drop rock-bottom in terms of academic performance! This way, she could be the number 1 student again!   Much later, still-forever-Number 2 Zhi Ying: If I can’t rank first in school, then I’ll settle for being their person instead!

Kroxius · realistisch
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87 Chs

Embarrassed Zhi Ying

"Everyone should study hard and make progress every day." Zhi Ying paused.

Han Jiaojiao stood below and raised her head, waiting for Zhi Ying to speak like the others.

"This is the end of my speech, thank you everyone." Zhi Ying bowed.

"..." The whole drill ground was quiet. After a while, there was a burst of applause from the southwest direction. Immediately afterward, everyone on the drill ground began to applaud.

After standing there for so long, everyone felt uncomfortable. They had originally expected that the speech of the student representative would last more than ten minutes. No one expected that Zhi Ying would resolve it in a mere few minutes. A few students had leaped up already, ready to leave.

Not a single teacher on the rostrum moved for a while. Finally, the principal stepped back onto the stage, signaling Zhi Ying to step aside. Then he picked up the microphone and said: "It seems that Zhi Ying can't bear to watch everyone stand for too long, so that's it. The event has ended. Everyone, disband!"

The teachers waiting underneath the rostrum began to lead their students out of the drill grounds in an orderly fashion.

Zhi Ying headed back with the grade director. The two walked towards the teaching building. The grade director was not angry, he only asked, "Didn't I tell you to search the Internet for some sample speeches?"

"I brought the wrong piece of paper with me." Zhi Ying squeezed the crumpled piece of paper with regret.

It was estimated that her bad habit would never be changed. Once she focused on mathematics, she would be several times more disoriented than usual. If she didn't have to do anything, then she wouldn't do anything. She just wanted to soak in the ocean of mathematics.

"It's okay, there's still a chance in the future." The grade director was very confident in Zhi Ying's grades.

School had officially started, and their first class period was Lao Han's math class.

Han Jiaojiao held a nail clipper in her hand from who knows where, and she started to cut her nails one by one, causing Li Ge next to her to be startled.

"Everyone is saying that your speech today was so cool." Zhao Qian held his stomach and grinned, "It is said that it was the shortest student representative speech in the history of No. 1 High School."

"Ying Ying, quickly show me your speech," Han Jiaojiao said, putting down her nail clipper and responding with great interest.

"Oh," Zhi Ying tossed the crumpled paper ball onto the table.

"You really only wrote this little!" Li Ge leaned over and looked at it with admiration.

"Did you not finish writing it yet?" Han Jiaojiao recalled that Zhi Ying had also said, "Study hard and make progress every day."

Zhi Ying nodded and then shook her head, "I downloaded one from the Internet, but I took the wrong one this morning."

As soon as Lao Han entered the door, the classroom instantly fell silent. Although he was always smiling, he constantly exuded an imposing aura. The students didn't dare to cause trouble.

The first class period was also the first page of a new book, and the content learned would not be too difficult. In addition, Class Two's grades were top-notch among the freshmen at school, and their habit of previewing class content was still there.

Zhi Ying listened to Lao Han's lecture and began opening the first page of the book. She didn't even write her name.

She had already completed high school mathematics by herself. She had to go to the recycling center just to find this book. She had also finished all the other classes too, just that she didn't bother to study as fervently as she did with mathematics.

Zhi Ying had long thought that she would major in mathematics when she attends university in the future.

Because she had already learned the content, Zhi Ying was not interested in continuing to read the high school mathematics book. It was like asking a high school student to look through a first grader's math book. They could see the answer at a glance, why would they be interested in it?

However, she still had to listen to the lectures. Despite her not learning anything new, Lao Han's lectures were quite interesting, and he liked to expand everyone's way of thinking.

Compared with the joy and peace of Class Two, Class One's atmosphere was not good.

Class One had two representatives of beauty: Jiang Wei and Yu Qingyin.

There were always students who had their attention diverted by them, and they did not pay attention to the lectures in class.

Initially, the headteacher of the first class, Zhou Hui, was in a foul mood upon learning that the provincial champion was not in her class on the first day of school.

There has always been a tradition at No. 1 High School: after the first semester of freshman year, students would divide into science and arts majors. The classes they originally had would then be dismantled and combined into one class: Class Zero.

The best teachers teach the best students.

The headteacher of Class Zero would be the teacher who had the grade champion in their class. In Zhou Hui's opinion, the provincial champion was placed in Han Hongwen's class. So the probability of Han Hongwen becoming the headteacher of Class Zero was basically a hundred percent.

If it was in the past, Zhou Hui would not have been under so much pressure. What did a one-time champion represent? There was still a year, who knew whether the champion would change under another person's hands.

But Zhi Ying's 'record' was too brilliant. She had never gotten second place in terms of grades in her entire enrollment record. Who could deny that she would not continue to be ranked the champion in the next three years?

What's more, Zhou Hui had seen that child once. Her eyes were clean and clear, and it seemed that nothing could distract her.

"What else do you want to do other than pay attention in class?" Zhou Hui slapped the table and scolded angrily, "Did you think you all can have peace of mind after entering Class One?"

It was unusually quiet.

"Your grades are similar to those of Class Two's, but I believe that within half a year, you'll definitely fall behind them!" Zhou Hui gasped. "Do you know why? Because you don't have the heart to learn!"

"Do you know what a heart to learn means?" Zhou Hui stood on the podium and clapped her hands. "Zhi Ying from Class Two next-door hid exam papers in her crotch to save time for studying! That's called having a heart for learning!"