
I Quit Studies to Date

While ranked first till Middle School, now forever-No.2, Zhi Ying was submitting her homework, she overhead some teachers casually gossiping in the staffroom, about how a student’s academic performance had worsened significantly ever since he started dating.   Zhi Ying’s eyes lit up when she heard this, then and there she made up her mind to go approach the Year’s No.1 student, date him, and then let him drop rock-bottom in terms of academic performance! This way, she could be the number 1 student again!   Much later, still-forever-Number 2 Zhi Ying: If I can’t rank first in school, then I’ll settle for being their person instead!

Kroxius · realistisch
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99 Chs

Doubts at the Same Table

Sure enough, it started to rain on the way. Zhi Ying had nothing to do, so she tried to make small talk with Jiang Wei.

"What do you think of me?" Zhi Ying asked Jiang Wei who was next to her with expectant eyes, and answered first, "I think you are very kind."

Jiang Wei turned his head, looked at Zhi Ying for a while and answered, "You... are a little careless."

As soon as this sentence came out, Zhi Ying became displeased. Even though she had complimented him just now, Jiang Wei actually said that about her.

Zhi Ying immediately retorted, "I am not careless at all, I have never been deducted points for mistakes in exams!"

Maybe because she felt that her words were too boastful, Zhi Ying quickly added in a low voice, "Essay composition doesn't count."

Jiang Wei suddenly clenched his fist against his lips to block his laughter, but the laughter still couldn't be stopped. The clear and pleasant sound echoed in the car, causing Uncle Li to look over from the front through the rearview mirror.

The young master had never laughed so happily.

But Zhi Ying got angry, thinking he was laughing at her.

When she got angry, her face would get all scrunched together, and wrinkled, and so it looked very childish.

Jiang Wei finally stopped laughing but there was a warm smile in his bright black eyes. Seeing Zhi Ying's appearance, he subconsciously stretched out his slender hand to poke her pouting face.

Zhi Ying, taken aback by the sudden poke, immediately widened her eyes, and slapped Jiang Wei's hand away. "You are too much!"

Don't even mention dating, Zhi Ying didn't even want to be friends with Jiang Wei now!!


Jiang Wei retracted his hand carelessly, he had really lost his composure. He calmed down and apologized to Zhi Ying, "Sorry, I was wrong just now."

Zhi Ying turned her head away and didn't look at Jiang Wei. She didn't want to pay attention to him now, he actually questioned her academic ability? Wasn't it because his composition was better than her own, wasn't it because his writing was clear and smooth!?

"I didn't say you were careless in your studies, but..." Jiang Wei softened his voice as if he was afraid of scaring her, "Girls should learn to take care of themselves."

At this moment, Zhi Ying's phone vibrated, she lowered her head and took it out to look at the message.

Ji Yu: [How did it go, did you two get close?]

Zhi Ying hurriedly put the phone back into her pocket, glanced at Jiang Wei quietly, and thought about it carefully in her heart. Nothing was as important as her being the first in the future exams, and it was better to bear the humiliation now.

"Oh." Zhi Ying didn't hear what Jiang Wei said just now, so she responded and relaxed again.

"Classmate Zhi Ying is also very good." Jiang Wei continued with his original words, but this time he knew what to say to make Zhi Ying happy, "Especially your math skills are very good, no matter how I write, I can't be as concise as you. "

Hearing these words, Zhi Ying finally warmed up, but she still wanted to be humble, "It's actually okay, I'm not that strong."

"But Zhi Ying, you are better than the students in the whole No. 1 High School." Jiang Wei continued to increase his firepower, "You can definitely get good results in the math competition."

Being praised by the person who occupied the first ranking in the grade, Zhi Ying suddenly became a little bit elated. This was a feeling she hadn't had for a long time. It may be that her self-confidence had been hit for too long, and she now had a cognitive bias toward her ability to learn and study.

"Mhm, I looked at all the questions you sent me last time, and they are very interesting." Zhi Ying replied cheerfully, "The teacher who wrote the questions and their ideas are much more interesting than the usual test papers."

Probably only you would think so.

Jiang Wei looked softly at Zhi Ying who forgot everything once math was mentioned, and he was glad that her family's financial situation was good. Otherwise, Zhi Ying would suffer a lot with her temperament.

Even now, although the Zhi family was considered wealthy, Zhi Ying still couldn't take care of herself, and she even went to sell goods during summer break.

During the short ride, first Zhi Ying tried to find out what kind of person Jiang Wei liked and what kind of person she was in his heart.

In the end, Jiang Wei reversed the questions onto her, and Zhi Ying shook out all her thoughts. Although, there were many things that Jiang Wei could already notice from the surface.

Zhi Ying brought an umbrella, a large black umbrella. She usually wore a raincoat when riding the bicycle, but the parking lot was still some distance from the teaching building. Zhi Ying decided she was going to use the folding umbrella.

When going out on break, Zhi Ying still liked to use this big black umbrella.

It was big, so she didn't have to worry about getting wet.

She didn't ride a bike today, so she took it with her naturally.

Jiang Wei watched Zhi Ying go out with the umbrella, glanced at the umbrella near his hand, pretended not to see it, and went out through the door Zhi Ying opened.

Zhi Ying opened the umbrella, turned around, saw Jiang Wei coming out, and kindly shielded him from the rain.

"I'll do it." Jiang Wei naturally took the umbrella from Zhi Ying's hand, "Come closer."

"Oh." Zhi Ying not only handed over the umbrella but also moved two steps closer to Jiang Wei.

The two walked towards the teaching building together holding the large umbrella. Even though the umbrella was big, it was still a little bit reluctant to support the two of them in the increasingly heavy rain.

Zhi Ying had already hugged her school bag to her chest, and told Jiang Wei, "Don't carry your school bag behind you, it will get wet."

Jiang Wei held an umbrella in one hand, and it was obviously unrealistic to hold a school bag in the other. Seeing that he could only carry his school bag with his hands, Zhi Ying thought for a while and carried her school bag with her shoulders in front. Then she took Jiang Wei's school bag and held it.

"It's raining so hard." Zhi Ying muttered while holding the schoolbags, "Why is the teaching building so far away?"

Uncle Li's car could not drive into the school, and could only park at the school gate. They had to pass through a large field before entering the official teaching area.

At the beginning of November, it was not too cold yet in the south, but it was windy and rainy. Wearing only a few thin clothes would still cause people to shiver. Therefore, the students on the road were trembling, clutching their umbrellas and walking with their heads lowered.

Jiang Wei adjusted the angle of the umbrella to block the wind, so that wind wouldn't blow towards Zhi Ying. Then he simply put his other arm around her to save space.

The rain was too heavy, and Zhi Ying was afraid of the cold, so she focused all her attention on shivering and moving forward. She didn't notice Jiang Wei's movements, not to mention that it was quite warm to lean against him.

When they finally reached the teaching building, Zhi Ying was about to rush up the stairs but was held back by Jiang Wei.

"Slow down." Jiang Wei pulled Zhi Ying back and made her follow his own pace.

At this time, the stairway was full of water. Students were stepping into the building, water was dripping from umbrella tips, and almost no area on the stairs was dry. It was easy to slip if you were not careful.

"Oh." Zhi Ying walked obediently with Jiang Wei, "Why are you so careful?"

Jiang Wei sighed again in his heart, if no one took care of her in the future, what kind of mess would she live in?

"Be careful and you won't suffer." Jiang Wei pinched the bridge of his nose and lectured helplessly, "It's not a joke to fall from here."

Zhi Ying followed Jiang Wei upstairs, thinking that she actually wanted to be good friends with Jiang Wei, but why did he have to take her first place throne?

Because they went to and from school together, Jiang Wei and Zhi Ying got close at a speed that anyone with a discerning eye could see.

"What are you guys doing lately?" Han Jiaojiao found some free time and used the excuse to bask in the sun and took Zhi Ying out to chat.

"Who?" Zhi Ying was reluctant to come out to bask in the sun. She still hadn't finished reading this month's new mathematics journal. Originally, she was going to let Qin Li read it first, so she was enduring the pain of waiting.

"Jiang Wei. You two have been walking together a lot lately." Han Jiaojiao leaned on the railing, covering half of her face with the back of her hand. A little sunlight leaked through her fingers, and she closed her fingers again and opened, and closed, and so on.

"Oh, he moved, the house is not far from my house." Zhi Ying didn't dare to lean on the cold railing and stood up straight. She let the sun shine directly on her, like an obedient young girl.

"So?" Han Jiaojiao turned to look at Zhi Ying, "You guys are so close, if we didn't know that you two are competitors, we would have misunderstood you."

Misunderstanding what? Zhi Ying thought about it wholeheartedly, but she didn't ask.

"I want to date him." Zhi Ying thought for a while and felt that it was okay to discuss this matter with Han Jiaojiao.


Han Jiaojiao looked at Zhi Ying who said this with an innocent face in shock, and stammered, "You, what did you just say?"

"I want to date Jiang Wei." Zhi Ying frowned and repeated, was her voice so low just now?

"Is that what I thought…date?" Han Jiaojiao's eyes were wide open, "Why…all of a sudden?"

Zhi Ying turned her head to observe the surroundings and saw that no one was around, so she approached Han Jiaojiao and whispered in a small voice, "I heard that after dating, grades will drop rapidly. If Jiang Wei and I date, his grades will drop. If it drops, then I will be in first place."


Seeing Han Jiaojiao's silence, Zhi Ying felt guilty, pursed her lips, and asked, "Am I very bad?"

Han Jiaojiao's mind was blown into a mess, and it took her a long time to spit out a sentence, "If you two are in a relationship... and his grades have dropped, won't your grades also drop?"

"No!" Zhi Ying said confidently, "There is nothing more important than studying, and it is impossible for me to drop my grades because of dating."

"Then, how are you so sure that Jiang Wei's grades will drop because of dating?" Han Jiaojiao was mind blown by Zhi Ying's powerful logical thinking and even forgot to ask her if it was possible for them to date.

"Don't reveal it, Jiang Wei doesn't know yet." Zhi Ying looked around again and whispered.

Han Jiaojiao immediately swore, "Of course I won't reveal it, I'm not like Li Ge, a big gossipy mouth.

Han Jiaojiao said she wouldn't reveal it, and she really didn't. Han Jiaojiao kept such an 'earth-shattering secret' all to herself, but still felt panicked for Zhi Ying when she saw her seem to be hooking up with Jiang Wei. However, it also seemed like she wasn't hooking up with him.

Although Zhao Qian next to her didn't know about Zhi Ying's little plan, he had noticed the strange atmosphere between the two before. On the other hand, Han Jiaojiao, who was at the same table, didn't seem to have noticed it. He couldn't complain about it with someone, so he was also very uncomfortable.

"No, your idea is wrong." Jiang Wei moved Zhi Ying's test paper over, pointed to the beginning and said, "The essay needs to be based on the fact that no one is perfect, and you are off-topic."

"Everyone's ideas are different, so who can say whose perspective is wrong? The phrase off-topic is not applicable in composition in the first place!" Zhi Ying raised her voice, obviously dissatisfied.

"However, grading requires certain standards. If you follow your thinking, you will fail." Jiang Wei explained in a patient voice.

Zhi Ying held her pen and did not speak, protesting with silence. But she couldn't refute what Jiang Wei said.

"Besides, every time you finish a big math problem, isn't there an easier way to solve it? Why don't you write it down?" Jiang Wei asked, pointing to a small math test paper on Zhi Ying's desk.

"Well, that's because the simple method is not within the scope of high school." Zhi Ying frowned and answered.

Jiang Wei was patient and guided slowly, "Look, you know the standards for grading in mathematics, and you know that you don't need to solve problems beyond the outline. The same is true for composition, it requires certain standards."

Zhi Ying stared at the test paper and was silent for a while: "Then... lend me your test paper."

Zhao Qian listened to the argument behind him and thought, 'Why does it feel weird when these two people are discussing test papers?'

Han Jiaojiao next to him looked down at her test paper, but her eyes were blank. Her attention was also on the two people behind her, and she was speechless, 'Zhi Ying was so fierce, and she still wanted to date Jiang Wei?'