
I Quit Studies to Date

While ranked first till Middle School, now forever-No.2, Zhi Ying was submitting her homework, she overhead some teachers casually gossiping in the staffroom, about how a student’s academic performance had worsened significantly ever since he started dating.   Zhi Ying’s eyes lit up when she heard this, then and there she made up her mind to go approach the Year’s No.1 student, date him, and then let him drop rock-bottom in terms of academic performance! This way, she could be the number 1 student again!   Much later, still-forever-Number 2 Zhi Ying: If I can’t rank first in school, then I’ll settle for being their person instead!

Kroxius · realistisch
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87 Chs


"Hahaha!" Zhao Qian put his arms around Zhi Ying's shoulder, laughing breathlessly. He had a look of sympathy on his face as he said, "Brother, you have the same name as the provincial champion. You will feel so uncomfortable around others in the future."

The other two people reacted quickly. Han Jiaojiao consoled her, saying, "It's okay, she was the provincial champion in the past. It doesn't guarantee future success, maybe her grades will drop after three years of high school."

She didn't know the champion, Zhi Ying, so of course, she was closer to the newly-acquainted people who sat at the back table.

"I'm sorry, I don't think that's possible." Li Ge pushed up his round glasses and said solemnly, "As far as I know, starting in preschool, Zhi Ying never got second place in an exam. Consistency like that is no joke."

"She's that powerful?" Zhao Qian's eyes widened in awe before overcoming with sympathy for his temporary deskmate.

"It's alright." Zhi Ying said modestly, not wanting to draw undue attention to herself.

"It's okay, brother." Zhao Qian hugged Zhi Ying tightly, "Since we managed to enter Class Two, we are still smart. We will work hard for three years to catch up with Zhi Ying and trample her on the soles of our feet!"

"Actually..." Zhi Ying was about to explain when the headteacher walked in slowly.

He was a tall, thin, middle-aged man wearing black-rimmed glasses. He looked like a mild, kind person.

"Good morning, class," he greeted warmly, his eyes sweeping over the seated students before he introduced himself , "I am your headteacher, Lao Han."

"It seems that everyone is still conscious. The girls are all sitting in the middle, and the tall guys are all at the back. It's pretty good. These will be the seats; I am too lazy to adjust them anyway."

"Teacher, why aren't you adjusting the seats? I can't see clearly," A boy in the back row said as he raised his hand.

"He's second in the province. My middle school classmate who thinks he is even greater than the king of heaven," Li Ge pouted and introduced the boy to his three new friends in a low voice.

"Then why didn't you sit in the front, student?" Lao Han was still smiling.

"I was late, and the seats were all occupied." Unwillingly, the classmate second in the province confessed.

"Then why didn't you come earlier?" Lao Han was unmoved.

'Of course, I was still at home sleeping.' 

The student second in the province thought to himself, but still said seriously: "Teacher, you should arrange the seats according to grades."

"So childish, what an elementary school student." Han Jiaojiao looked down at the student, second in the province. In front of Zhi Ying, she roasted the provincial champion, "Only second in the province, and he's already crazy like this. Who knows how the provincial champion is going to be? Right, Zhi Ying?"

Zhi Ying: "…"

Lao Han's smile faded, unsettling the students in the classroom.

"You are all already in the first year of high school. I believe that everyone will not act like an elementary school student. If you are comparing here and there, you should get glasses sooner if your eyes are not good. Otherwise, your health will be delayed. " Lao Han saw that the student ranked second in the province still wanted to retort, so he pointed to the last row and said, "Speaking of arranging seats according to grades, the provincial champion, Zhi Ying, is sitting in the last row and didn't even complain. I believe other students shouldn't have anything to say."

Zhao Qian and Han Jiaojiao, who turned around in the front, both looked at Li Ge, and then followed the teacher's fingers. They stiffly turned to look at their new deskmate.

"Province-provincial champion Zhi Ying?" Han Jiaojiao stuttered.

Zhi Ying nodded silently. She wanted to explain, but she didn't have the time.

"Then… aren't you a female?" Zhao Qian reacted abruptly, bowing his head and awkwardly staring at his right hand.

Just now, he used this hand to wrap his arms around her shoulders! Several! Times!

"Yeah," Zhi Ying continued to nod her head.

For a moment, the new group fell silent.

"Okay, that's all about the seats." Lao Han knocked on the table, "A few boys will go with me to carry books and military training uniforms."

Then he casually ordered a few tall boys to go out.

As soon as the headteacher left, the class became lively again, but a certain corner was no longer lively.

"Cough, I was just joking just now, hahaha." Han Jiaojiao laughed dryly, "Don't mind."

"That's right!" Li Ge nodded sharply, "We didn't do it on purpose."

Zhi Ying waved her hand, indicating that it was all right.

"Drink milk, drink milk!" Zhao Qian proudly pulled a dozen milk bottles from his pockets and divided them. He invited them to drink and tried to flatter Zhi Ying.

The four of them restored the happy atmosphere before, listening to Li Ge talk about all kinds of gossip.

From time to time, Zhao Qian quietly glanced at his new deskmate, unable to calm down for a long time.

Zhao Qian couldn't help but notice Zhi Ying's tanned complexion and tall stature, contrasting with his expectations.

Her skin was so tanned that he couldn't tell if she was male or female.

Girls should have white and tender skin. If not, then at least they would have a petite figure.

Zhi Ying not only had tanned skin, but she was also tall!

He mused internally about typical feminine attributes, momentarily puzzled by the discrepancy.

Just as she sat down with her feet stretched out under the table, Zhao Qian felt aggrieved by the long legs.

After distributing the books and clothes, Lao Han randomly selected a few temporary shift workers. He then notified everyone to gather on the drill ground at seven o'clock tomorrow morning, and let them all go.

No. 1 High School did not implement closed management, and non-resident students accounted for more than half. As soon as Lao Han released them, three of the newly acquainted four returned to their homes.

Han Jiaojiao, carrying her military uniform, watched as Zhi Ying headed towards the dorms. Curious about her new friend's living arrangements, she couldn't help but ask, "Do you live on campus?"

Zhi Ying wiped her new crewcut and smiled, "Well, the school gave me a room for myself, so why wouldn't I take it?"

Her rhetorical question left Han Jiaojiao stunned for half a second as she nodded at Zhi Ying's words, finding them to be correct.