
I Quit Studies to Date

While ranked first till Middle School, now forever-No.2, Zhi Ying was submitting her homework, she overhead some teachers casually gossiping in the staffroom, about how a student’s academic performance had worsened significantly ever since he started dating.   Zhi Ying’s eyes lit up when she heard this, then and there she made up her mind to go approach the Year’s No.1 student, date him, and then let him drop rock-bottom in terms of academic performance! This way, she could be the number 1 student again!   Much later, still-forever-Number 2 Zhi Ying: If I can’t rank first in school, then I’ll settle for being their person instead!

Kroxius · realistisch
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87 Chs

5,000-Meter Upset

The two classes fell into a strange silence in an instant. However, the two involved parties did not respond, particularly Zhi Ying. She simply sat down on her own and took out a small notebook from her pocket.

There wasn't any event that she was participating in today, but as a contestant, she always had to be ready in case someone needed to be replaced.

"Haha..." Class Two's president gave a dry laugh and hurriedly greeted everyone to sit down, breaking the suffocating awkwardness.

Jiang Wei and Zhi Ying were separated by students from the two classes, sitting at the farthest edges of the seats. Zhi Ying didn't realize that she was being consciously isolated by the class.

The competition officially started at 8 o'clock. Most of the people from each class gathered on the drill ground to cheer for the participants in their class. A few stayed at the table to write inspirational words, distribute snacks and water, etc.

Zhi Ying and several of her classmates huddled together on a seat and shared a table, looking extremely crowded.

On the other hand, Jiang Wei, who sat at the very edge of Class One's seats, occupied a table and seat alone, which had a lot of space.

"Class President, go to the drill ground and have a look. It seems that someone in our class is injured!" Class One's students suddenly ran over and called Yu Qingyin away.

Immediately, more than half of Class One's students left.

At the same time, in Class Two's area, some students wanted to eat snacks. Acquiescing to their demands, Li Ge opened several bags, looked around, and decided to dump the contents onto the table.

"Zhi Ying, make some space." Li Ge very ruthlessly chose to have Zhi Ying move away.

The other classmates lying on the table were all writing hard, fighting for the honor of Class Two's broadcast words. Only Zhi Ying was doing math in a small notebook.

"Oh." Zhi Ying scratched her head and stood up very freely. Then she stood in the aisle alone and looked down at the numbers on the notebook, writing from time to time.

The entire school was originally crowded with people at this time, and everyone was shuttling back and forth. Zhi Ying was forcibly pushed around until finally stopping when she was pushed to an area where she could lean back.

"Hey–" Li Ge finished distributing the snacks and turned his head. He looked around, trying to find Zhi Ying to let her sit back down. But he didn't expect her to go over to Class One's seats, and she leaned on Jiang Wei's desk!

Jiang Wei probably hadn't noticed yet. He sat obliquely and read a book he held while Zhi Ying stood by the table with her head looking down, calculating.

Seeing this scene, those who didn't know might think that the two of them were classmates with a good relationship. Li Ge had a headache when he thought of the competitive relationship between the two.

'What a sin,' he lamented, knowing very well about Zhi Ying and her focused state. 'She doesn't care about anything when she starts doing math problems,'

"Pusi-Pusi-" Li Ge didn't dare run over. He could only try to make a little noise to attract Zhi Ying's attention.

Then Li Ge picked up his phone and took a picture of them close-up. He texted it to Zhi Ying.

This time it worked. Zhi Ying bit her pen, tilted her head, and took out her phone from her trouser pocket.

She frowned first, then looked up at the opposite end, where she saw Li Ge, who was waving wildly.

Seeing that Zhi Ying was still silent, Li Ge sent her another message: [Jiang Wei is next to you!!!]

The three exclamation marks fully reflected Li Ge's anxiety and madness.

Zhi Ying turned her head to see the familiar back and glanced at Li Ge again as if she understood something. She gestured OK to Li Ge, and then naturally sat down next to Jiang Wei.

"??" Li Ge was stunned.

Everything that followed was like a slow-motion replay in Li Ge's eyes. After Zhi Ying sat down, she even crossed her legs and put the notebook on her knees, concentrating on calculating her math problems. And Jiang Wei, next to her, just turned his head to glance at Zhi Ying, and then continued to look back at his book.

...Excuse me, he thought too much.

Li Ge turned around in despair and, for the first time, felt that the relationship and emotions between the student gods were beyond what mortals like them could understand. Their competition was full of magnanimity. It was completely unlike what narrow-minded people like them thought.

He was the one who was wrong!

Li Ge walked out of the back-up area in a trance and disappeared into the crowded drill ground.

As for Zhi Ying, she misunderstood that Li Ge's intention was to help her find a place to settle down.

Jiang Wei was still looking at the logic theory that he hadn't finished reading before. He turned his back to the table while Zhi Ying was facing Jiang Wei in the opposite direction. She had put her notebook on her lap for a while, and probably because she was tired, she put the notebook on the table and lay down to write.

The two of them turned a deaf ear to the noise of the outside world and focused on their own business. There was a vacuum around them, and no one else could get in.

At least, this is what Yu Qingyin, who rushed back, saw.

Taking a deep breath, Yu Qingyin stepped forward to break the silence.

"Classmate Zhi Ying, why did you come to our class?" Yu Qingyin smiled, "Another class president next door would say that we robbed you."

"They won't." Zhi Ying didn't even raise her head and continued to solve her questions with all her heart.

Yu Qingyin took a deep breath while clenching her hands tightly, then released them and, after a moment, said, "Classmate Zhi Ying is really open-minded, and she doesn't mind that our two classes are competitors at all."

Only then did Zhi Ying raise her head in doubt and replied, "Our class's open space was squeezed out by your class, so we can get along nicely, right?"

Jiang Wei suddenly closed his book and shot a glance at Zhi Ying, asking, "Do you want to go to the supermarket?"

Zhi Ying looked at Jiang Wei blankly and had an inexplicable feeling that the direction of the conversation was off.

"Let's go." Jiang Wei held Zhi Ying's collar with two fingers.

"Oh." Zhi Ying had to close her small book and stumble to follow Jiang Wei, leaving Yu Qingyin in a daze.

The weather was a bit cold and the wind was strong, and Zhi Ying sniffled from the cold wind that blew.

Jiang Wei glanced at Zhi Ying from the corner of his eye, and he said, "Last time you said you would invite me for breakfast, is it still true?"

Zhi Ying wanted to answer that she had already invited him once, but she swallowed the words when she saw Jiang Wei's cold and sharp eyes.

"Yes." Zhi Ying lowered her head and pursed her lips, feeling that she was being taken advantage of.

Jiang Wei took the campus card from Zhi Ying and went to the window to get two cups of soy milk. He kept a cup for himself and handed Zhi Ying another cup.

"Do you only drink soy milk?" Zhi Ying thought he would order something else to eat.

"I'll get something else next time." Jiang Wei said lightly, returning the card to Zhi Ying.

"Oh." Zhi Ying bit the straw and followed Jiang Wei out of the cafeteria. She lowered her head and drank for a while before she realized, 'Why would I give him my campus card next time?'

Before she had time to question Jiang Wei's shrewd abacus, Zhi Ying had already sat with him under a tree in the flower bed.

Jiang Wei ignored Zhi Ying. He put the soy milk aside, picked up his book, and continued to read, returning to the state he was in when he was at the backup area just now.

Zhi Ying stared at Jiang Wei for a while and finally took out her notebook to continue her calculations.