
I owned a planet in another world

It is a story of a man that was diagnosed with an incurable disease then becomes depressed. When the opportunity arrives, he grabs it but an accident happens and he dies. Dying full of regrets, he wished to be given a second chance, then when he woke up he was transmigrated in the body of a 19-year-old boy named Aaron Seljack. Follow Aaron's journey in achieving his life goals, how he will overcome many obstacles he will face and live his life without regret.

Dis_c0nnected · Fantasie
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3 Chs


"Are you the new volunteer?"

"Yes, I am" I gladly answer

"Welcome to our group, I am the team leader come here I will introduce you to the other member"

I come along with the team leader. He introduces me to the other member of the group and discuss the place we need to go.

"Guys, here is a new volunteer and he is a teacher…"

"Nice to meet you"

"Welcome to the group"

"I hope we can work with you"

After the meeting, the group started to move. We are climbing a mountain to reach secluded places and give aid such as medical treatment/consultation, education and assistance to the people living there.

We are a group of volunteers that are funded by private organizations to help those who are in need. As an education graduate, I am assigned to teach children reading, writing and basic arithmetic.

"Hey, Are you okay" asked one of the volunteers.

"Gasp, gasp, gasp,... yes" I responded while heavily panting.

"If you are tired, we can rest for a while", the team leader suggested, but I refused his offer.

"No no, we can continue climbing. I'm just a little tired, but I can still climb."

This is my first mission together with the group, so I do not want to be a burden to them.

"Tell us if you can't continue so we can stop for a second for a break."

I just nodded and continued climbing because I was too tired to even speak.

A few hours later, we reached the village. The village is located in the tropical mountains, where the vegetation is thick. The village grew at the top of the mountain where civilization cannot reach.

The village consists of 20-35 houses made of wood and bamboo. The houses are far from each other. The population is around 140 and their primary sources of income come from hunting and charcoal production.

The villagers welcomed us warmly and assisted us to the village chief. "Please follow us to the village chief house" said by one of the villager

"Thank you, please lead the way" answered one of the volunteers.

After reaching the house at the highest peak of the mountain, the village chief opened the door and greeted us. "Welcome to our village, please have a seat and feel yourself at home."

"Thank you village chief for your warm welcome to us", our team leader replied.

After a long discussion between the team leader and the village chief, all of us were tired. One of the villagers led us to one of the houses and said "This will be your house during your stay in our village."

"I will go first so you can rest for a while. If you have any problems or questions, don't be scared to ask anyone in the village. They will gladly help you".

We nodded "Thank you"

"Uhm, I almost forgot we were having a small celebration tonight for your arrival, so come to the village square later, at 8:00 p.m."

"Yes, we will come tonight."

After the villagers left, I immediately lay on the wooden bed and took a quick nap. Because I was so tired, the quick nap became a deep sleep.

When I woke up, the place was already dark. My coworker had already left and just left a note that stated to come to the village square after I woke up. I immediately stood to clean up and went to the village square but I didn't know where it was located.

Luckily, the noise of the drums and the villagers singing and laughing can be heard in this place. I follow where the noise comes from. There's no moon in the sky tonight, which make the surroundings darker.

Since there is no electricity in the village, I cannot see the pathway clearly. That led to myself being tripped over the rock. To avoid falling head first, I rotated my body sideways and rolled myself to minimize the impact.

But when I notice that there is a cliff behind me, it is already too late to react. Unable to stop myself, I fell over the cliff. While falling, all my memories flashback before me.

At a young age, the only thing I think about is how I can get my family out in poverty. Living in a poor family, I am a very diligent and hardworking student.

I do not have any vices or bad habits. I avoided anything that can cause distraction in my study.

I study without rest for me to change my life, but after graduating college I was diagnosed with an incurable disease and I only have less than 5 years to live.

I became depressed when I discovered my illness. Knowing that I couldn't use all the things I had studied for 13 years.

During the darkest moment of my life, the only thing that gives light to me is watching anime and reading manga, manhwa and web novels.

I shut myself in my room for almost two years and was just waiting for my death. I neglect taking care of my body and the depression eats me up.

While reading on the web, there was an advertisement that popped up and a new opportunity arrived for me. A private company was looking for a volunteer teacher.

Without a second thought, I immediately grabbed the opportunity. Being a volunteer teacher opens up a new world for me. Seeing different traditions and cultures, interacting with diverse groups of people and learning new knowledge about life.

But when I started to walk the path of a new beginning, god decided to end my life before I take a step on it. When I find new light, destiny block the way. The doctor says that I still have five years to live, but why are the five years cut short?

Dying at the age of 26, I have many regrets. If I had known that I would die this young, I had hoped I would have enjoyed my youth and school life. I hope I can take care of my body. I hope I didn't waste my two years of life being a shut-in. I hope I make my life more memorable.

If there is a second life just like in a novel, it doesn't matter whether it is a reincarnation, Isekai or transmigration. If there is a second chance, I will make my life more fulfilling.

I will make my life more enjoyable and memorable. I will fulfill my dream that I didn't in this life. I will create my own school where I can teach many students, I will create a large farm that can sustain all the needs of my school and I will continue to expand my knowledge and ability as a human.

Before I finish fantasizing about things I will do in my second life, my body crashes to the ground strongly enough to cause a loud sound.

Boom! Crack!


After gaining consciousness, I felt my whole body aching. I felt all the broken bones and open wounds throughout my whole body.

Opening my eyes, I saw a light coming from the ceiling and saw that there was a massive hole directly above where my body was lying, indicating that I fell from above, causing its collapse.

The first thought that came to my mind was 'where am I? Did I survive the fall? How strong is the impact of the fall that causes the ground to collapse?...".

My mind is still recovering from the fall and all my body is screaming in pain. When my head turned to the left, I saw a large beast lying on the ground without life.

'What?... I-is that a bear? But how was there a bear here? There are no bears in my country and even if there were… they wouldn't grow this big'

My mind becomes more confused when I see a four-meter bear lying beside me. I kept asking my mind 'is this a dream? Is it for real?' but no matter what I think, it is real.

I was in the middle of nowhere, so the possibility that someone would see me was very slim and the only way to survive is to move, but all parts of my body are paralyzed.

Waiting for some miracle to happen, I stayed awake for almost an entire day, but there is no miracle. Seeing my situation right now, the only thing I feel is hopelessness.

Suddenly, there's a lot of massive information that came to my mind that causes my head to hurt. It feels like my head will split into half. The excruciating pain inside my brain lasts for almost 30 minutes.


After all the information is transferred to my mind, I become unconscious again. A few seconds past and I regained consciousness.

'I thought I would die again hah'

'Based from the memory I got, it looks like I transmigrated into this body'