
I Own a Succubus and a System

Denny Lorenzo has everything required to never get a friend, let alone a girlfriend. Poor, introvert and... the list is long. Who would have thought that one night, a succubus, the most beautiful girl he had ever seen would come begging him to become her boyfriend? She even gives him a strange system. He can now visit a fantasy world and... Enough with words. I guess it's time to become both rich and handsome while enjoying beauties and revenge. ———————— Love&support!——#FrequentUpdates——

ErioMillionz · Fantasie
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34 Chs

Warm up! [r18]

Author: I know some people might say that it's still too early for what's going to happen in these two following chapters to happen. However, Denny's new body is frozen and Amellia has no other means at hand to warm him up except *cough cough* warming him up. I hope you enjoy it instead.


Denny felt cold air pressing against his skin and tried to open his eyes, but to no avail. He gave it a second try and it was impossible, almost as if he had turned blind.

'What's happening to me?'

All he remembered was settling himself in his bed and Amellia placing her hand on his forehead, telling him to be ready to take a ride to her world.

Did he reach there?

He tried to open his eyes for the third time, but not only his eyes couldn't open. Even his arms couldn't move, his legs, his... nothing on him he could be able to move.

'Don't tell me she has tricked me. No! How? She looks like an innocent girl.'

The usual war within his mind began.

'An innocent girl? She's a demonness, you fool! Probably a thousand years old.'

Come to think of it, she had told him she was a creature of lust. Did it mean she could do whatever it could take her to have her lust quenched?

'Oh gods!'

Denny's mind started creating worst scenarios. He saw Amellia's nails elongating, her tongue becoming like a snake and her mouth becoming as wide as a canyon. Nails would tear him apart, tongue he didn't know, then the wide mouth would swallow him.

Before any of those could come true, Denny felt something hard like a stone caressing his face. As he panicked thinking that it was a knife, the temperature within his body rose in volume though not enough to chase away the coldness he was feeling.

Surprisingly, as his body gradually became hot, the thing that was brushing against his skin now felt soft. It was not a stone like he had assumed.

'Fingers? That's Amellia's hand probably. What's she doing?'

Denny imagined himself tied by several strong chains, then saw Amellia hovering over him, caressing his skin and ready to...

'Oh gods!'

As a result, his eyes which felt like there was a super glue binding them fluttered open. He didn't get a chance to be happy though. Because, as he had been imagining, Amellia was hovering over him, looking at him with admiration in her lustful ruby eyes, busy running her hands over his skin.

'What are you doing?'

He tried to shout at her but his mouth couldn't open. He couldn't even flinch his head to look at himself and confirm if he really was tied.

Meanwhile, Amellia who was joyful and busy caressing the skin on his face changed her expression when she noticed he had finally opened his eyes... not in a way Denny had assumed, though.

She stopped caressing him, leaned in and kissed him on the lips.

'Damn it! What the hell are you doing?'

Again, when he tried to shout at her, his mouth refused to open.

'I'm under a spell! She's bewitched me!'

What else could Denny think of?

Amellia sucked on his lips for a few seconds, changed the strategy and licked them instead. It was as if all she wanted was not to kiss him but... to tease him? Denny couldn't understand.

Finally, she threw her head backwards with a sad expression, almost like a coach who had just lost a match. Then, she sighed, offered Denny a smile that looked like an encouraging one and said:

"I know what you're thinking right now. What the fuck am I doing. That's what you're thinking and many more insults, right?"

If Denny's mouth could open, he would have told her to shut the fuck up and tell him what she was up to. But alas, his mouth, being as stubborn or under a spell as it was, it refused to open.

Amellia stared at him as if she wanted him to say something. When he didn't even move a muscle, she sighed once again and said:

"Don't worry, boyfriend! Ain't going to do anything bad to you. When Goddess Natasha gave me this body, this avatar that your soul had migrated into, I bought it here to freeze it so it would not decompose. That's why I'm trying to tease you so the body can warm up and come to it's normal."

Goddess Natasha, the avatar... these things Denny didn't understand. However, about the frozen body needingc a warm up, he understood.

'OK! Go on and do it! I don't like this feeling of coldness... nor did I like being held in place like a prisoner.

Amellia stood up, loosened the strings of her soft amethyst dress and...

'What the... this bitch, what's she doing? Can't she make a bonfire near me and wait until I warm up. Do I really need to get raped so I can warm up?'

Some unknown feeling spread throughout his entire body and, at some point, he felt like her medicine was working. Because, laying his eyes on her nudity filled his mind with dirty thoughts. Now he could feel the temperature within him rising like never before, his senses becoming too sharp for him to feel much coldness from outside his body.

Amellia stood there surveying him. Her gaze was scanning him up and down before she sighed for the fourth time and stepped over him.

'Oh my goodness!'

She placed one of her long slender legs on one side, then another on another side as if he was a motorbike and her a motorcyclist, preparing herself to sit on the bike and ride it.

'Amellia please, you know you're completely naked. Why do me this? Why?'

The Amellia in question sat on him, her honey pot positioned on a place where his little brother should have been.

"Uh... boyfriend, forgive me for being naughty. I have to warm you up, don't you think?"

She then leaned in and pressed her juicy boobies on him, licking his mouth and running her long soft fingers all over his body like a succubus would do.

Denny wanted to curse but his mouth was as sturbon as it could be. All he could do was feel that something was changing. Inside his body, things were swirling. He could feel the flow of his blood increasing and...

Speaking of blood flow, now, it was as if his blood was flowing toward only one direction, each and every droplet within his body wanting to be the one to reach there first. As all blood continued pouring into his groin, something that have been slumbering woke up and throbbed.

...To be exact, his little brother throbbed.

'I'm going to... Oh gods!'

**What do you think about the story?