


I was just thinking when Mia walked in with a tray of dinner in her hands and looked at my puppy face.

tears warning to brim down


"what happened to you?why it seems like you've just been kicked on your ass..."


Mia placed the tray on the bed side table and sat beside me

"what with that long face?

if nothing then ....

is there a competition of filling buckets of tears?

just spill the beans already"


should I tell her.she will be worried


she is my friend and moreover that she let me stay at her house....so perhaps she could give me some piece of sympathy


so as you know it was my first day at work"

"yeah so"Mia pays All her attention to lily

"ummm...when I was serving the customers at table number 1.some weird dudes at table number 3 were checking me out so I felt gazes piercing my soul . I turned my skull where those sires were rooted but I let it go thinking of them spoiled brats....

just at the moment they signaled me to come over to take their order...


to take a better view of my good God knows what...

I asked them politely because it was my motherfucking job to do so

but those asses...

started to pass me obnoxious comments.I felt shit after hearing their speech and was about to go but one piece of crap of them got his ass up and approached me but what he did was absolute bullshit...


he grabbed my boobs with his lousy hands"


Mia stood up when rage took all over her

"how they dare to do that.

those assholes..."

"relax Mia there is a lot more severe stuff which needs to be done"

Mia try to relax and turned her attention to me after sitting

"what's that?"she growl

"Well ...

as you know it's lavish

so only dolled up loaded people are attendees as well it's obvious that they are brats.

they all stood up and misbehaved with me so I slapped one of them and tried to dump them but they got power and all those shitty people... at that lousy club were just watching like a good show.

they beat the crap out of me , destroy every single stuff in sight and leave ....

recall it.you were inquiring about the reason of bruises I am blessed with....

here ya go

and moreover that there is a gigantic amount of money I have to pay that rat I mean owner for the loss those asses are responsible for" lily sighs

"why would YOU pay?"Mia bombard a question

"I told ya....

they are wealthy that is the only reason people were just watching and doing nothing

in addition to that


why would that ass require them to pay knowing that fact that I am powerless and if he insists on paying I will do so because I stand in need of that shitty job of his... currently"

"by the way what is the amount of money you have to pay?"

"it's..."lily hesitated

"say it already"

"it's twenty million dollars "

"ok..."Mia mocks with astonishment

"I am done.

ExcUSe mE...whAt!

is he a boney head?

I am going to talk to him"Mia stood up

"no you won't "Lily stopped her

"why is that for?"Mia asked with a straight face

"well I already did but he is rooted on his words"

"no he's not.

if he won't listen. I know how to make people do what they don't want to"Mia claimed"

"the thing is...

he growled at that time in front of everyone that he won't let me resign nor will he forget even if I am not responsible for that

so guess..."she pauses

"I have to pay"lily sighs

"how will you pay him when you don't have any penny or bucks "

"I will do moonlighting "

"are you sure?"

"I don't have any choice "


I have collected some money for a plane ticket to France and to meet my expenses there.

I will give that to you"

"you don't have to.

and the amount of moolah is pile of dollars.

you already did way much for me so

no need....

I don't want to bother you more "

"you are not bothering me cause

I want to help you.

lemme think.....

all I have is....

I guess so

one thousand dollars"

"thanks girl but...."feeling down

"it's motherfucking twenty million dollars

what should I do ?

I want to dump him but I just..... can't "

"if you don't want me to talk to him

he certainly will treat you like shit and ...

you will let him cause you need that fucking job .....

come on!

just because of that ...

you will pay him twenty million dollars ,are you out of your only mind"

"well Mia it's not like that

I just can't....

I am homeless and disowned

what do you expect ?"

"well whatever it is .....

I insisted you to let me force him but you didn't so guess you wanna be submissive...

now Don't shed the lakes and let's talk about it tomorrow cuz it's eleven now"

Mia stands up and picks up the tray from the bed side table and hands it to lily

"now eat this food....

which you made tasteless junk and sleep somehow for now...

we will waste our brain cells on that by tomorrow "

after this speech Mia walked out of the room subsequent to shutting the door behind her


"how could I explain her ...

why I was submissive?

because that motherfucker clicked some of my pictures being naked God knows from where?

perhaps when I was changing that uniform...

what should I do?."

Lily sighed and shrugged that thought for now

she stared at the food in front of her sight

and began to munch on the meal

after eating she placed the tray on the bedside table and got up to clean her teeth...

she lifelessly enters the powder room and starts to frazzle the soft bristle of brush on her teeth

she winds it up and walks out of the bathroom

after turning the lamp off she hit the sack somehow with thoughts clouding her poor brain.....



this was the second chapter

hope you liked it

thanks for reading.....