
The Long Walk to Trouble    


Later that night, Horizon and the group decided to head back into the city for dinner, leaving Frigid behind to guard their belongings.


They trudged through the dimly lit streets, the air thick with the smell of rain and the distant hum of the city. Horizon and everyone was determined to get enough food for everyone, even if it meant a long trek back.


As they walked, Lydia couldn't hide her displeasure. "Why don't we just stay at a hotel? It's better than that shack we're living in. We can afford it, right?"


She wasn't wrong. The loot they had gathered from the Lizardmen cave could easily fetch 200,000 gil or 2 Aurum—enough to live comfortably for a while.


Having 2 Aurums in hand as an independent player—without the backing of any guild—was no small feat.