
I need to clear this hell game

Denji had a difficult life, he lost his father and needs to take care of his sick mother and his 8-year-old sister. On his 18th birthday, he gets hit by a car, but instead of dying, he ends up in a game. If he wins he can go back, but if he fails he will never see his family again. He is ready to do anything, even kill people. As he contiune to play this game he meets Aoki, a 19 year-old boy. Even though Denji didn't want to be with him, Aoki always followed and in the end they decided to clear this game together. They overpowered everyone with denji's black magic and Aoki's holy magic- the two rarest powers. But as they contiune it gets harder and more people die, will they both be able to survive?

Writer_black_snake · Fantasie
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6 Chs

Untrust Between People

Denji and Aoki entered the room that opened after they killed the boss. It was a big white room with all the people that survived.

Many were killed. There were smaller groups now, and not as many as before. At least half of the people had died in this round.

**Welcome to the safe zone!* said Yami who appeared out of nowhere.**

**This is a safe zone where you can rest and heal your wounds. You have cleared floor 0, that was just a test to kill those who don't deserve to play this game. When you are ready to go to floor 1, go through the black door there.** He said and disappeared once again.

"Let's rest a bit and then prepare us as much as we can before going to floor 1," said Aoki.

Denji nodded and they went to a spot at the back of the room where there weren't any people.

They lay down on the ground and closed their eyes.

After a while, a man approached them.

After the short introduction, he started talking about floor 0, he talked about how hard it was and how many people already died. It was too dangeous to go to floor 1 alone or in just a small group and asked id they wanted too join his team.

The offer itself was tempting, but there was something fishy about this man. The aura around him was not good and the look in his eyes was evil. He could not be trusted.

Aoki nicely rejected the offer, but Fang was not pleased with it. His fake smile disappeared and he looked at them with his cold eyes. He stood there for some time as if waiting that they would agree and then turned around. As he was leaving, he quietly said something, 'beware of the consequences kids, and dont say i didn't warn you'.

Aoki sighted.

"You can never trust people like that right?" Aoki said.

"Yeah," Denji said. "Let's sleep here one night and then go to the first floor tomorrow morning"

After they said that none of them could fall asleep. The feeling of unease was big. They could feel many impure eyes staring at them with bad intentions.

The whole world changed for them in just one day and they even died before coming to this place. Who in their right mind could feel at ease in this moment?

They were laying on the floor pretending to be asleep and at the same time were on guard just like everyone. No one in this room was asleep and no one trusted others even those in the same group. They are just strangers that met not so long ago.

Denji looked up at the ceiling. He thought about his mother and younger sister. He didn't know if mother was still alive or not, if she died then what happened to his sister? But even if mother is still alive, she can't pay for her hospital bills.

"He is needed there, he needs to find a way back home", thought Denji worried like never before.

Thinking about his family made the time go faster, and before he even knew it morning had come.

Denji and Aoiki stand up and took their weapons. They were hungry, thirsty, and tired, but there was nothing they could do. The only thing they could do was to hope that after floor 1, they will be able to get some food.

They left the waiting room and went to the 'entrance-room. A room that was the entrance to the next floor. There they saw only one red, old small door this time.

They looked at each other, took a deep breath to calm their fast beating-hearts and opened the door with their sweaty because of all the stress, hands.

The fear was bigger than ever...

Please leave a rewiev, I'm desperate! T-T

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