
I need to clear this hell game

Denji had a difficult life, he lost his father and needs to take care of his sick mother and his 8-year-old sister. On his 18th birthday, he gets hit by a car, but instead of dying, he ends up in a game. If he wins he can go back, but if he fails he will never see his family again. He is ready to do anything, even kill people. As he contiune to play this game he meets Aoki, a 19 year-old boy. Even though Denji didn't want to be with him, Aoki always followed and in the end they decided to clear this game together. They overpowered everyone with denji's black magic and Aoki's holy magic- the two rarest powers. But as they contiune it gets harder and more people die, will they both be able to survive?

Writer_black_snake · Fantasie
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6 Chs

The game

Denji opened his eyes in shock and breathed heavily.

All the images of that night came to his mind. He got hit by a car, so why is he still alive and where is he?

He didn't understand anything but decided to remain calm and investigate the environment around him.

He looked around, it was a dusty dark room, there were spider webs, insects, rats, and even-

"corpses?!" he screamed in shock.

He fell on his back and moved away from the body. There he sat on the cold and dirty floor shocked and scared.

But he knew he couldn't just sit there, so he mustered all his courage, stood up, and went to one of the corpses.

He wasn't sure if they were dead, so he must check it.

He carefully approached the body, put his face on the body, and listened. He was nervous, what if the person really is dead?

Denji closed his eyes. The cold sweat ran down his forehead, he was trembling and his hands were sweating like hell.

*thump thump thump*

-sight. "that's good" he said relived as he sat down on the floor.

Then he saw something shine on the wall. He got very curious and went to where the light came from. There was a crack in the wall and in there he found a light ball.

He hesitated for a while but soon put his hand in the crack and took out the shiny ball.

A weird voice started to say something in his head.

*Congratulations player you have found a de-de-de#<*^#£&$¤#/)"#*


He got struck with a strong headache, it hurt like hell. He screamed so loud that his throat started to hurt.

The pain was unbearable, it hurt so much that his brain shut down and he fainted.


*Hello everyone! Wakey wakey little sleepy birds! It's time to start the game.*

Denji opened his eyes, and the first thing he thought of was that shiny ball. He quickly looked around him but it was nowhere to be found. It was gone. The weird voice he heard earlier, what was that? It said something like a system. Whatever it is, I'm sure that it will be explained later.

He was a bit disappointed but he knew there wasn't time for that.

Everyone around him started to wake up and at the front, near a door that wasn't there last time, stood a person with a black mask covering his entire face.

*Okay, now that you all are awake let me tell you the rules-*

"Hey! ya little shit, I don't care about your rules. Let me out of here!" said a thug interrupting the person in the mask. 'Sigh' there are always people like that.

The other people started looking at each other and whispering something. It seemed like they thought that the thug was right, but before they could say anything the man in the mask started laughing.

It wasn't a normal laugh, it was like those psychopaths in movies.

He laughed for a while before he approached the thug, took a sword out of nowhere, and killed him.

The screams of people echoed throughout the room, people were afraid. They cried like babies and were in despair.

*Now that nobody will interrupt me let's continue. You can call me Yami* he said while smiling so his white teeth showed.

*There are only 2 rules, 1-don't die easily, that would be boring and 2- do all it takes, anything, to survive*

The people looked at each other once again.

"S-survive? s-so we can d-die?" They were afraid, but that's normal I guess, it's only me who is weird, Denji thought.

*Clap clap clap* Yami interrupted everyone.

*Before we start I will teach you guys a thing.*

*This world is a bit different from your former world if you concentrate you will see your status which shows your skills, mp, and your karma. The other thing you have is a backpack, it's small now but as you level up it will get bigger. Then good luck* he said and then disappeared leaving a timer, 5 hours 59 minutes.

"Was that supposed to be called teaching us?" Denji thought.

He sighed and then tried to concentrate but it was hard, The people around him cried, screamed, and started arguing.

Then a man comes to him.

"Hi, I'm Aoki nice to meet you," he said. Denji looked at him for a while but then turned away and continued to concentrate. He had white hair and beautiful blue eyes like his sisters. He was around his age too, but Denji didn't want any friends. He needs to clear this game and go back.

Aoki looked at him a little disappointed but then sat down next to Denji and tried to concentrate.


*Congratulations, you succeeded in opening the status window. 10 Karma to the two of you who were the first people to succeed.*

They both opened their eyes and looked at each other.

"Hahaha, that's good, we both succeeded at the same time. Maybe it's fate!" He said.

Denji looked at him. "Think what you want", he said and looked through his status. Aoki did the same.


Name: Denji (18yo) Race: human

Level: 1 (0/10) Karma:10

Mp: 20/20 Intelligence: 4

Strength: 5 Agility: 7

Attack power: 3 Healing Power: 2


Name: Aoki (19yo) Race: Human

Level: 1 (0/10) Karma: 10

Mp: 25/25 Intelligence: 5

Strength: 4 Agility: 5

Attack power: 2 Healing power:3

They both then looked in the backpack and took out a dagger.

*An old dagger: Attack 10*

"Only 10 minutes left, should we fight a little, who knows what will happen after the 10 minutes, maybe it will be good if we can use the dagger," Aoki said.

Denji looked at him, he was right. Who knows what will happen. He nodded and then they started.

*The time is out! Now let's open the doors and start our adventure. I wish you all good luck and don't die, hahaha* someone said and the doors opened...


Writer_black_snakecreators' thoughts