
I, Naruto's Uncle, Am Really Invincible

*THIS IS A TRANSLATION* https://www.wuxiap.com/novel/naruto-uncle-i-am-really-invincible.html Naruto Uncle, I Am Really Invincible This is a translation of Chinese Novel. ********** Synopsis: Venturing into the Naruto World, Kazuhiko found himself positioned as Naruto's future uncle, the cousin of Kushina, and the emerging head of the Uzumaki Clan, which teetered on the brink of annihilation. Kazuhiko had initially anticipated leading a life of leisure as a wealthy second-generation individual. Yet, fate had different plans. The Land of Whirlpools stood on the precipice of devastation. Providentially, just as this crisis emerged, an activation signal resonated within him - the initiation of a unique system that promised rewards through daily logins. He signed in as a member of the Uzumaki Clan, reaping the reward of the [Admiral Kizaru Template], a boon to his powers. Logging into the clandestine chamber within the Uzumaki family estate, he gained the [Death God Zaraki Kenpachi Template]. Further sign-ins on Naruto Rock granted him the coveted [Sage Body]. And within the Valley of the End, yet another sign-in bestowed upon him the [Rinnegan], an ability of profound significance. Years flowed by, and Uzumaki Kazuhiko proudly stood atop the pyramid of the ninja world. With his ascendancy, the Uzumaki lineage claimed the mantle of the foremost family in the realm of shinobi. ********** The cover photo is not mine. If you are the owner message me and I will remove it.

Nobody2NoBody · Anime und Comics
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290 Chs

Chapter 247 : Red Slogan?

Kazuhiko strolled through the bustling work sites, his keen eyes inspecting every detail.

As Kazuhiko passed by, workers and ninjas alike would respectfully pause their tasks to salute him...

The warmth in Kazuhiko's heart swelled with satisfaction.

In his previous life, despite holding leadership roles, he had never experienced such genuine admiration from others. The heartfelt respect from everyone around him was a new and invigorating sensation.

"This feeling... it's truly something else!" Kazuhiko couldn't contain his joy.

With a smile adorning his face, Kazuhiko nodded in camaraderie with those around him, acknowledging their hard work and dedication.

Occasionally, he would approach them, inquiring about their progress, ensuring they had enough to eat, asking if they had fallen ill, and soliciting suggestions for improvement...

It was his way of affirming their importance to the future of the Red Republic, letting them know that each individual played a vital role in the nation's prosperity.

If it weren't for the fear of startling them, Kazuhiko would have eagerly extended his hand in gratitude.

Regardless, after his interactions, the citizens of Red Republic, be they civilians or ninjas, all expressed heartfelt gratitude, their spirits uplifted.

Each person seemed eager to contribute to the Red Republic, dedicating themselves wholeheartedly without regrets...

Observing this scene, Kazuhiko nodded with contentment. Yes, everyone was putting in their utmost effort.

He could sense their genuine love for the country, their appreciation for the current era of peace.

In the wake of recent propaganda efforts, they were all aware of the looming conflicts among the major powers.

Numerous smaller nations had already been affected, giving rise to a surge in refugees.

Yet, amidst these turbulent times, they cherished the precious tranquility they currently enjoyed.

And as for whose propaganda it was, there was no need to question—the mastermind behind it all was none other than Kazuhiko himself.

Having installed a loudspeaker directly in the central square, every evening after the workers had returned home and tidied up, the broadcast would commence.

Around seven o'clock, the latest news from the ninja world would be shared. It consisted of reports detailing the hardships faced by foreign nations, the plight of displaced people, and the flourishing prosperity of the Red Republic.

Simultaneously, it wasn't just news; various policies and regulations were also broadcast periodically, alongside practical life tips, humorous anecdotes, and more.

Regardless of gender, there was something for everyone, ensuring that each listener felt engaged and informed.

Observing the towering loudspeaker in the central square, Kazuhiko pondered, "When will this technology reach every corner of the Red Republic?"

He envisioned broadcasting messages like these without requiring people to gather in the square daily. Each region could have its own loudspeaker.

Kazuhiko proposed this idea, which was eventually developed by the Academy of Sciences and was currently in production.

As he walked down the bustling streets, surrounded by the enthusiasm of the citizens, Kazuhiko couldn't shake the feeling that something was missing.

Despite his initial uncertainty, he noticed the diligent efforts of those around him. No one was cutting corners or slacking off. In his perception, everyone was dedicated.

"What's missing?" he mused. "Ah, of course! Red slogans! How could I forget!"

"The red slogans of the working class! They give soul to our endeavors!"

"It's like dumplings without vinegar or tofu without sugar—both lack soul!"

In a flash, familiar slogans flooded Kazuhiko's mind.

"Labour is the most honorable pursuit!"

"Champion the spirit of labor and strive to lead the way!"

"Bravery, tenacity, hard work, and dedication!"

"Stay focused and stay motivated!"

Kazuhiko realized that such red thoughts were essential in the ninja world.

Determined, he decided to visit the Department of Culture and Education later and request red cloth strips with these slogans written on them.

He planned to distribute them in various locations, subtly promoting literacy and reducing illiteracy in the process.

In the current ninja world, most civilians were illiterate, but Kazuhiko knew this was not uncommon.

Without ninjas teaching them, many would never learn to read or write.

These slogans not only promoted labor but could also enhance literacy. With a few words to memorize each day, over time, literacy rates could naturally improve.

"More children, more trees," Kazuhiko proclaimed, echoing the sentiment of nurturing both life and nature. "Fight to be the first; never settle for second place!" he added, emphasizing the importance of ambition and perseverance.

Promoting the indomitable spirit of resilience was not the only goal; fostering literacy was equally paramount. Kazuhiko had already devised a plan. They would establish another night school, catering to the needs of adults in the community.

In addition to the existing red school for children, enrollment would be open to young adults and even the middle-aged. This expanded education initiative aimed to not only educate them about the nation's policies but also to raise awareness about current affairs, underscoring the arduous journey toward peace.

Furthermore, they would encourage participation in civic projects, injecting vitality into their otherwise mundane lives. Kazuhiko believed that this comprehensive approach would unearth a wealth of talent within the Red Republic.

Recognizing that talent could emerge from any background, he resolved to address the shortage by extending invitations to refugees. With conflicts raging among neighboring states, the number of displaced persons had surged. 

Urgent action was needed, especially with winter approaching. Failure to provide refuge could result in countless deaths from exposure to the harsh elements.


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