
I Mated With A Wolf? (moved to a new link)

A story about Ryan Parker, the vampire king who doesn't believe in true mates. He is married to a strong female vampire. One night he leaves home and ends up on the other side of the human world, gets himself drunk, and sleeps with someone, worse, a man. Nick Miller is a young werewolf, twenty-two, and the Beta of the Snowfall Pack. Friends with the alpha and stubbornness. He hasn't found his mate yet and doesn't want to. One night, he goes out with the Alpha to the other side and drinks for the first time, forced by the Alpha to get drunk and sleep with a stranger. What happens when you wake up and see a mark on your neck and you don't remember a thing that happened? Worse, you find out that you are pregnant.

Nqobile_Aphile · LGBT+
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22 Chs



Daddy, please wake up. I need you to wake up so that mummy also wakes up. Mum will only wake up if you wake up. Daddy please mummy needs you and I can't keep on drinking her blood she is weak and if you come back then she would be alright. Daddy please, daddy, please.

I can hear someone crying but for who I don't know. It sounds like a baby; a baby is crying. His cries are faint, and I can not hear exactly what he is saying.

I feel weak and helpless. I now remember everything that happened to Nick and I. O Nick! I feel worried for him, and I can't do anything, I can't move my hands and legs. That silver they injected us with made me paralyzed and weak.

I need to try and wake up. If I don't wake up then Nick will die, he needs me. At least I must try and be strong for him and our pup.

Darn it! How can I forget that my human body is pregnant, and we found our mate? Ryan, he is our mate, but I feel like nothing is okay with that name or anything that involves him.

Life is harsh and it shouldn't be harsh to the kind people.

Daddy help me, I can't see anything. Daddy please, help me. Help us, help mummy. He needs you, dad. Please wake up.

A beautiful small baby appears in front of me, he is crying and there is snob all over his face.

Daddy, please help mummy. I can't see her anymore. I can't even see you, daddy

Our eyes meet, but he looks away quickly. His eyes are different. He has white eyes, small white eyes, there is no black pupil or what, just white, plain white.

Is he blind?

Daddy, please wake up, if you don't wake up mummy will die, and I will also die.

I am a father now and my pup means the most to me, I will love him until forever