
I Marry A Rough Man

The assassin Lin Ruan Ruan traveled through time. The original owner was a stuttering widow who was bullied and couldn't lift her head. After punching the evil mother-in-law and kicking the scum uncle, she successfully obtained a divorce letter as she wished, only to be chased by the steward of the rich master's family. In a fit of anger, she casually picked up a rough man and became his wife. She thrived in business, opening shops and making a fortune. Just as she began to enjoy her good life, war broke out. However, she only gathered information through her shop and handled a few scumbags within. How did her black-market shop's reputation spread throughout the city...

Moonlight1480 · Fantasie
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48 Chs

Chapter 43: Not Only a Widow but Also an Abandoned Woman

After Lin Ruanruan slapped Yanyan twice, Yanyan went back to get her mother.

It had only been an hour or two since she left, so her maternal home must not be far from Willow Village.

At this moment, Yanyan was lying in her mother's arms, crying bitterly.

However, she didn't mention a word about how she had previously ordered Lin's mother around.

Lin Ruanruan stuffed a piece of braised pork into her mouth and watched the mother and daughter like she was watching a show.

"I say, Lin family, back then you begged us to marry our Yanyan, and now that she's married, this is how you treat her?" Yanyan's mother shouted at Lin's father with a sharp voice. After saying that, she pulled Yanyan up from her lap.

"Look at her face, beaten like this. How can you treat a daughter-in-law like this?"

When Lin Ruanruan slapped someone, she always swung her arm fully.

Yanyan had never been hit like this before, and even though it had been an hour or two, her face was still red and swollen.

Seeing her face swollen like that, Lin Qiu quickly put down his bowl and ran over to Yanyan.

"What happened? How did your face get like this?" He reached out tenderly but was afraid of hurting her.

"What happened? It's all because of your stuttering second sister." Yanyan, with red eyes, looked angrily at Lin Ruanruan.

"My second sister?" Lin Qiu turned his head in surprise, looking at Lin Ruanruan who was calmly eating.

"She hit me, Lin Qiu. If you don't give me an explanation for this, write me a divorce letter as soon as possible." Yanyan said, holding onto her mother's clothes with a resentful look.

"Don't say that, Yanyan, you can't say things like that lightly." Lin's mother turned pale when she heard the word "divorce" and hurried forward to grab Yanyan's hand.

Yanyan coldly shook her off: "When you and your daughter were cleaning me up earlier, weren't you quite capable? Now you're playing the good person. Since your whole family looks down on me so much, I won't stay here to annoy you anymore."

"That's right, you bully my daughter so much, do you think our family is dead?" Yanyan's mother pushed Lin's mother hard and spat.

"If you want to divorce, then divorce. Why make it difficult for others? Write the letter early, and I'll send word to Yanyan's father in the capital so he won't bother finding a job for Lin Qiu."

Lin's mother, already exhausted from running back and forth between Yanyan's home and theirs, was almost knocked to the ground by the push.

Luckily, Lin Ruanruan quickly put down her bowl and rushed to support her.

At the same time, her phoenix eyes swept coldly over Yanyan and her mother, full of a deadly aura.

The gaze of a killer never needs to be fierce. Just one cold glance can make people shiver.

Yanyan and her mother felt a chill down their spines just by meeting her eyes.

"Sister, was it really you who hit Yanyan?" Lin Qiu stood by Yanyan's side, looking at Lin Ruanruan with some disapproval.

Lin Ruanruan nodded, not denying it.

"You used to be so good at home. How did you learn to hit people?" Lin Qiu was even more puzzled when he saw her nod.

"She... she bullied Mom." Lin Ruanruan stammered, pointing at Yanyan.

To say she bullied her was putting it mildly. The way Yanyan spoke to Lin's mother didn't treat her like a human being at all.

At first, she didn't understand why Yanyan was so arrogant. Now that her mother had come, Lin Ruanruan understood.

Yanyan's mother wasn't easy to deal with, and her father could help Lin Qiu get a job in the capital, so she was so overbearing.

"Yanyan bullied Mom?" Lin Qiu turned his head to look at Yanyan, then at Lin's mother.

"Mom, is this true? Did Yanyan really bully you?"

Lin Ruanruan also looked at her mother, wanting her to tell everything Yanyan had said.

But Lin's mother was always a soft-hearted person, worried about her son's future and not wanting the family to fall apart.

So, she shook her head.

"Ruanruan, you must be...

"It's a misunderstanding. Yanyan didn't bully me; she's just never suffered before at home."

With these words, Lin Ruanruan's heart sank halfway. People who want to be abused can't be stopped.

"Mother," she called out.

"Enough!" Lin's father slammed the table hard and said coldly, "Ruanruan, I didn't expect that in the few years you've been married, your personality has changed so much. It's bad enough that you hit someone, but then you lie about it."

At his words, everyone in the room fell silent. Yanyan, with tears in her eyes, glanced at Lin Ruanruan, not hiding the smug look in her eyes.

"Father... I... I didn't."

Lin Ruanruan, supporting Lin's mother, tried to explain to Lin's father.

"That's enough, no need to explain. As a married daughter, you should stay quietly at your in-laws' home and not cause trouble when you come back to your maternal home."

Lin's father waved his hand, not wanting to hear her speak.

Bai Cheng'an, who had been silent, looked at Lin Ruanruan, his eyes full of concern. It seemed her maternal home wasn't a haven either. This poor girl, if she was divorced and couldn't be accepted by her family, where would she go?

"Exactly, a daughter who is already married should serve her in-laws well and not cause trouble when she comes back to her maternal home," Yanyan's mother said sarcastically, holding her daughter's hand. The irony was that she herself was there to stand up for her daughter.

Lin Ruanruan glanced at her coldly.

"Mother, the thing is, my sister's husband just passed away, and her mother-in-law over there..." Lin Qiu, seeing how aggressive Yanyan's mother was, wanted to say something good for Lin Ruanruan.

"Her husband died? What do you mean? Is she a widow now?" Yanyan's mother interrupted before he could finish.

"Isn't she a widow? I heard she was even sold as a concubine by her in-laws," Yanyan added.

"Since she was sold, why did she come back to her maternal home?"

"I... didn't... I... I got... a divorce letter." Lin Ruanruan said this to Lin Qiu. This younger brother, despite caring for his wife, still worried about her, his sister, which showed he wasn't completely hopeless.

"A divorce letter? Sister, were you divorced?"

When Lin Qiu heard that she was divorced, he became even more worried.

"I see, a widow daring to come back and act arrogantly; it turns out she's an abandoned woman," Yanyan's mother said, suddenly understanding.

Then, she furrowed her brows: "Yanyan told me she might be pregnant. A widow brings bad luck. Whether she's divorced or sold, she can't stay here."

Lin Ruanruan curled her lips. After all this talking, the woman finally got to the point.

She glanced lightly at Bai Cheng'an. Seeing the worry in the rough man's eyes gave her a bit more confidence.

She hadn't planned to stay with the Lin family today. She originally didn't know what excuse to use to get Lin's father and mother to drive her away so Bai Cheng'an would feel at ease. Now, Yanyan and her mother had become her helpers.

But helpers or not, this mother and daughter wouldn't get off easily from her.