
I Married A Psycho

"That won't fill in any void. Sebastian is not the kind of person that I would want to settle down with. I have never thought of him that way. A relationship or a marriage with someone like him won't last long. He is rude, cold, a bully, and a psycho, he doesn't even care about his immediate family not to talk about when I finally become his wife. He wouldn't glance at me ever since I came back and you think it won't be worse than that after marriage? We simply don't like each other. Moreover, I am three years older than him so I consider him as nothing more than a spoilt younger brother who is a brat." Tracy replied fiercely, her palms had turned into fists and it was almost as if she was about to hit someone. ==================== This was nothing else but Tracy's thoughts after discovering that her dreams of getting married to her crush had been ruined. However, what happens when she discovers that the hatred she bears in her heart against HIM isn't really necessary? What happens when she discovers that HE is indeed the one who embodies all that she has ever needed in a man and that someone else is the psycho rather than HIM? Will it be too late for her then or she will still be able to make it? =============== "You disgust me." He slowly brought his head backward and their eyes connected for the last time before he left the gym house. Tracy's legs turned wobbly. She had to continue learning to the wall for a while because of how weak her knees had become. "Are you okay, Tracy?" Krist approached her with worry and she faked a smile instead. Okay? No. She was not okay! ============= This book is participating in a contest and I look forward to your support.

IJE_5 · Urban
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"Do you, Tracy Stephenson take Sebastian Kings as your newly wedded husband?" The priest asked the frail-looking woman who looked as if she was going to faint at any moment soon if she wasn't rescued in time. She was holding the hands of the man she never wanted - his hands were so cold and life-threatening to her as he gripped hers even harder than before as if intending to break them. With shivering lips, she fluttered her eyelashes before gaining the boldness to met with his cold ones and her heart skipped a beat. He wasn't even smiling nor was he giving off any accomodating energy to show that it was his wedding day and this completely was scaring Tracy. She never planned to get married to Sebastian Kings. He turned the whole situation around for her and flipped the coin instead.



Tracy had just came back from overseas after acquiring her Master's degree in business management. She was back to the Kings' mansion with gladness and happiness. She was all giddy and excited to meet the large extended family once again after a few years. The maids collected her things and helped carry them inside the gigantic mansion that smelt more like home to her. Nothing has changed so much. It still gave the same vibe and assurance that it did just eight years ago. As she made her way further to the main sitting room, she could see the head of the family, her foster grandfather also looking towards the entrance, expecting her arrival eagerly. This action of his caused Tracy to be filled with so much happiness as she screamed...


She ran into his arms carefully while ensuring not fall off her heels - that would be embarrassing enough for her. Her Grandfather, Stephen Kings, patted her back with his frail hands while chuckling dryly. The happiness showed beneath his eyes and he held onto Tracy for a while before they disengaged.

"You told me that you were eating very well so why are you looking like you starved yourself?" Stephen asked as he took in his granddaughter's appearance. Tracy rolled her eyes playfully and placed her hand on her Grandfather's lap to explain.

"It's because of the stress, grandfather, Be you rich or poor, stress doesn't care but I am glad that I am done with my education and I can get myself fattened up in your presence." She joked and the both of them laughed wholeheartedly about it.

Later on, the remaining family which consisted of the grandmother, the first and second son with their wives, came out to welcome Tracy into their midst once again.

"Flower." Grandmother said with a shaky voice and Tracy went to hug the aged woman with a smile. She waved at the rest of the family and they waved back at her with either a wink and a smile or a thumbs up. Grandmother held her face and pinched her cheeks carefully.

" Look at you, poor child. They really didn't feed you well over there. You're so thin." She spoke and Tracy shook her head playfully after chuckling. She grabbed the woman's two hands and patted them softly before replying,

"Yes, Yes, grandmother. I will accept that I look thin but this is a model look."

"Nonsense..I don't want you to look like those thin ladies on television who keep on creating hunger strikes for themselves to look good. Beauty to me and everyone in this family is when you look chubby and less like a skeleton." Everyone laughed at the joke and the greetings continued like that for a while.

Tracy had been sponsored by her grandfather to further her education. She was adopted into the family when she was young and was never discriminated against. Unlike the females in some novels where they aren't welcomed, Tracy found her life to be quite simple and daring and everyone contributed their best in ensuring that all was fine with her. She owed them a lot.

Someone else interrupted their moment. He was dressed in a tight-fitting suit that showed how muscular he was- his beards were lightly trimmed and his eyes gave the sparkling vibe that was needed. He was no other than Kristopher Kings, the eldest and handsome grandson of the family. Immediately Tracy's eyes met with his, her heart skipped a beat and she couldn't even hide the happiness that immediately bloomed within her. She stood up, with a bit of shyness, and walked slowly towards him.

"Hi." She waved, unable to meet with his eyes for a while.

"Hi?" Krist was perplexed by the way she was greeting him.

"We haven't met in years and all you have to say is HI? Come on in here." He pulled her in and hugged her tightly which gladdened Tracy's heart. She felt reluctant on wanting to hug him earlier because she didn't know if he would still have that same vibe as before but now, he did.

Tracy had a crush on Krist - a very huge one at that and seeing him now had only made it increase the more. Her eyes had always been on the man and when still schooling, she would secretly stalk him on social media just to know what the latest update about him was. Interestingly, she took the path of studying business management so she would be able to work close to him in the office and probably seduce him. At that point, her life revolved around Krist and his doings.

However, she had to be careful because of the family. She didn't want to give the secret out so easily to the family or else, she might not like their reactions as they could consider her a gold digger so she was playing safe - it would be better for Krist to make the first move on her then that way, people wouldn't put much blame on her or think she was overstepping her boundaries because even though she was treated as family, she still had it at the back of her mind that her name was Tracy Stephenson and not Tracy Kings.

Up the stairs, at a corner was a body leaning against the pillar with cold and shallow eyes as he watched the two people talk with each other. However, his gaze lingered more on Tracy who couldn't stop talking and covering her mouth each time she wanted to laugh. He then sneered at her behavior and walked away from the place unable to watch any longer, ignoring the laughter coming from them downstairs.

"So boring." He mumbled.

It's the first chapter. I hope you liked it. ^⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠^

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