

A week later

I still haven't gotten any response from mom. The owl sent the letter out. I watched it. I decided to go home and see her because she hasn't answered. It was a Friday and it was after school so I was fine to leave Hogwarts. I apperated to my home. Well my fake home.

I opened the door "mum!" I called. "grandma!" I screamed. I walked around the house after not getting any response.

I walked into my moms bedroom and there she was.

I fell down to the ground and bursted into tears, it was the most I had cried in my life. I can't believe it. I walked over to her body laying on the ground surrounded in blood. I looked at her arm and rolled it over. "Mud blood" was carved. it was dry. My mother was a muggleborn? Shit I forgot to script that she was a pure blood like me. "Bellatrix" I whispered while sobbing. I heard the floor creak behind me and I got up and ran into the bathroom and locked the door.

"Elena? Are yo-oh my god" I heard a voice say "ms. lenore!" they shouted.

"Oh my god I need to get Elena" they said again. I recognize that voice. It's Draco.

I opened the door slowly and looked at him. He ran over to me and grabbed me and pulled me close. He was crying? Over my mom? she's a muggleborn though he hates muggleborns!!

"I am so sorry Elena" I pushed him off

"Your father did this, I know he did. Your father hated my mother!" I shouted while backing into a wall. "Elena I'm so sorry" he said "no I- I - I can't do this I need to go home" I said "Elena you are home" "No Draco I'm not" "Yes you are" "No, I'm not at home.im in my other home. I've told you this. I need to leave." I screamed while I bursted into tears again "Elena no-" he started "I'm sorry" I said. I turned around and faced the door and whispered my safe word.

About a minute later I opened my eyes.

"Elena?" I was still here. "No no no no no no no no this can't be happening" "Elena calm down"

"No, I can't calm down, I want to go home!" I screamed "Elena stop your scaring me"

"I'm scaring you? Draco i died this week and you don't care. I was given a second chance! I might sound stupid but that happened for a reason! My mom was murdered by your family and you're scared!? Your fucking scared? Draco lucius fucking mafloy is scared? I lost my whole family. I don't even know where my grandmother is!"

"Elena" "No Draco I'm done I want to fucking go home"

I stormed out of the room while wiping my eyes. I was still crying. I grabbed my wand and broom from the table and left. I flew back to Hogwarts and went to the gryffindor common room and ran to Hermione and Ron. "Where's Harry?" I asked "Mooning over Ginny" Hermione answered "Ahhh makes sense" I started crying again. I immediately whipped my eyes hoping they didn't see. "What's wrong Elena?" Ron asked "N-n-nothing" I stuttered "Elena" Ron said "Fine I'll tell you...Draco's an ass hole. I went home to check on my mom because she hasn't been answering my letters recently and when I got home I called her and she wasn't there. I looked in her room and she.." I stopped

"And she?" Hermione asked

"And she was dead" Hermione and Ron both gasped and Ron pulled me into a hug.

"Omg Elena I'm so sorry" he replied "I looked at her arm and the same carving was on her. That's on Hermione. And Draco came in and I started yelling at him and he said he was scared and I went ballistic on him. Asking how he's scared when I lost my whole family." I finished

"Elena I'm so sorry that had happened to you Malfoys an ass and we warned you he was" Hermione started "I know" I said. There was a knock at the door."Come in" Hermione yelled. We all turned as we heard the door knob rattle as the door slowly began to open.

"Is Elena in here?" It was Draco, "what do you want Draco" I yelled.

"I just wanted to apologize for what happened earlier and was wondering if you wanted to walk to the black lake with me so we could talk?" He replied. "Elena no" Ron whispered to me.

"Uh S-S-sure" I stuttered. I could hear Ron sign as he sat down on the bed behind him.

I turned around and said bye to my friends and started walking out the door with Draco. We walked and walked and walked till we finally got to the black lake. We both sat down on the grass and started to talk. "So why did you want to talk to me" "I just wanted to apologize" "Okay...do it"

"Elena I'm sorry for being an asshole earlier I really didn't mean it I was just in shock of seeing your mother...well...dead, and I promise I will never do anything like that again or say anything like that again I really don't know why I did it." He took a deep breath

"And I get that you want to go home. I don't understand why your safe word wasn't working."

I started tearing up at the thought of that. "What If I never get to go home again... I mean my real home" "Elena some points I'm glad you're stuck here because there's something I've been wanted to tell you"

"Tell me what?"

"Elena sense the minute you go here and the second I laid my eyes on you to the minute we're we sat down here to the second I'm talking to you right now I have..." he paused

"I think I love you" I was about to say I know but remembered the first time he said he loved me was just a dream. My eyes widened. I didn't script that? I didn't script that he would love me. I took a deep breath and said "Draco I-" he interrupted by leaning in and kissing me. He pulled back. "I'm sorry," he said. "No it's fine I wanted to say something to...I love you too"

He smiled and we both started laughing and got up and started running back to the school.

We got back to the school and ran right to our dorm. We sat down on Draco's bed and he leaned in. Locking his lips on mine we started kissing. Not breaking the kiss we stood up and draco pushed me onto my back on the bed. He started ripping his Shirt off.

"Nice abs" I said while staring at his Chest. "Eyes up here Elena" he laughed.

I nodded and looked deeply into his eyes as he pulled my shirt off. We started kissing again as he climbed on top of me. His bright blond hair falling into his face. We broke the kiss as he started to unbuckle his belt. Next thing I know is he's pulling his pants down and pulling down mine.

He stopped.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" He asked. I paused thinking am I ready to get Railed by Draco Malfoy? Hell yeah I am. "As ready as I'll ever be" he smirked and continued to pull my pants down. I lifted up to help him. He sat beside me on the bed and pulled me onto his lap. I felt something sticking up into my leg. He was hard as a rock. Holy crap. He unbuckled my bra throwing it onto the floor. He pulls away to stare at my now exposed breasts.

"Eyes up here Malfoy'' I mocked. He laughed and rolled his eyes. He threw me onto the bed and went to pull his boxers down until we heard a loud knock at the door. "One second!" Draco yelled. I jumped off the bed pulling my clothes back on and he did the same. We started laughing as I tried to hide his belt on him but he caught me. "Again I love you Elena'' he said.

"I love you too Draco" he went over and opened the door as I jumped onto my bed. It was Pansy. "Uh wh-what are you doing here" Draco asked nervously. "Oh am I not allowed to come and see my boyfriend?" She responded. That bitch he's mine. "I don't know what youre talking about?" He responded while looking back at me. I stood up and walked to the door and stood in front of Draco looking down at Pansy. I was taller than her ha take that.

"Look Bitch I don't know who the fuck you think you are but Draco is not your boyfriend nor has he ever been and nor will he ever want to be. Why don't you go and date one of the pathetic third years that are actually interested in you? Because Clearly my boyfriend doesn't like you." I yelled.

I could see fear in her eyes. Like she's never been yelled at before. "Get the fuck out" I said Pansy looked at me like I killed her owl "you heard her get out!" Draco repeated. Pansy started crying and whipped her eyes as she turned around and ran out of the room.

Me and Draco started laughing Till I felt a really sharp pain in my head.

I screamed while falling to the ground. "Elena!" I heard Draco yell. "M-m-my head" I shuddered.

"Elena you need to go home." Draco said. "W-what? But it wasn't working earlier" I questioned. "Elena I love you believe me please I truly do and that's why I'm doing this and it's worth a try' ' he said as he kissed my forehead. " doing what" I tried to say. "I'm sorry but if this doesn't work I don't know what we're gonna do" he paused. Do what?.

He grabbed my arm and whispered my safeword softly.

"NO" I screamed. Next thing I knew it I was in my bed at my real home. "Why would he do that?" I screamed. I started crying my heart out. Till I heard the door knob rattle in the bathroom.

I jumped out of bed almost falling to the floor because I was dizzy. I looked at the bathroom door and it opened. And out came a tall blonde greyish blue eyed boy.

"D-d-Draco?" I asked "Elena?" He paused. "Where the fuck am i!"" he screamed. I heard a knock on my door."elena!" it was my mother. "What's going on in there! Is there a boy with you?" she yelled trying to open my door. "open the door elena" she yelled again.

"Shit shit shit shit shit you have to hide" I said looking at Draco. "Uhhhhh I'll just aperate back home." he said. "D-Draco this is the muggle world magic isn't real here." I remarked "BULLSHIT" he screamed. "I told you Draco'' my door burst open. "Ele-what the fuck!" my mom screamed. I grabbed Draco's arm and ran out through the window. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and called Sarah.




"I'm coming over"

"Okay why?"

"I'm bringing a friend and my moms kinda really pissed"

"Okay i'm assuming you and your friend are spending the night"





Me and Draco ran to Stacy's house and ran to her room. "How the hell is Draco Malfoy from Harry Potter standing in front of me!?" she screamed as we sat on her bed. "sarah shhh it's from shifting something really bad and I mean really bad happened" I said

"How are we gonna get him back to hogwarts?" She asked "I don't know but we need to find a way" I said "I have an idea" Draco chimed "maybe if we all try the so-called shifting?" He asked "oh my god draco yours genius" I screamed.

"Yeah I get that a lot" he answered. "Well I wonder why you father is a de-" he slapped his hand over my mouth.

"shhh" he whispered "Draco I- let me show you something." Stacy replied. She turned on the tv and turned on Harry Potter.