

Falling in love? There is absolutely nothing wrong with it. The only problem is when falling in love is the only thing leading to your end, but... ....at the same time the only thing that can save you. . . . . . . Beomgyu is a college student who works as a dancer at a very popular night club, what happens when an ordinary college student stumbles across an unknown reincarnated demon who is sealed in the body of a male named Yeonjun.

Bunny_soobinnie · Aktion
Zu wenig Bewertungen
33 Chs



Huening Kai fluttered his eyes open for a moment before raising up his body slowly from the bed.

Apparently last night had been real, his backside hurt as hell.

He pried Soobin's hands off his body gently sitting up, he hissed silently at the aching pain, but push it off and proceeded to standing up covering his naked body with with the blanket.

He took out his phone from the table and called Jeongin, the latter picked up the phone on instant.

"Hi Kai, wha-"

"Can you pick me up from home, when you are going to school??"

"Why, what of-"

"Please just pick me up," Huening Kai said folding his lips, gripping his blanket tighter as tears threatened to fall down his eyes.

He planned on leaving before Soobin wakes up.


Beomgyu on the other hand woke up to a pair of hazel eyes staring back at him, he was startled.

"Did you sleep well?" Yeonjun asked.

Beomgyu words died in his mouth as he tried to speak.

He looked down at Yeonjun's hands which held the knife yesterday resting beside his body.

"Did you do it?" Beomgyu asked quietly.

Yeonjun furrowed his brows in confusion, shaking off his thoughts he asked, "what do you mean?"

Beomgyu looked away for a moment deep in thoughts.

Yeonjun on the other hand was trying to figure out what the younger male was thinking.....but unfortunately he couldn't.

'This is wrong'

"Can you give me a glass of water, please?" Beomgyu asked.

Yeonjun took one last glance at Beomgyu's thought, still unable to crack it, "sure."

He stood up and left.

Immediately the door was shut, Beomgyu took his phone out from under the pillow and dialed Kim's number, seriously hoping the said male was still alive.

The call rang for a while before it was finally picked, "hello, Kim??"


Beomgyu let out the breath he didn't know he was holding, it seams like Kim was just waking up from sleep.

"Why the sudden call, miss me or something??"

Beomgyu could sense Kim smirking on the other line, "did you perhaps come to look for me at the club yesterday," Beomgyu's grip on his phone tightened as he anxiously waited for an answer.

"I wanted to actually, come to think of it...but I guess I slept off," he said, "but I'm free now so-"

Beomgyu ended the call before he could finish his sentence.

"So it was a dream," Beomgyu sighed out rubbing his face.

Yeonjun hadn't left the door as he stepped out.

He was beyond confused, Beomgyu was never supposed to remember anything that happened yesterday.

"Are you surprised?" A familiar voice whispered in his ears.

Yeonjun shrugged it off walking to the kitchen to get Beomgyu his glass of water.

"Why can he still remember?" Yeonjun asked filling up the glass with water.

"Your powers are getting useless against him, and soon he will be your downfall."

"Look at yourself, you are just like a mere human, the only thing that differentiates you from one of them is the fact that you have a demon sealed inside of you....you are an embarrassment to your kind."

"You claim to be just, but you're living a lie, why won't you tell him what you really are, don't be an hypocrite... you keep wanting the truth but you won't do the same."

"It's seems like you have forgotten the plan Yeonjun, just save yourself the stress and come out of this.....he won't be worth it in the end."

"Focus on what you have before you."

With those last words Namjoon's father left him.

Yeonjun took in a deep breath and slowly walked back Beomgyu.

Beomgyu gifted him a smile after wrapping himself securely with a bath robe.

"You look normal," Yeonjun commented handing him the glass of water.

"It was just a bad dream," Beomgyu said before emptying the glass.

"Can you tell me about it?"

"It's not important," Beomgyu waved it off.

"Get off this, no one will love a demon."


Soobin rolled to the other side of the bed in hopes of coming in contact with Huening Kai's body, but unfortunately for him he fell off the bed.

Once he opened his eyes he felt a sharp pain spring up to his head.

He turned to the bed to meet it empty, "Kai? shit."

It was already 7:45am and he had to be in class by eight, he couldn't even partake in his normal night study.

Hurriedly he got up from his bed and rushed to the bathroom with an aching head.

Once he was done he headed off to the kitchen to get a glass of water and sighted Huening Kai sitting down on the dining table.

"You didn't wake me up," Soobin said as he walked Huening Kai, not forgetting to place a kiss on top of his head and somehow Huening Kai felt irritated by it.

Huening Kai didn't bother responding to him.

Soobin finally caught on to the bowl of hangover soup on the table and it finally registered in his head that Huening Kai would have already found out that he went to the party he promised not to go to yesterday.

Immediately he sat on the seat which was the closest to Huening Kai, the said male stood and walked to the door taking his phone out of his pocket in the process.

He only waited to be sure Soobin would wake up before he left.

Guilt was already eating Soobin as he slowly sipped his soup, he didn't need Huening Kai to tell him he was mad at him because of the party.

"Are you coming?" He heard Huening Kai say on the phone.

"Are you seriously not going to talk to me?" Soobin asked after Huening Kai put down the phone.

The younger didn't even spare him a glance as he proceeded to opening the main door and signalling to one of the guards to come over.

"Can you drive?" Huening Kai asked.

Soobin lowered the spoon from his mouth, the guard must have agreed to his question as he continued talking, "can you take me to school?"

"Don't you think you are talking this too personal?"  Soobin commented.

Huening Kai tightened his grip on his bag strap holding his tears in.

"I can't leave my position Kai, my shift is not up yet and the others are yet to be here," the guard spoke.

"I'll take you to school Kai," Soobin said suddenly behind the younger male.

"Problem solved," the guard smiled before leaving.

"I'm sorry I went to th-"

Before Soobin could finish his sentence Huening Kai walked away from him and headed straight to his car.

Already drawing closer to school, Soobin tried speaking to Huening Kai since there was no where for him to run.

He can't definitely jump out of the moving vehicle.

He would have slowed down the movement of the car, but they were already late for school.

"Kai, I'm sorry for going to the party, if your plan was to make it get to me, it did, now can you stop?" He said driving into the parking lot.

Huening Kai remained all the more quiet as he stared out the window preparing himself to hop out.

"Can't you at least look at me?"

Huening Kai turned deaf ears as he tried to open the door.

"Now you are being childish," Soobin said as he forcefully pulled on Huening Kai's arm so he would look at him.

Huening Kai on the other hand retaliated by slapping Soobin hard across his cheek.

Once Soobin grip loosen on his arm, he bolted out of the door and to his class.

"That's a sight you don't see everyday," Hyunjin commented with a chuckle as Soobin walked in, a death glare on his face.

"What happened to you," Beomgyu asked from behind as soon as Soobin sat down.

"This is not a good look on you," Hyunjin smiled brushing Soobin's bangs away from his forehead.

Soobin turned to glare at Hyunjin who took his hands immediately away from his face.

"Which girl did you offend?" Beomgyu asked referring to the red shade on his cheeks.

"No one," Soobin shrugged the question off.


Jimin had already made up his mind on leaving and that was exactly was he was doing.

"No, no, no, Jimin don't leave," IU said trying to stop Jimin from clearing his desk.

She grabbed the box from Jimin's hands as he tried to put more items into it, "I was very sure my leave won't be effective in the company with you around."

"I can't work here, I'm not mentally okay with it," Jimin finally took the box from her hand, "unless Namjoon can resign from being the head, I can't stay here."

"Why did you apply knowing fully well you would definitely have an encounter with him."

"I didn't know he worked specifically here, if I had known I wouldn't have applied....a friend of mine got me the application to fill and-" Jimin rubbed his forehead, "this is a story for another time, bottom line is if I knew I was going to meet him here I wouldn't have applied."

"So you won't be around for my exit party?" IU slightly pouted.

"I really want to say n-" he stopped midway as he watched IU's expression fall, she has been the closest thing to a friend since he got here.

He took a second thought.

"I'll come, as long as the head won't be there," Jimin said glancing past her to see Namjoon coming out from his office.


"Beomgyu how the hell did you get up there?!!" Soobin yelled amongst the mist of students who gathered outside to watch the raven haired male balance himself on the roof.

"I don't know," Beomgyu responded trying to balance himself on the edge of the roof.

One moment he was in the bathroom and the next thing he knows he is on the edge on the roof, at least he wasn't afraid of height.

"Stop moving and stay still!!!!!," Taehyun yelled, if Beomgyu should fall down from there he swears he was going to pass out.

He would have gone up there, but he doesn't do too well with heights.

"I can't," Beomgyu said as he stepped closer and closer towards the open space ahead of him, "it's like my feets have a mind of their own."

Beomgyu heart quickened it's pace as he drew closer to the end of the roof, "what did I do wrong," he mentally asked himself.

If he falls from this edge, there was no certainty that he was going to make it, it wasn't even possible for someone to catch him, it will be dangerous not just to him, but to the person as well.

He was on top of the roof of the fourth floor of one of an unfinished lab buildings, a student passing by happened to have seen a specific object moving on top and was quick to identify it as Beomgyu.

The place was restricted and dangerous because it was under construction and the ground wasn't really the nicest place to fall on to.

"BEOMGYU STOP WALKING!!!!!" Both Soobin and Taehyun screamed.

"Let him fall, at least that would be one less burden on our plate," Anika said nonchalantly, "he went up there by himself after all, Yeonjun probably doesn't even care, he is no where to be seen."

And at that moment, she looked up and saw a certain pink haired male on the roof some feets away from Beomgyu.

"Yeonjun stop, he isn't worth it, are you crazy!!" She screamed.

"Beomgyu stop," the haired male spoke.

Yeonjun could sense an odd presence floating around Beomgyu.

At the sound of Yeonjun's voice, he halted at the spot before turning to look behind him to see Yeonjun coming closer to grab him.

"Wait Yeonjun, let me come to you," Beomgyu said as he slowly started backing up to Yeonjun, he didn't want to put Yeonjun's life in danger for a mistake he himself didn't even understand.

He wasn't hoping to fall, but if anyone should, it should be him.

Yeonjun squatted patiently waiting for Beomgyu to reach him as he was doing just fine walking to him.

Almost getting closer to Yeonjun, Beomgyu made the mistake of taking his eyes away from his feet.

One glance at Yeonjun and he saw IT again, loosing his balance he fell off the side of the edge, Yeonjun barely being able to grab unto his clothes.

