
I love clichés so much once I transmigrated I was in one myself

A young woman named Claire Smith, crosses the street with her heart broken, unknowingly that a truck comes in her direction, where the driver is over the speed limit and fails to notice her. Claire finds herself transmigrated into the cliché world of Regency romance. Amidst lavish balls, aristocratic scandals, and intricate manners, she assumes the identity of Rahua Stronghold. " In this fictional world, where magic and mythical creatures existed, I found myself as an ordinary human surrounded by extraordinary beings. The story I had been reading was called "The Chronicles of Arrentela," a tale of adventure, romance, and the battle between good and evil. And me ?? I was nothing but a background Character! But little did I know, being one of those background characters was about to change my life in ways I never imagined." Claire now Rahua, finds herself caught in a web of political intrigue, passionate encounters, and dangerous secrets. Along the way, she encounters an array of captivating characters, including the dashing yet enigmatic Damion a young man concealing secrets of his own. As their hearts entwine, they must face countless trials, testing the limits of their love and the possibilities of clichés filled encounters. Knowing how the story ends, will it be enough for Rahua to change the tragic ending that awaits her and everyone around her??

Dtrish · Fantasie
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91 Chs

Chapter 81 - Morgana

Rahua's POV

I don't know how long I have been out, my mind feels drowsy, I feel High or like a zombie, I can hear, I can see, but my consciousness feels in and out of grasp.

As if I am in 3rd point Viewer situation, that can't control anything, just a passive bystander.

I feel my body move, as if I am being guided, by a invisible force, that pulls me.

"She is here, Grand Master, we will be able to proceed."

"Bring her close." I feel four hand, two in each arm taking me almost dragging me to this so called Grand Master. "Don't be afraid, it will painful, but necessary, you will be doing a great deed.

"That's reassuring." I automatically say, my voice completely filled with sarcasm.

I don't understand why I am here. I mean, I am not even part of the main characters, and the only character that had affinity to magic was Lady Bianca, even in her route she wasn't involved in such mess.

Of what I can remember she, and Ceaser in the original story they do get help from the mages, and later on magic is restored in the kingdom. So, at that route the mages were clearly the good guys.

So... It makes no sense that they attack the king, did I mess up so much that ... Well I did, I most certainly did, but how did that make all mages bad guys.

Chaos theory? Hmm butterfly effect.

I don't know much about it, but I guess I did change many Cannon Events that something had to backfire.

I actually thought the situation with Vital was it, but I guess, I brought this uppon myself.

"We must hurry, before they start looking for her. " One of the mages said.

"Don't worry they think she killed the King, and ran away." One of the mages with white eyes said, she was using so ability, because she was being transported in some kind wheelchair, while we were descending the stairs.

"The King is dead?" My voice is came out trembling. "How?"

"He was poisoned." The Grand Master said coldly, no remorse on his face.

Oh fuck!!! Damion, he must be... His heart must be broken, he was finally building is relationship with his father. He was finally having ...

I try to hold back my tear, but it was almost useless.

"Don't worry they won't do anything to you." The mage on the wheelchair spoke.

"I don't care, what you or they do to me, you have no idea, how happy he was, he was finally happy." The tears fall down my face, I couldn't stop them anymore. "You all, took his father from Damion. I won't forgive you."

"You don't..." Before she could say anything, she was interrompted.

"Silvia, we have more important things to focus on." The Grand Master says. I could see everyone tremble at his voice.

He was the villain, his face screamed villain all over, and he had kidnapped me, and killed the King and he seems to be running whatever this is.

"Once we step into the realm of forgotten knowledge, there is no turning back. Are you ready?"

No one seemed to hesitate, for a moment, I thought I thought I had seen a familiar face, but it couldn't be. "I'm ready." They all said in unison.

As we the doors were pushed open we stepped into a room and into the unknown, it was dark, and cold, and smelled horrible, a sense of trepidation intertwines within me. I have no idea where we were, why it smelled awful, but they didn't seem to stop going forward.

The mages formed a circular pattern and chanted something and there was light.

I could finally see the reason of the terrible smell, thousands decomposing corpses, were scattered all over the room, the room seemed long at center there one being held, bound by its flesh and bones.

My stomach was about to turn, but the figure at center seemed to have my attention. I start to hear whispers. With my hand behind my back I was being pulled forward, I felt as if my feet were moving on their own.

They all stopped in front of the figure in the center, the Grand Master signaled for me to step forward, even though I didn't want to, my feet moved towards him.

I could feel the power radiating from this figure, it was dark and ominous, but also strangely alluring. The Grand Master spoke some incantation, and suddenly the figure's eyes opened, glowing with a menacing light.

"It's alive?," I gasped

"Not yet." He said looking at me. His eyes for the first time seemed to have softened.

"What do you mean not yet? Her eyes are open.."

"She breathes, she feels, yet she's not alive, she is not more than a garden flower." He says is voice filled with emotion.

"I am sorry." I didn't know why I was apologising, I didn't even wanted to, but I blurted it out.

Whispers started around me again, I want to cover my hears but my hands bound behind my back I could only recoil in a squat position.

"Don't fight it. It's alright, it's not going to hurt you." He says in a low voice.

I am scared, I am very confused, I don't want to be here, yet, there was a small part of me that was intrigued by what was happening. The mystery and danger of it all made my heart race, despite the fear that consumed me.

The figure in the center of the room seemed to beckon me closer, its glowing eyes drawing me in like a moth to a flame. I took hesitant steps forward, my body moving of its own accord.

As I stood before her, I could feel her energy pulsating through the air, a strange sensation that both repelled and attracted me. The Grand Master placed a hand on my shoulder, his touch surprisingly gentle.

"This is the only way to set her free from her bounds, Rahua, our Queen needs you." he said, his voice soothing yet commanding. "Embrace the power that lies within you, and the secrets of the realm will be revealed."

"Queen?? What do you mean she needs me? Stop," I try to back away from it, "I don't want this."

"Let my sister go." I could barely see but I recognise my younger sister voice, it was somehow more mature and commanding, I couldn't believe it was really her, Saya.

And then, without warning, a surge of energy rushed through me, engulfing me in a blinding light, the figure's eyes, trying to glean any understanding from its otherworldly gaze.

I felt as though I was being torn apart and rebuilt anew, my body and mind undergoing a transformation unlike anything I had ever experienced. It was painful, it was exhilarating, it was terrifying.

Hello everyone

I hope you enjoy the story so far, and thank you for your support.

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