
I love clichés so much once I transmigrated I was in one myself

A young woman named Claire Smith, crosses the street with her heart broken, unknowingly that a truck comes in her direction, where the driver is over the speed limit and fails to notice her. Claire finds herself transmigrated into the cliché world of Regency romance. Amidst lavish balls, aristocratic scandals, and intricate manners, she assumes the identity of Rahua Stronghold. " In this fictional world, where magic and mythical creatures existed, I found myself as an ordinary human surrounded by extraordinary beings. The story I had been reading was called "The Chronicles of Arrentela," a tale of adventure, romance, and the battle between good and evil. And me ?? I was nothing but a background Character! But little did I know, being one of those background characters was about to change my life in ways I never imagined." Claire now Rahua, finds herself caught in a web of political intrigue, passionate encounters, and dangerous secrets. Along the way, she encounters an array of captivating characters, including the dashing yet enigmatic Damion a young man concealing secrets of his own. As their hearts entwine, they must face countless trials, testing the limits of their love and the possibilities of clichés filled encounters. Knowing how the story ends, will it be enough for Rahua to change the tragic ending that awaits her and everyone around her??

Dtrish · Fantasie
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91 Chs

Chapter 50 - The Future Bride

Rahua's POV

It has been a few weeks since I last heard from Damion. His kiss still lingers in my mind. I can't stop smiling. I feel like I am in the cloud nine.

There's no way I misinterpreted that. We definitely kiss. I could melt of happiness. I feel so energetic, I want to see him again. I feel a little stupid, I never thought of asking about his last name, or about his family, even so I am so smitten by him.

I can't believe I actually fell for someone who also like me. I am so happy I could die, but I don't want to die, I just want to enjoy this feeling.

"Big sister, you are acting strange again, the customers are looking." Kira elbowed me, just like that I was brought back to reality. As next customer enters I give my best smile, and take them to their sit and take their order.

"You seem too happy the last days. " Kira points out my overload of happiness.

"Do I ?? Do I ? I guess I am." I am indeed very happy, I just want to scream. I hug her.

"Big Sister, now is not time nor the place." Kira says while I hug her tightly.

"Alright, I will stop, being happy for now." I say spotting a big smile, I can't help it, I am too happy to stop smiling.

"Hallo, Miss Stronghold. " I hear a familiar voice from behind me. As I turn I see Miss Olivia the Headmaid from the house of Cramer.

"Oh hello, Miss Olivia, what brings you here?" I ask filled with curiosity.

"I've come to deliver an invitation, from the Lady Cramer herself, she would like for you to attend her tea party. " She says gracefully.

"Lady Cramer wants me to attend her tea party? " I haven't spoken with Lady Vilahna since our last incident, I didn't avoid her on purpose but many things happened since, like a date, a kiss. I blush without even meaning to. Kira brushes off immediately my blushing, but Miss Olivia has a confused expression.

"Will the Miss Stronghold accept the invitation? "

"I don't understand, should I provide the cupcakes or am I supposed to attend, as in participate?" I ask confuse since is not normal for peasants to attend this kind of gatherings.

"The invitation is for Miss Stronghold actively participate. " She says her voice in a serious tone.

"Amazing, Big sister . " Kira cheers.

"As amazing that may seem, Miss Olivia, I think I must decline, since I don't have anything appropriated to wear to such gathering, of noblewomen." She chuckles, as if she was expecting me to say that.

"My Lady said you would say something of the sorts, so my Lady prepared this box for you. " As she says that, from behind her another maid appears, that I had failed to notice, and brings a large box.

I take the box from the maid hands and open it to find a beautiful, elegant gown inside. It is made out of the finest silk, with intricate lace detailing and a flattering cut. I am in awe of its beauty.

"This is for me?" I ask, still in disbelief.

"Yes, Miss Stronghold. Lady Cramer personally chose it for you," Miss Olivia confirms with a kind smile.

I can't help but feel overwhelmed by this offer. This is an opportunity I never thought I would have, and I don't want to let it go to waste.

"I... I would be honored to attend Lady Cramer's tea party," I say, my excitement bubbling over.

"Very well. The party will be held in three days' time. Please make all necessary preparations," Miss Olivia instructs, giving me a nod of approval.

As she leaves, I can't wipe the smile off my face.

"Big sister, I can't believe you're going to a noblewoman's tea party!" Kira exclaims, her eyes wide with excitement.

"Neither can I, Kira. But I'm going to embrace it with open arms," I reply, with happiness overflowing in my voice.

For the next three days, I immerse myself in preparations. I practice walking gracefully and perfecting my manners. And most importantly, I try to calm my nerves and remind myself that this is an opportunity for growth and forging new connections.


Finally, the day of the tea party arrives. I arrive at the Manor of Lady Vilahna, feeling a mix of nervousness and excitement. As I step inside, I am greeted by the sight of elegantly dressed noblewomen, sipping tea and engaging in polite conversation.

I take a deep breath and remind myself that I belong here just as much as anyone else. I can feel the eyes of the other guests on me, but I hold my head high and make my way towards Lady Vilahna.

"Lady Cramer, thank you for inviting me. I am truly honored to be here," I say with a genuine smile, and bow.

She looks at me with a hint of surprise, but also warmth. "Welcome, Miss Stronghold, but I must insist for you to call me by my name." I was surprised, but I did put my life on the line for her, so I get it.

"Only if the Lady calls me Rahua. " We both chuckle.

As the afternoon unfolds, I find myself engaged in conversations with the noblewomen. I am pleasantly surprised by their kindness and inclusiveness.

"Have you heard the latest news, about his Highness the Prince has gotten a bride, her Highness the Princess, from Mirantella kingdom. " One of the noble lady said.

"Oh yes, indeed, I have heard it too. They also say that she is very beautiful, that in her kingdom it was usual for man to fall in love at first sight." Says another.

I just sit sipping my tea, hearing all the gossip, I find it fascinating. Even though I should be freaking out, that this new character appeared out of nowhere. She is just a new addition to a very out of control storyline.

In the original story the Prince was never said to be engaged, he was so useless, he was just a complication that was very easily put aside, to make way for the great Ceaser.

Speaking about Ceaser, how is it going the things between him and Lady Vilahna. I really would love to ask, but I don't think she would answer it anyway.

"She arrived 4 days ago, did she not? " Asked another noble lady. I feel someone gaze over me as the nobelwomen talk I try to discreetly look around.

"Yes, I heard, his Highness the Prince was against it at first, but when he saw her, he must have had a change of heart." As I look around I notice Lady Vilahna gaze on me. I can't help but to smile back.

"His Highness must have fallen in love. His Highness is still very young, but I heard he is steering ally of all the commotion happening around the Kingdom." They all chuckle as they keep their gossip filled conversation. I keep eating the delicious food, as I take in all the juicy gossip. Still lady Vilahna gaze on me makes me a little uncomfortable. Am I not sitting properly, or eating cake wrong, I feel awkward.

"Yes the farming situation, his Highness was said to be preparing part of the land." They all sip silent for a moment, what about farming? I didn't know about this, I want to know.

"I guess his Highness is really going to marry her Highness the Princess of Mirantella." Says another nobleman in a sight.

"Now, now ladies, we don't know this is all just rumours. " Lady Vilahna finally speaks to the group. "Our lovable Highness the Prince has been all but predictable, in the last few months. " She says smiling. I can't help but to wonder since when did this Prince became such a lovable character, I mean he has done a great job with rebels but that's all. I still think he would not succeed without Ceaser's help.

With that the gossips turns to someone else, who I didn't really care about. I excused myself from the group and make my way to the food table. It was a more interesting place for me to be right now.

My mind keeps wandering back to Damion. I wonder if I'll see him again soon.

As I'm serving myself some food, I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around to find Lady Vilahna standing there, a smile on her face.

"Miss Rahua, may I join you?" she asks, her voice gentle and inviting.

I nod, slightly taken aback by her unexpected company. "Of course, Lady Vilahna. Please." I gesture my hand inviting.

She looks at me gracefully, her eyes studying me intently. "Are you enjoying the party?"

I hesitate for a moment, unsure of what was she thinking. "I am enjoying, thank you for the invitation."

"I... I want you to keep in mind that all here that has been spoken, is all just gossiping, nothing is set in stone." She says still smiling. I nod not sure of what to make of her words.

"Once again, I wanted to thank you Miss Rahua, for having saved me that day. If there's anything I could do to repay, please don't hesitate to ask."

I swollow dry, I have a lot that I want to ask her, but I don't dare to say it. My curiosity is itching to prey upon the subject, of her and Ceaser.

But instead, I smile and reply, "Lady Vilahna, your gratitude is more than enough for me. I'm just happy that I could help."

She nods, her smile widening. "You have a kind heart, Miss Rahua. I see why his H... Damion was so drawn to you."

Her mention of Damion catches me off guard, and I can't help but blush. "Damion... he's a wonderful person. I haven't seen him in a while, though. Does the Lady Vilahna knows if he's been well?"

Lady Vilahna's expression turns slightly somber, and she looks away for a moment before meeting my gaze again. "I'm afraid I don't have much information on him. Our paths haven't crossed recently."

"I see," I reply with a small smile.

"Good evening Lady Cramer." A voice from behind me suddenly speaks that I hop a little in surprise. " I am sorry, Lady.... Hmm I don't think we have met." As I turn around my worst nightmare comes true, as I see Vital Burious smiling. "Ohh Miss Rahua? What lovely surprise, I didn't know I would find you in such event. You look lovely." His face spotting his gentle features, once I again I can control my apprehension, I excuse myself and I leave.

I walk so fast that I feel like I left a smoke trail. My heart is beating so fast, I don't know why but his expression gives me the creeps, is so chilling to think such a gentle smile, hides a dangerous sociopath.

When I finally regain my composure, I was somewhat lost, I have lost my way through the imense Manor. As I look around for anyone, any maid or servant to ask for directions, I feel like I am getting more lost.

I wonder through the garden trying to find my way back. "Why do rich people have a need for such a large gardens?" I can't help but to complain.

"Is to make ourselves feel better, while we get lost in it." I voice says from behind. Why do I feel like people are sneaking from behind me all the time? As I turn around, my eyes widen, I can believe that The Ceaser, the Male Lead is in front of me.

"I... I..." My mind went blank I can't find the words to whatever I wanted to say. He looks at me as if studying me, I just want to hide from his gaze.

"I don't understand!" He says. What is that supposed to mean, what did I do? What does he not understand. I feel like my body is stiff stuck in a standing position.

"Haha...may I help you my Lord?" I say trying not to asound like an idiot.

"You are the one, who it seems to be needing help." He says, with his cold piercing gaze.

"Me? Noo, I was ... Just admiring.. the way." I say while my voice goes lower and lower. I feel like I am being judge by this character, and it doesn't feel good. I should just leave, one of the reason I didn't want to actually meet Ceaser, was because I felt like I was going to make a fool out of myself.

"Miss Rahua, there you are! I've been looking everywhere for you. Are you okay?" Lady Vilahna asks, her eyes searching mine for any sign of distress, I feel happy to see her, it is awkward with Ceaser.

"I was wondering around in the garden, I apologise for leaving so abruptly." I say.

"It's alright, Miss Rahua. I just wanted to make sure you were alright," Lady Vilahna says, her tone filled with genuine concern. "Come, let's go back."

"Hello Lady Cramer." Says Ceaser oddly formal. Her eyes widen realising Ceaser's presence, Lady Vilahna 's face blushing was very visible.

"Pardon me Lord Ceaser I have not seen that you were here?

Why is the Lord Ceaser here?" She inquiried confused.

"I have come to see your father, in Damion's requests, about the farming situation." Lady Vilahna started to laugh loud out of the blue.

"Hahahhah ... Is that so, that's clearly a man business, is not for us ladies to concern about. Shall we go Miss Rahua?" She pulls my arm taking me away, she was acting odd. But odder part was the fact that Ceaser was taking over requests from his underlying. Was he not Damion's superior?

I kept glacing back to Ceaser, he was looking at us leaving. There was something odd about Lady Vilahna behaviour, my curiosity was burning me inside. I wanted to ask, but I shouldn't, but I really wanted to know, before I could stop my mouth, the words were flowing out. "Why did the Lady Vilahna ignored the Lord Marquess Ceaser?"

She suddenly stopped, I didn't know if she was angry, or sad. But she kept her back towards me. "I... I.. made him almost hate me by my own greed, and preposterous actions, I don't dare to make my feelings known by him."

"And the plot thickens..."

"What? " She says her turning to me showing me a red face in embarrassment instead of anger. I guess I thought out loud without noticing.

"What I mean is..." I sight, as look at her gorgeous blushing face. " Let's just say there's a plot, something like a story, and every character has to choose it's route to follow the plot until the character reaches its happy ending, I think Lord Marquess Ceaser as already chosen his route and I think It's you Lady Vilahna. "

She looks thoughtful, as if she trying to make sense of what I just told her. "I don't think I understand those words as Miss Rahua put it, but think I understand it's meaning, you do say strange things from time to time. " I awkwardly laugh.

"May I ask you why did you left when Duke Burious arrived?" I am not sure how much can I say to her about Vital Burious, one of things of the story that I liked about her, is that she never got tricked by him, in opposition to Lady Bianca.

I sight, I decide to trust my instict and tell her. " I don't trust him, I think ..." I try to sound vague. " I don't think he is someone one can trust, at all." Her eyes widened, maybe I made a mistake telling her that bluntly.

"I wouldn't think someone like you would be as perceptive. No ever dares to say or think that about him. I do think you're right, though. Duke Burious is not someone to be trusted." Lady Vilahna says, her tone serious.

Her words comfort me. She does seem in someway the same character. At least I don't feel that I am at loss when talking to her.

"Thank you, Lady Vilahna. I just have a bad feeling about him, and I don't want to get involved with someone like that," I say, my voice filled with conviction.

"Trust your instincts, Miss Rahua. They are often the best guide we have in this life." Lady Vilahna says, a small smile playing on her lips.

We continue walking back to the party, lost in our own thoughts. As we step inside, Lady Vilahna turns to me.

"I hope you enjoyed the tea party, Miss Rahua. And remember, if you ever need someone to talk to or need help with anything, don't hesitate to reach out to me." This woman is freaking amazing. I do feel that she doesn't judge me, when I say all the things that I say. She just takes in and accepts it.

I think I will be fan girling her, for the rest of the tea party.