
I Love(d) You

"Are you still happy with me?" I asked him. "Are you?" he answered back, without looking at me. Then I knew, it's the end of us.

lovelysugawara · Urban
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3 Chs

Clothes and other stuff

Days dragged on, until I found this quaint apartment near my flower shop.

It is small, but still looks cozy.

"What is wrong with you? How much of your clothes are in his place? You're not a charity, are you? A thrift shop?" Lira is still furious about the clothes.

"You could have sell those clothes." I almost saw how she throws away the empty box outside the door of my apartment. "We could've been dining fancy tonight."

"I can never know what your way of thinking is, Eri."

I simply smiled at her, "Want some wine?" Because nothing can come between Eri and wine. Not even our friendship.

"Oh! You bought one! Sneaky mouse." Her irritation suddenly dissipated as she runs to the fridge.

"So, Stephen, huh? How are you two doing? Still as lovey – dovey?" I nudged my elbow lightly unto Eri's arm. Stephen is the only guy I know she continued dating. We're sitting next to each other on my small couch and both sipping our wine.

"I broke up with him."

"What? Why?"

Wow, I didn't know that. She didn't even tell me.

"Hmmm, different wavelength.My job spends my entire schedule, I barely even have time to sleep and eat. He wanted to take things up to a notch but I'm not yet ready to be, be-"

"-Committed?" I continued the word she doesn't want to say.

She timidly looked away. Both Eri and I uncomfortably shifted on our seats.

"Committed, yes. That's the word." Her head slowly shaking in frustration."I'm not ready, you know? I love my job."

I sighed heavily.

"And now you're witnessing the aftermath of my marriage. I'm sorry."

"Are you kidding?" she murmured. "It's not I decided to remain unmarried because of you."

She playfully punches my shoulder.

"Anyway, will you go to the office tomorrow? I think Liam wants to return some things? I don't know what's the point of you going there, and look at him in the first place."

I totally forgot about that.

I really don't want to see him, but I know that will be the last time.

"I'll go."

That night,I can't really fall asleep. Knowing I will see him tomorrow. I just know I'm afraid, I'm afraid to realize I still love him.

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