
I Level Up the Weakest Solo Leveler

Khan was a demon king, who had ruled hell for centuries. he was no ordinary demon king but a human who ruled hell. demon's under his command, he stayed loyal to his power and people for a very long time but, his companions were not so satisfied with a human being a demon king. they betrayed him and sealed away his powers and he was left alone in the emptiness of hell. where no one was present except him. for centuries, he was trapped there but one day, a system notification appeared. [we have heard about your desire for revenge] [if you want to take your revenge, accept the offer to work for the system] the desire for revenge was all over his mind. without any second thoughts. [yes] [contract made successfully] [you will be sent to a place, where you can regain all of your strength if you follow the orders] he was sent to the modern world, a place that was new to him. he only had one mission there. [find the weakest hunter and make him the strongest] [once fulfilled, you will regain your sealed powers] smiled... "just you all wait, I will take my revenge on you b**tard" Since chapters will be released every Monday and Tuesday. Until then, you can read the other novels I am writing. SSS-rank hero retiring to start his villain arc. discord: https://discord.gg/FWVX6T4B

iMaM786 · Urban
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32 Chs

Mission Ended

This situation for SeonHwan was pretty bad, first he was unable to escape and now he was getting beaten by khan.

He had given up on every hope of getting out.

On the other hand, Khan was giving him a stare as he stood just 2 metres away from Seonhwan.

"If you're not willing to get up then I will have to make you get up from that ground", khan said his voice to Seonhwan felt terrifying.

Seonhwan didn't want to get up, since his body was worked up by just crashing into the wall very hard.

Seonhwan wanted to escape but there was absolutely no such thing for him. As he said in his mind hopelessly.

D*mm*t, what a fool I am, why did I give my chance to sir Ji-hoon. I should have taken that chance to escape. D*mm*t.

He was feeling regretful, because of his own foolishness or trying to save someone else's life by being a hero.

His decision had cost him much more.

I don't want to die. Desperate he was.

When Seonhwan didn't get up from the ground, khan knew he was not in good condition.

Not being bothered by this, he just came closer, and grabbed Seonhwan by the hairs.

Very unrealistically, he was able to lift up Seonhwan from the ground.


Seonhwan screamed in pain, he felt a lot of pain due to his hair being pulled. Surprisingly his hairs were not being plugged off from the skull.

It was a feature of the hunters, unlike normal people hunters obtain features like strong body, strong hairs etc.

Since Seonhwan was still a hunter, his hairs were not that weak, just like a normal human.

When khan pulled him up from his hairs, Seonhwan just screamed and tried to endure but when the pain was out of control.

"This hurts!!" he shouted in pain.


He grabbed onto Khan's wrist, he wanted to free himself but it was impossible to do that.

Khan said, he was still on his cold side, "do you still think you can escape that easily. I can feel your regret and pain but there nothing you can do about it"

Khan took out his mana sword, as soon as he did so from his inventory. He swings it at SeonHwan.




The next moment, Seonhwan's arm fell to the ground. Seon was in great pain as he screamed very loudly.

He could not endure it anymore, tears came down from his eyes.

System screen appeared showing a process.

[99% process is complete]

Khan said in mind, as he looked at the screen. Just a little more.

He wanted to complete the task, the task to damage Seonhwan to a certain level. Although the process which khan had chosen was rough.



Khan cut off the other arm of Seonhwan, and Seon screamed once more, not being able to bear the pain.

But he was unable to do anything but just scream and endure the pain. Until khan kills him. He waited for such a time to come but when?

"Scream, scream as much as you can. You will remember it well"

The system with a new message appeared. [The process is completed]

[Requirements have been fulfilled]

Khan releases Seonhwan, thud… "egh", seon fell to the ground.

Seon was unable to get up because his arms were cut off and with what support he could lift his body up, as he remained laying on the ground.

Facing the top of the chamber, he was looking at the ceiling of the chamber. There were present chains hanging there.

Seon was dying, blood coming out of both sides of his cuts. But he just kept repeating the same phrase, "I don't want to die".

He wanted to keep his words as hope by somehow something might come to help him. Maybe save his life that was on his mind.

His voice was rough and barely hearable. He had his eyes half opened because of his remaining strength.

His body didn't have any more stamina to move anywhere even with his legs.

Memories were flowing in his mind, just like before when he was about to kill himself at the roof of the building by falling to his own death.

People were on his mind, his siblings and everyone who was good to him in the past all were coming to his mind.

All the happy and good times.

Thump… thump… thump…

The statues once more begin their march at SeonHwan, "kill him" they were moving by khan's command.

Seon heard the giant and loud steps of the statues, but he couldn't do anything but to lay on the ground and watch. Even moving his head around was painful.

The giant statues came next to him, surrounding seon from all sides. They had their heads down looking at the hopeless seon.

Seon slowly and roughly said, "so this is my end, I couldn't do anything for my siblings yet couldn't protect them just like I had promised uncle Kevin"

The statues had their weapons up, and woosh… they striked there weapons at Seon but in the mid way something happened, everything was paused and began to glitch.

Seon saw this and thought in his mind. What's going on? Why are they suddenly stopped and this weird glitch? What's this?

That's when a system screen popped up next to his face with a message. [If you wish to live, accept this system orders]

[If you do not wish to accept it you will instantly get crushed by the statues]

Without any other option, seon had to choose yes. If he doesn't do that he will be killed. In desperation of wanting to live he said.


"I never thought I had to go this hard on my master, I do feel bad for taking such actions", khan said, who was walking in seon direction.

Everything had stopped except for khan, but what was more strange was that in khan's pov. Seon was also paused and glitching but in seon pov everything else was paused and glitch.

But it didn't matter to khan, [put the crystal on the player's chest]

It was a message that was telling khan to put a small crystal which was in his hand on seon chest.

"What is this even for?"

[You will know later]

When he did what the system told him to do. The system came with a new message, [everything has been completed]

[You will be teleported back to the forest]

Everything around khan begins to evaporate into thin air. His surroundings turned into forest.

Khan was now standing in the middle of the forest, not even Seonhwan was present there but just him only.

Khan asked the system two questions as he was finished with his task.

"So now what will happen to the master and what about the arms I cut off?"

[Many hunters seems to be appearing in the chamber to rescue Seonhwan and about your second question]

[He has been completely healed with the system ability]

"That's good to hear", khan then walks off in a direction which leads to the exit path of the forest.

"right now I want to ask you many questions, but I'm just glad with the thing that master can now grow up and become strong"

[You can't forget that you have to make your master strong]

"That's your job to lead me how I have to do that, but what's my next task"

[Your next task will be after a month until then you can do whatever you like]

Looking at the system, Khan felt some sort of satisfaction as he gave the system a small smile.

"Then I will have to do eat up and rest for a month"

Khan who was still in his temporary appearance changed back to his original appearance. He was also holding onto his sword which along with the change in appearance disappeared.

[Yes, but I do say you should rest and train with your mana, If your able to gain 100,000 mana than you might be able to unlock Kai 1]

Kai… Khan said in his mind, Kai was previously used back in his past. There was no such thing as mana but rather another source called Kai. Same name also comes in level Kai.

That was what was in khan's mind since the system was present he can ask his question which he asked.

"System, Kai what's the difference between the Kai level and Kai which I have used before in my past time"

"And why does Kai requires a lot of mana"

[Kai level and Kai that you used are same thing but Kai level is the true Kai while Kai which you use is just a piece of it]

[Once you reach Kai level you can use the true source of kai]

"That does make sense but honestly Kai is always been something that's hard to master, even after all those years I haven't completely mastered that art of Kai"

[Learning piece of Kai is always hard because your trying to master a small piece of Kai]

[Kai can only be mastered if it's in complete form, if not then mastering it is completely impossible]

"So that was the reason learning it was so hard for everyone that even the best once failed at it, but there were some who were able to master it"

[Certainly not, they must be using another source or maybe mana]

While they were chit chatting with each other, Khan felt someone's presence from behind, it was as if someone just appeared behind him.

He quickly turned around and saw Leon, the same person who khan saw fighting that monster with chairman hanzo when the gates first appeared.

Khan was surprised and confused, wanting to know how Leon appeared behind him and yet was unaware of it.

Leon directly said a few things. "I'm here to give you chairman hanzo message, don't ask me how or who I am that's not my problem it's yours"

"Chairman hanzo wants to meet you at the main office"

"That is all, I have to say now I will take my leave"

[?!... What's with him?]

Both the system and khan were wondering what was wrong with this man, a person who looked with a lot of attitude but rather a more tiresome person.

But from his eyes, he didn't look like that.

Leon just passed by Khan, he still had a tiresome expression. "Have a good day Sir, man I'm really tired again because of the chairman. I will sleep for 10 days".

Khan then changed his direction to Leon as he wanted to inquire how he found him but before he could even ask. Leon had already disappeared from the scene.

"Strange, who is this guy? He even knew where I am and but most importantly why does Korean hunters chairman wants to meet me"

I need to know.