
Prologue: Because the Author wanted

My name is Nagoro Akiyoshi, 17 year old, in my second year of high school. 17th May 2024, that was the day I was chosen. Earth, Japan, Tokyo, that is where I live. That was the day I got to know. What did I know exactly? I knew that I, Nagoro Akiyashi was just a fictional character, a figment of someone's imagination. Not only me, but everyone I knew, from my family, my friends, my teachers, my pet dog Mukuro, my crush Kagehashi Kurumi, they all were a figment of his, the Author's imagination.

I have just returned to Earth, the year is 2023. Where have I been all this time? Well, I spent 500 billion years here and there, from one world to another, from one dimension to another. So, how has only one year passed on Earth? The reason is simple, because that's what the Author wanted.

You must be wondering how I am able to directly communicate with all of you. That's because, what you call the fourth wall does not exist for me. I was chosen to become one with the Author. You can say that I know everything the Author wants me to know, I can be anyone the Author wants me to be. Since the Author has given me the ability to render the fourth wall useless.

Though I have spent 500 billion years here and there, I am probably 500X that age. That as you might have guessed, was also something the Author decided for me. I can probably say I have the power to rule over all things fictional, if the Author wanted me to. I can become more powerful than anyone, just because the Author wanted me to be.

At this moment I can become omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent, and transcend over all things, if the Author wanted.

I guess you could say that I am the second Author or the protagonist of his story, something along those lines.

Truly, I wonder if my thoughts are really my own, or something that belongs to the Author.

Or looking at things the other way, everyone in this fictional world come form the Authors imagination, so we all are part of the Author.

Now that I have returned to Earth, which to was probably what the Author wanted, I wonder what things are in store for me, I mean what things the Author has in store for me.