
Do You Hold Us Responsible

"So how is going the construction of the bunker.

It should be finished by now with all the facilities"

Nill asked a old man who had a prosthetic right leg. He was around the age of 50. He probably lost his leg because of diabetes as Nethan could figure it out from the other symptoms of his body.

"The construction is finished and all the facilities have been completed except Mr. Roy's."

"Why is that?"

"As you know he is an archaeologist and he has made many discoveries but what is the the main issue is that according to him he needed a separate 100 square feet room with

Electromagnetic magnetic radiation surrounding his item all the item as he had said that if the item goes out of control we all will be dead in the bunker and the case for his item also has to be made by Polonium and with a outer case of plutonium.

The net amount of Polonium we will be needing is 200 Gram and we will be needing 1 Kilogramme of plutonium. We can manage the plutonium but he wants Polonium-310 which is so dangerous that countries have even banned the use of it in anywhere and it can make a place desolate for 5000 years which is why we can't risk to give him this."

"Have you said that to him how dangerous it can be for us if it is misplaced somehow?"

"We have but he still insists. He says that his item is currently in the original case the moment he found it but according to him the case won't hold on much longer. So he needs the case or we all face imminent destruction."

"How come I didn't know about it yet?! You should've told me about it the moment you learned about it!!!"

Nill Wilson was angered beyond explanation. If that item somehow gets loose in the world somehow than we won't be able to save anyone.

"I didn't know about it either. First I thought he must be joking so I didn't really think much about it but after a week he again came to me so I finally considered his request but when I learned about his requirements I was flabbergasted so I wanted to inform you but you were busy with the selection process for the next leader so I kept shut about it."

"You can't just keep shut about it. I know Mr Roy has a hilarious side to him but he never jokes about his work and you should've taken it seriously. Goddamn it!! How can you be so careless. Has he told you how much longer the case will last?"

"He said that he needed his room built with all the facilities in about 1 month."



Hearing that everyone was dumbfounded.

They didn't think their leader will curse at a board member also one of the founding member at that.

Now they understood how serious the matter was.

The member was red with embarrassment but didn't reply any and got out of the room to do his job.

"Now that we have the elephant out of the room we shall continue with our main objective for this meeting. So if any of you has any question you may ask Mr Nethan."

Although Nethan didn't want to comply with his parent's murderers but he knew that this wasn't the main objective now and he also understood why they had to do something so heinous. But there was still some hatred in his heart but he couldn't let it out now.

"Before the questionings starts I would like to Know why isn't Ms Moon was not in the list of potential candidates. We all know that Ms Moon is a genius and also the characteristics of a leader!

And he is also Mr Nill's daughter. So it should only be natural that she should be the next leader!"

Listening to that question Nill Wilson could only laugh.

"What you say is not wrong. Although it may not sound nice since I am saying as her father but I do believe that she should also be one of the candidates but Moon herself denied this proposal saying she didn't want to be the next president of


Everyone was puzzled because they couldn't understand the reason why she would deny such a position of such great honour to lead the next generation of humans?

"Because she knows I am better than her at every aspect that's why."

As everyone was thinking the reason Moon declined the position they heard Nethan's word and got shocked at how cocky and arrogant Nethan was with his behaviour.

This time Regas Sasamil spoke first.

"Although I won't disagree with how much of a genius you are and that you do have the characteristics of a leader but how can you know that she is worse than you?!"

"You can ask her that by yourself.

I am sure she won't ' DECEIVE ' you."

Everyone in the room was puzzled at why did Nethan pressured on the word ' Deceive'.

Nill was looking at Moon with a frown.

Nill obviously knew about Nethan and Moon's relationship but he didn't expect that the relationship will be so tensed right now because of the secret Moon didn't tell Nethan.

' I will be doing nothing about that. This is the matter of the youngsters. Let them solve it by themselves.

"Okay okay everyone calm down please.

We can leave it at that. What we currently need to discuss is about Mr Nethan. So please concentrate on the main issue please.

Now if you have any questions about Mr Nethan please ask him."

After everyone calmed down Regas Sasamil asked the first the question.

"Do you hold us responsible for the murder of your parents?"