
I Have Five Big Shot Daddies

The Little Monk picked up by the Master was five years old, and it was time for him to descend the mountain to find his father. Holding a little wolf cub, Little Monk Ruanruan, with his short little legs, charged over and hugged his father's long legs, calling out in a milky voice, "Daddy!" At the sound of "Daddy," five powerful men shuddered in unison! When Ruanruan first found his father: Father number one, detached, "Little kids are the most troublesome." Father number two, disdainful, "A joke, I have so many fans who like me, I wouldn't care about one extra Little Tuanzi." Father number three, holding Little Tuanzi, "Buddy, you've got the wrong person, go back and do your homework." Father number four, with a cigarette dangling from his mouth, raised an eyebrow, "Trying to scam me?" Father number five, with a confused look, "Do I have a daughter?" After spending a few days with Ruanruan, the fathers all had a change of heart... "This is my girl, none of you try to take her from me!" From then on... The five powerful men started their days fighting for custody of Ruanruan. Jiang Jincheng looked eagerly at Ruantuanzi, "...And what about me?" The five fathers glared coldly at the man who was trying to compete with them for their daughter! "Beat it!"

Singly Single · Urban
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394 Chs

Chapter 1: The Little Monk Who Went Down the Mountain with His Master

"Master, Master, where are we going?"

The dense morning mist still lingered in the mountains, and the tender, soft voice was like a bird in the woods, chirping and clinging by the side of the giant bird.

"We're going down the mountain."

The clear response, like jade colliding, answered her.

"What are we going to do down the mountain?"

"Down the mountain… to find your father."

The speaking voice grew closer, parting the thick fog, a long white figure appeared as if treading on clouds.

In a moon-white flowing monk robe, the man had a clear, transcendent face, with thin lips slightly upturned in a just right curve, and his narrow, phoenix eyes looked at the child next to him with a tenderly indulgent smile.

The white monk robe was ethereal, like an Immortal descended to earth.

"Master, why do we have to find my fathers, are you coming with me?"

The small child beside him had a bare, shiny little head; her tender face was plump, with distinct, curling eyelashes that made her clear, bright eyes even more lively. Her chubby, pink little mouth babbled on ceaselessly, making the silent wilderness bustling with noise.

The Little Monk looked about five years old, dressed just like the man beside her in a crescent moon-white little monk robe, but on her, it seemed even more cutely immaculate.

Hearing Ruanruan's questions, Jiu Yun sighed imperceptibly. He stopped his leisurely pace, caught Ruanruan's shoulders, and squatted down to look her in the eye.

Fingers defined like white jade gently rubbed the little one's bare head.

"Ruanruan, do you still remember Master once said that when little monks of Bailin Temple grow up, they must go out to gain experience? Ruanruan has grown up too, so this time Master is taking you down to let you have that experience."

"Master also has to take a long trip. For a while, I might not be with you, so you need to go find your fathers. Once you've found them all, Master will come back for you, alright?"

Looking at the puzzled gaze of Ruanruan, Jiu Yun's heart ached. He didn't want to leave the little one he had raised, but...

Jiu Yun's expression darkened slightly. Trouble had befallen his brother back home, and overnight, his parents had aged so much. He couldn't ignore it, so he must return to settle matters.

But he feared taking Ruanruan would be dangerous, so he could only send her to find her fathers.

Thinking of Ruanruan's fathers, he was still somewhat worried.

"Ruanruan, if you don't like any of your fathers, just call Master, and I'll have someone take you to my home. I won't be there and you might have to cope on your own for a while, but I will come for you soon."

He held Ruanruan's small body in his arms; she blushed, sniffed, and wrapped her soft little hands around Jiu Yun's neck.

"Then... then Master, you must come back quickly, Ruanruan... Ruanruan will miss you."

Master would leave her once they descended the mountain, Ruanruan thought and felt like crying, but seeing Master so sad, she couldn't cry and make him sadder.

"Good Ruanruan, did you remember to take with you the things Master gave you?" Jiu Yun asked with a faint smile, caressing her cheek, bending his index finger to scrape her little nose, looking at his sensible little charge with reluctance in his eyes.

Ruanruan obediently nodded.

"Mm-hmm... I have them with me. I often look at the photos, I remember what my fathers look like, Ruanruan can recognize them when I see them. If... if my fathers don't like Ruanruan, then I won't bother with them."

"How could that be." Jiu Yun laughed as he lifted the Little Monk into his arms and used one hand to pinch her small nose.

"Our Ruanruan is so well-behaved and cute, who wouldn't like Ruanruan?"


The little wolf pup that had been following at their side felt ignored for quite a while, and immediately started tugging at Jiu Yun's robe, howling for attention.

Seeing the squeezable little wolf pup, Ruanruan burst into laughter through her tears, and a tiny bubble formed at her sniffling nose, popping with a 'pop'.

Ruanruan, feeling embarrassed, buried her little face in her master's shoulder.

Jiu Yun's laugh, clear and bright, rose as he continued to carry Ruanruan towards the bottom of the mountain.

"Master, please put me down; your health isn't good, Ruanruan is heavy, and besides, Ruanruan is a big child now, capable of walking by herself."

"I'll hold you a little longer, when master is tired, I'll put Ruanruan down, is that okay?"

"Then... that's okay, but it's only for a little while, alright? Don't overexert yourself, master."

As she spoke, Ruanruan seriously wiped Jiu Yun's forehead with her clothes, as if he really was very tired.

Jiu Yun's eyes sparkled with amusement, and the two of them walked slowly into the distance, their voices occasionally peppered with Ruanruan's childish cooing.

Jiu Yun took Ruanruan to a small mountain village, where he had learned that Mu Shen had a project; he would come personally to inspect it in the next few days.

Looking at the small mountain village, Jiu Yun held Ruanruan's hand even tighter.

The villagers outside immediately noticed the two of them, as Jiu Yun, whether in appearance or aura, was simply too ethereal; some of the elders glanced at him and quickly pressed their palms together in prayer.

"Where does the great master hail from?" An elderly woman hurried over, her attitude towards Jiu Yun full of respect.

In their hearts, the villagers were quite devout, and seeing Jiu Yun in his moon-white monk's robe, with a face unlike any earthly being and a demeanour as if he could ascend at any moment, they truly regarded him as an Immortal.

The other villagers also crowded around, but for some unknown reason, they did not dare to come too close, yet they did not want to leave, maintaining a cautious distance while watching Jiu Yun and Ruanruan.

Jiu Yun's gaze was serene, the corners of his mouth upturned in a smile.

"Amitabha, my disciple and I have traveled here. May I ask if the benefactor might allow us to lodge temporarily for a few days? You need not worry, this humble monk will pay the rent."

The elderly woman waved her hands repeatedly. "There's no need, there's no need. Great master and little master, please come with me. My home just so happens to have some extra rooms available, as long as you don't mind their simplicity."

Jiu Yun nodded, leading Ruanruan and following the woman to her house, where he insisted on paying the rent in the end.

After tidying up a bit, Ruanruan's little stomach began to growl.

Jiu Yun chuckled softly, while Ruanruan's little face turned red with embarrassment.

"Master, you mustn't laugh at Ruanruan," she said, her soft voice carrying a hint of a whine.

"Alright, I won't laugh at Ruanruan. What would you like to eat? Master will make it for you."

"Vegetarian buns!" Hearing Jiu Yun's words, Ruanruan's eyes lit up, gleefully telling him what she wanted to eat.

"You, you..." Jiu Yun couldn't help but laugh, gently scraping her little nose before he stood up and left.

Ruanruan's eyes curved into adorable little crescents, her large, distinct eyes following her master's figure.

She trotted behind Jiu Yun like a little tail.

Jiu Yun loved gourmet food and enjoyed cooking himself, which is why his culinary skills were quite good—at least in the old lady's opinion. The extremely good-looking master had made dishes that smelled incredibly delicious; she had never seen such appetizing dishes in her life.

And they were all vegetarian.

"Benefactor, I have borrowed your kitchen. If you don't mind, please help yourselves to the remaining food," he said.

The old woman waved her hands excitedly in response.

"We don't mind at all, thank you very much, great master."

Jiu Yun nodded and carried the food he and Ruanruan would eat upstairs.

After eating, Ruanruan stood on a little stool, rolled up her sleeves to show her plump, snow-white little arms, and began washing the dishes with an incredibly serious expression on her chubby little face.