
New Beginning

Glorious Sun city, Seventh High School, Classes 3–6

Even though the college admission exams were over and all of the students had already received the results, they were still looking seriously at their homeroom teacher, Michel.

That was because what Michel was going to announce next would greatly affect the rest of their lives.

"A joint announcement from the Blue Star Genetic Committee, Glorious Sun Genetic Committee, and the Ministry of Education…"

Michel had only announced the names of the three official organizations, yet all 54 students of class 3–6 could not help but sit up straight and listen intently.

Several students even held their breath due to anxiety.

The announcement to be made was so important since it would decide their college and their life.

This exam determined a person's future.

"The Heaven Genetic Score for the year 2501 is 597, the Earth Genetic Score is 483, and the Human Genetic Admission Score is 395," Michel recited the three admission scores.

However, it felt as though those were three bolts of lightning. The words made the faces of several students turn pale and instantly devoid of color.

The words also made some students heave a sigh of relief. Their expressions became more relaxed.

Seven to eight students looked as though they were struck by lightning as they sat numbly in their seats.

"This… 395 points?"

"Why did the Genetic Admission Score's cutoff point suddenly increase by 22 points from the previous year?"

"I…I…I was just one point off!"

A male student tried his best to purse his lips together but ultimately could not control his emotions. He slumped onto the table and started to bawl.

This caused the other students who failed to meet the Genetic Admission Score to start weeping.

This Genetic Admission Score had determined their future.

Davis felt extremely bad when he heard the cries of his classmates. He wanted to console the student who was weeping behind him, but he did not know what to say.

He also felt a little scared when he thought the exam.

An admission score was only made up of three digits, yet, at this moment, it had determined the future of nine of his classmates.

According to Michel, if an individual failed to meet the Genetic Admission Score, they could only remain in the bottom rungs of society for the rest of their lives. There was no more hope for them.

However, in this brief moment, Davis suddenly felt that what their homeroom teacher told them before was far less cruel than what was happening now.

On the platform, Michel looked silently at the students who were bawling because they failed to meet the Genetic Admission Score. His lips were tightly pursed. His throat was dry.

This was not the first time he had taken a graduating class of third years. He had gone through this five times.

However, he could never find the words to express the heaviness in his heart.

The consequences of failing to meet the Genetic Admission Score were too much to bear for these children who had just turned 18.

Instinctively, Michel looked out the window. His gaze pierced through the empty space. Those darned Asuras!

If not for the Asuras, the Genetic Admission Score would not be as cruel as it was now.

The crying and weeping in the classroom gradually stopped after some time.

Michel took a deep breath, then said, "Those who failed to meet the Genetic Admission Score, don't be too dejected."

"All roads lead to Rome. If you work hard in the future, it is still possible that you can get your hands on a Gene awakening fluid."

"Everything is possible on the path of genetic evolution. There are precedents to all of this, but I won't go into details."

These were the only things he could say to console the students.

"Alright, after this, those who failed to meet the Genetic Admission Score are to report to Academic Affairs and determine a direction of study as soon as possible."

"The rest of the students are to gather at Court Number Four in 15 minutes."

Michel's gaze suddenly turned incredibly sharp, "Your genetic exams are just about to start."