
Chapter 4

Davis kept his mouth closed and did not say anything.

The homeroom teacher raised the whip in his hand. Sparks flew.

"Answer me!"

Davis had no choice when faced with the threat of the whip.

"I….I am angry!"

Three bales of white smoke shot out of Davis's open mouth and nostrils.

That was the smoke that he had puffed previously.

The group of boys bursts out into laughter when they saw the scene.

Michel slapped the back of Davis's head fiercely.


"Look at you!" Michel was furious. You can even spew out smoke when you are angry? Why don't you go and become a deity? Go, you're doing half a day's worth of training more!"

Davis immediately revealed a torturous expression. Tom, Old Pan, and the rest of them started to laugh.

"The same goes for all of you!" Michel added. That immediately caused the laughs of Tom, Old Pan, and the rest to turn into pitiful wails.

"Teacher, you sure are wise!"

Davis, who was already running out of the washroom, laughed. He gave Michel a thumbs-up.

Under the waning glory of the setting sun, a bunch of sweat-covered youths stuck to each other as they left the training court and ran home.

They could still hear the shouts of the physical punishment master, Michel, ringing in their ears.

"Be more obedient during these few days. I'll whip you so hard that you will cry for your mother if you dare to touch those kinds of trash that would affect the effects of the genetic medication again!" Michel threatened. "Replenish your energy when you get home and have a good muscle recovery."

The boys acknowledged, and Michel added, "Bring along your documents, liability form signed by your parents, and insurance form when you come tomorrow."

Everyone couldn't help but nod carefully since it would affect their results.

The year 2327 was an era of rapid technological advancement.

There were two important areas of transformation that happened during the 21st century.

First, the genetic research that humans had been conducting since the 19th century finally had consecutive breakthroughs during the 21st century.

Every breakthrough gave humans massive benefits.

Genetic disabilities were treated for the first time.

There was a massive decline in terminal illness.

The number of terminal illnesses that threatened humans dropped drastically from over 500 during the 21st century to 24 in the 22nd century.

That was if an individual had money.

Take for example a person's fundamental qualities.

The fundamental qualities that were passed down simply through reproduction, such as speed, strength, and lifespan, exceeded 10% even in ordinary humans.

The growth that resulted after a person consumed various genetic medications was even more alarming.

The second area was the results obtained from the fervent galactic explorations of various countries.

Nearly 100 years ago, countries like America, the Eurozone, Russia, and China announced that they found intelligent life outside of Earth. They had also established a connection with extraterrestrial life and tried to communicate with them to some extent.

The result of the communication was a rapid breakthrough in technology that humans always had major problems with. However, the invasion of intelligent extraterrestrial life also descended upon Earth.

It was an alien invasion.