
Call to Arms

"Have you ever heard of the black plague?" Chief said.

"You mean the one that struck central Europe in the middle ages?" I replied.

"Correct. And as you know, rats were the main perpetrators of the plague...well it seems to be not too different here."

"You mean...rats still spread it."

"Correct. It is our curse. The plague isn't really a plague. It's more of a curse."

"A curse?" I wasn't following at all. He noticed my confusion and attempted to break it in easier.

"Well eh....I don't particularly know more about it than you do. This whole thing is just too big a mess to untangle. But it basically comes down to the fact that every single rat on earth carries the black plague with him at birth."

"Really? Wait...do I have it?"


"But I don't feel anything!" I retort.

"Well it's not meant to affect you. But it's there, microscopic. It's in your claws, in between your teeth. It's there that's for sure."

"Ok but what does that have to do with anything?"

"Back in the day, as I hear, rats used to co-exist with humans. They were in every house, in every street and alley. But then the curse came...things have been tough ever since. Rats were chased out of every nook and cranny. They were burned, dipped in boiling water, experimented upon over and over and smashed. No one wanted to be near them." He said with a stressful look on his face.

"When I came to be and built this little colony I tried to investigate the cause, but it's just too difficult, there's yet much I don't know and I only have limited resources. I tried the peaceful option trust me. I really did. But it was just out of my grasp....so..."


"So we switched stances. We went on the offensive, started spreading the plague. To anyone and everyone anyway we can. Be it man, woman, elderly, child. It didn't matter...no it doesn't matter. If we are ever to accomplish anything we need this to be a ghost town, one ruled only by rats. And to that end I will go to any extent necessary."

Ah I see, now I understood why he was making such a fuss and trying to break in the subject quietly. He's afraid I'd see him as some sort of evil man who murders children for his own benefit. He was right. I did see him like that. But I didn't particularly object to it. Nonetheless if I could avoid hassle I would. So I was more interested to know where I fit into the picture.

"Well what does that have to do with me?" I replied.

"Well, now I just want to know, what do you think about what we do?" He asked quietly.

"I think nothing of it. Them drowning rats or burning them or you murdering them. They're all the same, people....no well 'creatures' looking out for their best interest. It's the natural way to go after all."

"Hmm...yes you're right. Well then that settles it. I like you. You're not scared of doing what is necessary. Which is why I want you to lead my main squad and get a scripture of your own?" He boasted.

"What? Lead a squad? I don't mind doing what must be done but I'd rather avoid bothersome business."

"It's up to you comrade. But if you don't do it you'll have no place here, this is a place where each contribute their best in the interest of all. And I wouldn't really like your chances out there, would you?" He smirked

He was right. Hearing they stuff about burning and boiling. I don't feel particularly safe about leaving this place.

"Even if I say yes, what kind of squad is it?"

"Oh you'll say yes. People have a habit of not being able to say no to me." He laughed. His arrogance ticked me off a bit but this was the worst time to make enemies. "It's my main squad. They have a varied operation types from surveillance to infection. They're what you could call my right arm. But they're still very primitive, much to teach. Having a superior human brain leading them would definitely be better."

"But, as you said, I am a mathematician you know? I only do desk jobs, I'm not fit for combat at all." I cried.

"Comrade. You're not a mathematician. You were a mathematician. Now you're a rat. Trust me you'll be able to do the job. I'll train you myself if I have to. I'll give you a scripture as well. Scriptures are not very common around here. You would be the object of envy. What do you say?"

It sounded risky. Not something I particularly want to do. But I knew I was only delaying my answer to not give him the satisfaction. There was no way in hell I was going back out there alone. And he doesn't seem like a man who would waver.

"If I accept. What's in it for me other than being allowed to stay here? How do I get paid?" I questioned.

"Well rations of course. You'd be deemed a high member of society and should get your fair share of food rations. Also owning a scripture itself is a great power, very few here actually own ones. So...we have a deal?"

"Alright...I'll do it."

"Correct choice comrade correct choice. Well let's not waste any time. Let me go introduce you to your squad members and start our scripture training. Great times are ahead comrade yes indeed. Great times."

He said smiling as he patted me on the back. We then left the office together.

I was about to start my first every scripture training huh? I couldn't say that the little kid in me was slightly excited at this super power type practice. But the adult part felt that probably....hard times were ahead.

The action is finally about to start! Look forward to it!

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