
I Have An A.I Chip In A Post-Apocalyptic World

_________________________________________________ It's the year 2098 AD and Dan is living his best life, playing virtual reality games and earning millions but one day it all vanishes when he wakes up on a parallel earth in the body of a kid. It's the year 2068 AD and Dan realizes that he has travelled back in time but to a different earth where animals have become humongous monsters and people have superpowers. And now he has a chance to fulfil a wish that he never got to fulfil back in his old world, having superpowers. And to help him he has the AI chip from his old world which seemed to have mysteriously travelled with him to this world. ( It will be a kingdom building or kind of like a kingdom building with some conquering elements to it. But before kingdom building, there will be some survival and adventure which will be exciting.  Kingdom building will start from around 50 -60 chapters while survival and adventures will start from chapter 25. Support me by buying me a beer on buy me coffee. Here is the link: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Parzivall

Parzivaall · Urban
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46 Chs


"Yes, it is. " A voice answered causing Dan to suddenly sit up and look around.

"What the fuck was that? Did someone just talk? " He thought as he scanned the whole room. He was alone. Had he gone mad or...

"No, it can't be. How can a physical chip travel with me to another body? " Dan thought with a bewildered look on his face.

Almost everyone had an AI chip implanted in their brain back in Dan's world. These AI were incredibly helpful in day-to-day activities or even complex calculations. A convenient tool in almost every situation.

But it was a physical chip. So, how could it be here in a new world and a new body? Or was he in a dream?

"No. You are not in a dream. This is reality. " But then the cold voice returned and answered the question that he hadn't even asked. The AI Dan had before couldn't read his mind but this one seemed to be able to do it.

"Can this fucker read my mind? " Dan muttered as he laid back down on the bed. He was already exhausted and now another strange thing cropped up.

"If by fucker you mean me, then yes. I can indeed read your thoughts as I am now a part of your brain. "

Dan again jumped at the voice but he quickly got back his bearings. He was supposed to have been used to the voice in his head. It was probably because he was in a new body which caused him to react like that. But that wasn't important at the moment. What was important was.

"How are you here? Or did this kid have an AI chip too? " He asked. It was a burning question that Dan had.

How did a physical object travel with his consciousness to a new body? Dan didn't even know how his consciousness had travelled to a new body but he could chalk it up to some abracadabra shit.

But transporting a physical object was a different story altogether. It was like wormholes and portal stuff that even the technologically advanced world that Dan used to live in didn't have. So, Dan had no clue how it got here and needed answers which he hoped the AI had.

"Answering your first question: I don't know how I got here. Answering your second question: No Ian didn't have any kind of implants in his brain. I am the AI that you used to call Lang. " Lang answered in a monotonous voice.

Dan's eyes widened as he processed what Lang had said. It was as absurd as him waking up in this body.

"Ho-How? Why?" Dan stammered a couple of questions but the chip seemed to have no answers as it remained silent for a few seconds.

And only after a couple of seconds more did its monotone voice return, " I don't know how. But after going through your memories and understanding the current situation, I have a probable guess as to why I have been transported with you to a new body."

Lang paused for a few seconds and continued again, "Whatever entity transported you might have identified me, an artificial intelligence system as a part of your consciousness and transported my consciousness with yours which managed to merge into one. And now I am a permanent part of your consciousness and fully under your control. "

"That sounds plausible. "Dan said after hearing the long lecture from Lang. But Dan didn't give a fuck whatever Lang was saying. He only cared that Lang was still under his control.

At this point, Dan just wanted to throw a punch at the fucker responsible for putting him in this bang-average kid's body and then sleep, away from all these bizarre events.

Dan's eyes started getting heavier. He was exhausted to the extreme by all the thinking he had done and that headache. And he still had to go through Ian's memory in detail as it would give him more information about this world. But he would do that tomorrow after getting some good sleep.