
I have a world class attribute

being a dangerous assassin in his previous life who wouldn't hate him and be on his trail but somehow he was saved by the heaven and transmigrated to another world where magic exist and the strong prey on the weak , where the rich do what they liked and got away with it but one filled with monsters and different races A few hundred thousand years ago , strange things started appearing on earth and one of the major things noticable was the appearance of portals which were known as dougen gates and each leads to a place known as a dougen which is stocked with beast and monsters , the appearance of this dougen's ignited the curiosity of the humans who found a way to tap resources from it and at the same time neglecting the consequences [if they even knew of one] later the seals on some of the dougen's broke lose causing a large scale monster invasion which forced man to scamper for their safety. New races also began to appear in earth and their appearance on earth brought about a one sided relief as they help fight against the monsters but at the same time almost turned the humans to slave's , this was one thing the humans couldn't bear forcing them to find a way to find a way to harness what other races called mana awakening a special inborn talent inside of them. and now there's a system to assist, then a beautiful ice dragon empress then a beautiful and sexy succubus at his command before he could understand , a cunning fox added as his summon " I think life is getting more better" Rex said with a smile

immortal_dragon · sci-fi
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10 Chs

chapter 2: awakening phase 1

Rex opened his eyes and found himself in a dark void filled with only tiny Stars and a huge projection which looked like a hologram television hanging in mid air

" Welcome Rex Balvren and this is your awakening space , so please hold on while you data is being loaded" a feminine voice sounded Inside the void causing him to look around for a clue but was left clueless about what is happening around him" who are you? " Rex asked confused not knowing what to do or what to say

" My identity doesn't matter to you at all , I'm only here to do my job" the voice sounded again and Rex still couldn't understand , trying to figure out what was going on " choose your race










Rex stood looking at the screen with a blank expression trying to pick up with the pace at which the surprise was coming and it took quite a while before he could understand, he coordinated himself before going through, he wanted to go for human but they all had a particular weakness which was that they had weak mortal bodies, goblins were too ugly for his liking not wanting to spoil his good looks even though they always got him into trouble, demon's although strong hand a problem of sometimes going out of control, he went through the others and wasn't satisfied with any the only one that got his attention was the dragon race which had a strong defense and magical properties and with that he settled for it picking it as his race

He got ready and answered a few questions which were mainly about his bodily and facial properties and the one's he changed mainly was his physical attributes not minding his face much since he was already breath taking enough, changing only his hair color from black to ash while his bodily features was on par with a male god

Just as he finished with this part he began to feel a weird sensation in his body, first it was like a sudden increase in heat followed by electrical shock as if struck by a lightning of a million volts

He screamed loudly but no one could hear him ,it was just being tortured with your flesh burning up, bones being mashed with a hammer and skin roasted in front of him, this lasted for ten minutes straight before coming to an end

" Worth the pain " Rex sighed checking his body which had gone through a really noticeable change, he had abb and muscles which he classified as a fairy tale before now , now being owned by him