
I Have a Time Travel Simulator

The more he got into the Comprehensive world, Kitahara Hakushu initially thought it was just an ordinary everyday Comprehensive world. Who would have thought that after entering high school, unusual things would happen one after another, and I would wake myself up through the simulator. Since then, Kitahara Hakushu has embarked on a path of becoming invincible. [Demon Slayer, Campione!, No Game No Life, Mondaiji-tachi ga Isekai Kara Kuru Sou Desu yo...] ---------------- Support me and get access to additional chapters. www.patreon.com/Yullain ---------------- Original Author: Senbei boy https://wap.faloo.com/1186285.html

yullain · Anime und Comics
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145 Chs

Chapter 35: Daki




"What the **** is this place! Why did I appear here?!"

It was already one o'clock in the morning.

The streets at night are unusually quiet.

Except for some drunks wandering the streets who haven't come home, there are very few pedestrians.

At this moment, a girl with silver hair and golden eyes was shuttled non-stop between the cities, her figure was astonishingly fast.

And she is exactly what Utaha Kasumigaoka said, the existence with strong physical fitness is hardly human.

At the same time, she was exactly what Kitahara Hakushu expected.

Demon from Demon Slayer World!

Shuttled through the city for a while, and after searching to no avail, the girl's footsteps also slowly stopped.

At this moment, she was extremely irritable.

She couldn't figure out why she suddenly appeared here!

Looking at the tall buildings in front of her, the girl only felt a headache and strangeness.

"How can I go back?"

The girl walked slowly while thinking.

At this moment, she has also realized that this world is fundamentally different from her original world.

When she first came to this world, she originally wanted to contact Kibutsuji Muzan or Gyutaro, but she didn't get any response.

"Strange world."

The girl thought so.

And while she was thinking.

The drunks who were walking next to her also saw the girl's existence.

When the drunks saw the girl, their eyes lit up immediately.

Under the influence of alcohol, he became very courageous.

Seeing a beauty like a young girl, I immediately fell in love, so I didn't care about anything else.

All of a sudden, a few people pushed and wobbled towards her.

"Hi, little sister...it's so late, why haven't you come home yet, is, are you lost?"

"Do you want, do you want uncle to take you home, hiccup, hahaha."

The lewd laughter suddenly sounded in these populations.

Coupled with the fact that the girl's clothes are somewhat revealing at the moment, these people are even more daring.


When the girl heard these words, she subconsciously turned her head to see that this was a drunkard. Her golden pupils seemed to be flickering, and she said with a cold expression:

"Are you... courting death?"

The drunks laughed out loud when they heard this, and just wanted to continue making fun of it.

But before they could say anything, the girl kicked one of the drunks away.

The strong wind of the drunkard flying upside down makes life painful.

-boom! !

Accompanied by a loud bang, the drunk man's body smashed through the iron door of a store, his body was covered in blood and he passed out, his life and death unknown.

Seeing this scene, the other drunks broke out in cold sweat and drank alcohol, and instantly sobered up a lot.

"I'm in a bad mood right now. If you dare to provoke me, go to hell."

The extremely cruel words were spoken from the beautiful girl's mouth, combined with her strength to kick a grown man away, no one thought she was joking.

The faces of the drunk men were pale, trembling all over, and a sense of fear instantly spread in their hearts.

For a moment, my heart was filled with endless regret.

But just when the girl was about to kill these people directly, a sigh sounded.

"Hey, although it's really their fault that they dare to provoke you after drinking a little wine, but it's good to teach you a little lesson. It's a bit too much to kill directly, right?"


When the girl heard this voice, her body tensed up immediately, and she looked around vigilantly.

The figure of Kitahara Hakushu also slowly walked out from the darkness.

He glanced at the terrified drunk, then at the drunk lying on the ground, shaking his head.

It's really... to die, to dare to provoke demon.

"Who are you!" The girl looked at Kitahara Hakushu vigilantly, her heart was full of uneasiness.

She felt that the person in front of her was not simple.

"Me? You can regard me as the Hashira of the Demon Slayer Corps." Kitahara Hakushu looked at the girl again and said.

"Hashira? Is there actually a Hashira in this place?!" The girl couldn't believe it, and she became more vigilant in her heart.

"I'm here, so of course there is."

Kitahara Hakushu replied like this, then looked at the girl and said, "But what I didn't expect was that it was you, Fallen Princess, who came this time."

That's right.

The girl standing in front of Kitahara Hakushu is Daki from Demon Slayer World.

Fallen princess!

"You know me?" Daki looked at Kitahara Hakushu.

In a strange environment and a strange place, there are people who know themselves.

This made the uneasiness in the girl's heart even more obvious.

"Hashira of the Demon Slayer Corps! Are you here to destroy me?" Daki asked.

"That's right, but before that, I need you to do one thing for me." Kitahara Hakushu nodded and replied.

"Huh? It's ridiculous!"

After confirming that it was the enemy, Daki no longer hesitated.

Laughing wildly, she said recklessly: "Not only do you want to kill me, but you also want me to help you? Don't be too crazy, Hashira of the Demon Slayer Corps!"

"It's just demon slayer! It's not like I haven't killed before! You know that I'm the Upper Moon Rank, but you still dare to appear in front of me, then go to hell!"

After all, the belt on Daki back rushed directly towards Kitahara Hakushu.

However, it has not waited for Daki to react.

With a flash of Kitahara Hakushu's body, he came directly in front of Daki.

With a surprised expression on her face, Daki subconsciously turned her head to look at her side.

She has no idea when Kitahara Hakushu came to her.

Kitahara Hakushu didn't draw his sword, but grabbed Daki head, and ruthlessly pressed her to the ground.


There was another loud bang.

The ground was directly smashed into many cracks.

Daki only felt her eyes go dark, and then her head was pushed down to the ground by Kitahara Hakushu.

how is this possible?!

I didn't see his movements at all! There was no time to react!

In just a split second, she was defeated before she even made a move.

How strong is this guy?

With such thoughts in mind, Daki, who was pressed to the ground, began to struggle desperately: "Damn it! Let me go, let me go!"

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