
I Have A System From Great Demon Asmodeus

[ HAREM/MATURE CONTENT ] [ NO NTR NO NETORI ] The Great Demon Asmodeus gave a system to a man who had no bright future. The man, who had felt hopeless and was about to end his life, returned to live with passion and enthusiasm. Yeah.. and 'that' kinda enthusiasm too •_- . Mike the man who have System from Great Demon Asmodeus only have one mission from the System, "Live as long as he can and get stronger". Mike doesn't know that as the man who was gifted by demon, he should fight against Owner Of Heaven's Blessing, who sent to kill anyone who take the gift from demon. ___ - Cover By AI

Lil_Asmodeus · Fantasie
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18 Chs

Shadow Of The Abyss

The wind howled through the trees, sending leaves scattering into the air like whispers of ancient spirits. Mike stood at the edge of the forest, the sound of the ocean crashing against the shore behind him. In front of him, Seraphina was stretching, preparing herself for their first day of training. Her calm demeanor was a stark contrast to Mike's jittery anticipation.

"Ready?" Seraphina asked, her voice steady.

Mike grinned, his hand resting on the hilt of his Wakizashi. "You bet. Let's see what you've got."

Seraphina smirked, but there was a flicker of something more serious in her eyes. "This isn't just about swinging a sword or casting a spell, Mike. It's about mastering control—control over your body, your mind, and your power. Without it, you'll lose yourself in the chaos of battle."

Mike's grin faded slightly as he nodded. "I get it. So, what's first?"

"First," Seraphina began, walking towards him, "we need to assess how well you understand your abilities. You've got that Hellfire, and from what I've seen, it's strong, but it's also volatile. You need to focus on containing it, bending it to your will. Otherwise, it will consume you."

Mike drew his sword, feeling the familiar pulse of the flames within him. "Alright, let's do this."

Seraphina stepped back and nodded. "Let's start with the basics. Channel the Hellfire into your sword, but don't let it ignite. Just focus on keeping it under control."

Mike closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He imagined the dark flames swirling inside him, wild and untamed, but he didn't let them out. Instead, he focused on the sword in his hand, directing the fire toward it. The blade began to warm, a faint glow emanating from its surface, but no flames appeared. Mike's brow furrowed with concentration.

"You're doing well," Seraphina said calmly. "Now, hold it there. Don't let the fire escape."

Mike's muscles tensed as he struggled to maintain the balance. His sword vibrated slightly as the heat intensified, but he held it steady, refusing to let the flames burst forth.

"Good," Seraphina encouraged. "Now release it—slowly."

Mike exhaled sharply, and the heat dissipated from the sword. He opened his eyes, feeling a surge of accomplishment. "Not bad, right?"

Seraphina nodded approvingly. "Not bad at all. But that was just a small amount of your power. When you're in the middle of a fight, controlling that fire while also defending yourself will be much harder."

Mike rolled his shoulders, the tension slowly leaving his body. "I get it. It's harder than it looks. But hey, I'm a fast learner."

"Then let's see how fast," Seraphina said with a mischievous glint in her eye. Without warning, she lunged at him, her hand moving faster than he could react.

Mike barely had time to raise his sword before Seraphina's palm was inches from his face. Instinctively, he let the Hellfire surge into his blade and slashed upward, forcing her to leap back. The flames roared to life, engulfing the sword in an instant.

"Too slow," Seraphina taunted. "If I'd been serious, you'd be on the ground right now."

Mike scowled, shaking the flames off his sword. "Damn it. You could've warned me!"

"There won't be any warnings in battle, Mike," Seraphina said sternly. "You need to be ready for anything."

Mike grumbled under his breath but nodded. She was right, after all. He couldn't rely on everything going as planned.

"Again," Seraphina commanded.

They trained like that for hours, Mike slowly improving his control over the Hellfire while also learning to anticipate Seraphina's attacks. By the time they finished, the sun was high in the sky, and Mike was drenched in sweat. He dropped to the ground, panting heavily.

"You're getting better," Seraphina said, offering him a water flask. "But you're still hesitating too much. You need to trust your instincts more."

Mike took a long drink of water, wiping the sweat from his brow. "Easier said than done," he muttered.

Seraphina sat down beside him, her own breath a bit labored. "It'll come with time. You've already come a long way since we first met."

Mike looked at her, studying her face. There was a strength there, but also a softness that hadn't been present when she was still trapped in her cursed form. He wondered what it must have been like for her, wandering the wilderness for centuries, lost in darkness.

"What was it like?" he asked suddenly. "Being cursed for so long, I mean."

Seraphina's expression grew distant, and for a moment, Mike thought she wasn't going to answer. But then she spoke, her voice quiet.

"It was like being trapped in a nightmare that never ended," she said. "I couldn't think, couldn't feel anything but hunger and rage. My memories faded, and all that was left was the beast. Sometimes, I'd have flashes of who I used to be, but they were like distant echoes—too faint to hold onto."

Mike's chest tightened at the thought of being trapped in such a way for so long. "That sounds... horrible."

"It was," Seraphina admitted. "But now, thanks to you, I'm free. And I'm determined to make sure no one else suffers the same fate."

Mike nodded, feeling a sense of responsibility. He had freed her, but now he was tied to her fate as well. Whatever dark forces had cursed her were still out there, and it was only a matter of time before they encountered them again.

Suddenly, the ground beneath them trembled. Mike shot to his feet, his hand instinctively going to his sword. Seraphina followed suit, her eyes scanning the horizon.

"What the hell was that?" Mike asked, his voice tense.

Seraphina narrowed her eyes. "I don't know, but it's not good. We need to investigate."

Without another word, the two of them took off in the direction of the tremors. The shaking grew stronger as they approached a clearing in the forest. When they reached the edge, Mike froze in his tracks.

In the center of the clearing stood a massive, shadowy figure, its form shrouded in darkness. The air around it crackled with energy, and the very ground seemed to recoil from its presence. Mike's heart raced as he instinctively knew that whatever this thing was, it was far more dangerous than anything he had ever faced.

"What is that?" Mike whispered, gripping his sword tightly.

Seraphina's face was pale as she stared at the creature. "It's... something from the abyss. A creature of pure darkness. We're not prepared for this, Mike. We need to—"

But before she could finish, the beast turned its glowing red eyes toward them and let out a deafening roar that shook the very trees. There was no time to run. The fight had already begun.