
I have a shop in the Multiversal Trading Center.

In the toughest moment of Robin's life, a beggar sells him a ring. after wearing the ring. A think-call system told him that he had become one of the shop owners of the Multiversal Trading Center and gave him two choices: if he wanted, he could become the owner of the shop, or he could just ignore it and go on with his life. Robin has nothing to lose, so he accepted the offer. Robin finds out that in the Multiversal Trading Center, there are a lot of different kinds of creatures, and they are buying, selling, and exchanging various types of technology and materials. Follow Robin and see how he became different after building a business empire. Can Robin stay as a moral human being, or will he become a corrupted human being in this unforgiving world in order to follow his dream of going to the stars?

Ahad_Sheikh_8685 · sci-fi
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6 Chs


My name is Robin. I don't remember who my parents are. I live in one of the world's largest megacities, Dhaka. Specifically, I was living in a train station. My parents left me here when I was two. I don't remember that much, but in order to live my life in the train station, it was tough. At the train station, there were many other children like me.

I start begging and looking for scrap bottles of water to sell to feed myself. When I was a small child, I didn't know why I had to live. I don't know why, but I have to live. In order to live, I need money, and I don't have a choice. So I did my best. In the station, I saw a lot of crime. The general public used the station during the day, but the crime began at night.

A small child like me started pickpocketing, and teenagers started dealing drugs and committing other big crimes. One night, I saw a girl between the ages of thirteen and fourteen being dragged into a dark alley by some teenagers; I won't say what happened to her, but her body was later discovered in a pile of garbage.

At that moment, I knew I had to get out of there or I would become like them. There was hope for me because, after that, a lot of people started pressuring the government.

On that day, I was a four-year-old child who made the toughest decision of my life. I joined the NGO program because it helped me. I am 20 years old now. My situation is better than it ever was; I already graduated from college. But there is always a problem surrounding me: money. I did work in different shops, but I didn't save enough for my university.

I want to complete my university studies because you cannot get a good job without a good certificate. I did apply to a government university, but like me, there are millions of other students who did the same thing, and I didn't get the chance to enter a government university. As for public universities, their prices are so high that even good students drop out of their studies. I was pulling the hair off my head. I just want to live a normal life, but life has always kicked me to the ground and shown me who I am.


My phone started ringing. I picked up my phone and looked at it. It was my girlfriend calling me. I have a bad feeling about it; nothing is going right for me now. Hello, Eva, how are you, my love? Robin, can we meet together now? She inquires. Now, what happened? Is something wrong? Yeah, sure, I am coming now. She was crying.

I took a good-looking t-shirt from the cupboard. Even before I wear my t-shirt, I start running. We always meet in the park near our college, so I know that she will be there. My apartment was close to my college, so it took me fifteen minutes to come to the park. I find her in the usual place where we met together. She was wearing a beautiful dress. But my heart was hurting, seeing that she was crying. She is a very beautiful girl, even though we have been in a relationship for two years. We both just hold hands and never get more deeply into our relationship. We both know that we love each other. There was nothing wrong with yesterday's meeting with her. so why she is crying

I ran to her and asked, "What happened, Eva?" She looked at me and didn't say anything for a long time. After a couple of minutes, she starts talking: "I am really sorry, Robin; I cannot be with you." I was surprised; I don't know what to say. I looked at her and took a deep breath. What happened? If everything was right yesterday, what happened now?

Before she can say anything, I hear a deep voice say she is getting married to a businessman; it was her father. I was scared but also angry. I respectfully told him that if we love each other, why would he do this to us? Eva tries to say something, but he stops her—"Stop talking to him, stupid girl." He looked into my eyes at this moment, and to be honest, I was scared, but I stood my ground. He came before me; he was a strong man, and I know he was in the military in his younger days.

Without saying anything, he grabbed my neck. Eva tried to stop him, but she could not do anything. He just looked into my eyes and said these words that I cannot forget for the rest of my life: "Listen, son, I know you are a good person, and I also know you both love each other, but in this world only money rules, and trust me, I learned that the hard way." She is the jewel of our family, and do you think I will give it to you, my precious jewel? Even if you graduate from the university, you will earn nothing. I came here today because I knew that she could not say this stuff to you, so I am saying it. I also know that you have a hard life, but there is nothing that I can do about it. Live in reality, my boy, not in fantasy.

After that, he left with his daughter. I was just standing there; I didn't say or do anything because I knew I didn't have the money or power to stop the person. Starting today, I was alone again. A drop of rain hit my face. I came to my senses and heaved a sigh. The rain started pouring heavily, but I just stood there. I thought to myself, "I am the biggest loser in this world." Why the hell did God even send me to this unforgiving world?

In the car, Eva looked at her father. "You shouldn't do that." Well, I have to; if I don't, he will never come out of this sorrow. If he can, he will be suitable for you. I will personally go to him and ask for his hand for you. I am just going to the USA. At that moment, if you tell the truth, it will destroy his entire life. In his eyes, I am so in love with you, so he will try to go with you, but as you know, he doesn't have any money. And a person like him who pushes very hard will do something very dangerous that will endanger his life. So I had to. Don't get angry with me, my daughter; it is the best choice for both of you. If you really want to marry him, complete your studies in the USA and come back to marry. If he is still unmarried and faithful to you, hahaha.

The rain was still falling even in the evening. There was an old beggar sitting beside me. He looked at me and said, "Looks like you're having a very difficult life." Yeah, I do, and it is very bad for me. The beggar smiled with his broken tooth and said, "If you give me ten takas, I will give you this ring." What will this thing do to me? Surprisingly, talking with him made my heart lighter. My grandfather passed this item down to me. Stop Bull-shiting.

What do you want? If you need money, just ask me; I am not that stupid, and I will believe your words. I smile again. Yes, I need money, but I will exchange this thing for you. I give him the money, and he also gives me the ring. It's a nice exchange. He smiles at me; this is stupid. Don't forget to put the ring on your middle finger. I thought he was joking with me, so I did it, but it got stuck. OH, COME ON!

He starts laughing at me and stands up. Do not lose hope in your life, young man. He started singing a song and walked away. I was frustrated; everything was going wrong for me now that this ring. I begin to return home. On the way, I saw my roommates searching for me. Other people share my apartment with me; they are not my best friends, but they are my friends.

One of them told me, "Wow!" You look horrible. What happened? Did she dump you? Yeah, this is pretty much terrible. By the way, we are going away, so the answer is "yes." I was surprised by all of you; yes, we are going back to our village. At least we should say goodbye to you. After that, we all go back to our apartments, where they have already prepared their bags. One hour later, I was alone in my apartment.

I close my eyes and try not to cry, but my tears will not stop coming. I opened my eyes and looked at my hand. On my middle finger, there was the ring. I thought to myself, "What the hell am I going to do with this ring?"

At that moment 'Ding' host was detected. I was surprised there was no one in my room, but someone is talking to me. Is it a ghost? Before I can say anything, that person says the new host has detected deleting the former host's information. New host, do you accept the Multiversal Trading Center invitation?

YES or NO.

What is the Multiversal Trading Center? And who the hell are you? "Ding" detects that the host doesn't know anything about the Multiversal Trading Center. Authorizing the explanation of the Multiversal Trading Center concept. The Multiversal Trading Center is a place where people from every universe come to sell or buy any kind of technology or material. I am the administration call system that monitors and protects the people who come into this place. so they can do their business effectively.

Is that true, and where is that place? You will indeed be going to the place we call the Multiversal Trading Center, or short MTC. But how is it possible that I can just go there? It is fine; the travel will be attended to and protected by the system. So do you want to accept the MTC invitation? Yes, I do. Congratulations! You are the third person who has registered from Earth.

I don't have anything to lose and will see what happens, according to the third person who said it did say it was deleting some former host's information or something like that. In the MTC, you will be given a place that will be your shop. In the shop, you can buy or sell materials for technologies or other stuff, but you have to pay in MTC currency. In the MTC currency, call it a "Universal Coin." Ding! Keep in mind that if you sell something in your shop, you will receive something called XP. If you get enough XP, you can reach the next level of the MTC authorization list.

Every time you want to travel to the MTC, touch your ring and say in your mind that you want to travel to the MTC. Also, note that you will be going with your body; don't worry, nothing will happen to you.

Everything has been explained system logging off in 3,2,1.

What do you mean by "logging off"? That was all. I calm myself and sit down. So I can go to this MTC location and exchange technology materials and other items. If I play my hand right, I can become the richest person in the world. What difference does it make now that she's gone? I took a deep breath and calmed myself again. I thought to myself, "If I keep crying, it will solve nothing." and "What can I do with this ring?"

I go to my apartment's roof. If anything happens to me, I will come here to see the star. The sky was clear after the rain, and there was a smell coming from the rainwater and the concrete city. The wind was blowing into my face, and looking up at the sky, there were endless stars. In this large universe, I am just a human being living in a tiny floating ball. I thought to myself that if something happens to this earth anytime soon we will all be dead.

I am a simple person. I got excited if my country did something big or if, as human beings, we found water on the moon. Did I really deserve this opportunity? Let's not get power-hungry with my new opportunity. I told myself and promised myself that I would try to be a simple person.

A great person once said that you should "learn from history or you will become history." But I will say, "Learn from history, or history will never remember you." Let's do my best and try that no one will ever go through the pain I feel in my entire life. Except for love, I cannot deal with it. Man, it still hurt. She just left me. Even though I didn't get her, I will show her that I am the best person forever. With my new motivation, I go back to my room.
