
I have a shop in the Multiversal Trading Center.

In the toughest moment of Robin's life, a beggar sells him a ring. after wearing the ring. A think-call system told him that he had become one of the shop owners of the Multiversal Trading Center and gave him two choices: if he wanted, he could become the owner of the shop, or he could just ignore it and go on with his life. Robin has nothing to lose, so he accepted the offer. Robin finds out that in the Multiversal Trading Center, there are a lot of different kinds of creatures, and they are buying, selling, and exchanging various types of technology and materials. Follow Robin and see how he became different after building a business empire. Can Robin stay as a moral human being, or will he become a corrupted human being in this unforgiving world in order to follow his dream of going to the stars?

Ahad_Sheikh_8685 · sci-fi
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6 Chs

I earned $70 billion!

–After opening my company, I thought I would be busy, but I didn't have to do any work; everything was completed by employees from different departments. They are doing a great job. These days I have to just sign a couple of documents. The plan for my company was going very well. We have a lot of foreign companies and law firms working on behalf of my company.

Yes, I have to pay a lot of money to them, but it will be returned to me. I am just waiting for time to pass. I also consume the other two magical potions, the memory-enhancing potion causing minor pain in the side of my head, but not as much as the first time. As for the healing potion, after drinking it, I felt like a newborn baby.

I decided to focus on my shop in the Multiversal Trading Center for this week. I enter the Multiversal Trading Center by touching my ring. After entering, I saw many people lining up to buy our technological data. The fairies were super busy handling the customers.

I go to her. Hey, fairy, how are you doing? Master, welcome to the shop. I am doing pretty well. As you can see, we have a lot of customers. Yes, we have many customers, and after saying that, I also started helping her.

We've already made 5 million Universal Coins, but despite the fact that there are a lot of customers buying Technology Data, it appears that next-level shop level 4 is a long way away. I decided I would invest some Universal coins to decorate the shop. But I also want to hire more shop assistants, like a little fairy.

Little fairy You look very busy handling the customer. I was thinking of buying another shop assistant to help you with managing the shop. I thought she would be happy, but the fairy starts crying like a little baby. Why are you so upset?

Master, you don't like me anymore. Why are you buying another fairy like me when I say that I don't like you anymore?

Oh my God, she misunderstood me. What the hell am I going to do with this little cute fairy?

Because you are busy and I am always not in the shop, you're feeling lonely, and there are a lot of customers. That's why I want to buy another fairy like you.

She gives me a big smile, so my master likes me. Sometimes I think she is not an AI but more like the spirit of an intelligent creature.

We should renovate the shop quickly. Master, you should save money fast if you level up very quickly and go to the next level, or you will need a large amount of Universal Coin, so you should save money fast.

I know, but it is going to take a long time to level up to level 5. I am pretty sure you also won some updates in the shop.

You are quite right, master. I want a large screen in front of the shop. Let's do this. Yes, let's go, master. Well, we don't have to go anywhere; you have to call the administrator; she told me that.

Hey, system, Are you still here, or are you sleeping? No host I am still here and will always be here. I want to buy a lot of stuff to renovate my shop. Host, I will be giving you all of the information that you need in your mind, and don't worry; it will not cause any harm or pain to you.

When I try to imagine things like tables for chairs, they will appear in my mind, along with the price. In order to reduce the cost of changing the color of my shop, I purchased a carpet for the floor.

As the fairy says, I also need a large screen where my product will be shown. So I bought one. I also bought a good register so it will be easy for customers to pay their bills. Before I have to do it personally, the fairy has to do it personally by hand. And I also bought a large number of holograms that show the technology in front of my shop. I also changed the sign outside the shop to a new one.

All of those cost me almost 3 million Universal Coins. But it was what made my shop look amazing. What do you think I ask the fairy? It is beautiful, my master. Alright, let's buy another assistant for you. I start looking around in my mind. I did have a fairy in my shop; let's buy a cat girl.

When I saw the prizes, I was devastated. Almost $1.5 million is needed for a cat AI. System, what the hell is this price? Everything is perfect, the system told me. Everything is perfect, my a**. I feel a pinch in my heart, but I still want it because it looks cute. Everything in my shop will be cute, I told myself in my head. After buying everything, you can say I am a poor person because I have less than 500 thousand Universal Coins.

I was very happy, but I heard the voice of the fairy master: "You are a lecherous person." I cannot believe that you are into cats. She makes an angry face and turns away from me.

What do you mean by a lecherous person? I looked at the cat's AI, and then I understood why. The cat girl was very beautiful, and she had big boobs. I was surprised because I didn't very much look into those things; I just looked at her face and bought it because of her ears.

I start getting nervous. Listen to me, fairy. I didn't mean to do this. Before I could finish my words, she started laughing. "Master, I am joking with you, but she has big boobs." "Do not look at her that much or I'll be angry." What the hell is she—my girlfriend or something like this? Ok, ok, calm down less activator first, but you need to choose a name for her. Alright, fairy I will give you a remarkable moment in our store's history. My holy fairy, please name this child. As you wish, master, her name will be Lucy. Well, that is a very good name. I will never come out with such a good name.

I activated Lucy and said to her, "Welcome to my shop." Thank you, master; your name will be Lucy, and she is the fairy of our shop and also your boss. I believe you already know what to do. Yes, master, I know you don't have to worry about anything. After that, the fairy and Lucy start talking to each other. Okay, both of you, I'm returning to Earth. Master, take care of yourself. Thank you. Bye.

After returning from the Multiversal Trading Center shop, I leave my bedroom. My butler was standing beside the door of my bedroom. What are you doing here, Jack?

Sir, I came here to inform you that dinner is ready. Thank you; I will be there. I was walking into the dining room, and they were also following me. Sir, there was an invitation from the mayor of the city. From the mayor of Dhaka City, what is it about? Sir, I believe it is about improving the environment of Dhaka city.

Well, sir, it will be basically a party; you should go there. You should try to meet other businessmen and Bangladeshi politicians; it will help your business. I know that I don't like quite this kind of stuff, but I will do it; let's see what happens. My question is, "How in the hell did they know that I am a businessman?" I did register my company. So they did get my information that way.

I eat my dinner and go to sleep, and in the morning Jack calls a tailor to make a suit for me for the party. I ask the tailor, "Can you make the suit that quickly?" because the event is two days later. The tailor smiled at me and said, "Sir, you don't have to worry; we will do our best, and it will be delivered in one day." Now take your time, but make sure to deliver within these two days.

Two days later, in the evening, I was getting ready for the party. The event was happening near my home, so it would not take me much time to go there. My butler helps me again with the wearing of my new suit. I've never worn this kind of suit before.

I arrived at the event at the perfect time. There were a lot of people, including businessmen, politicians, and other people. I was quite nervous because I didn't know anyone. But I saw a person I did not accept as being here. She was Jannatul, the CEO of my company. She was with an old man who looked like her father. She notices me and smiles. She was wearing a beautiful dress and looked stunning.

She comes to me with that old man. Hello, sir, how are you doing? I am doing fine. By the way, you look very beautiful in this dress. Thank you. Sir, this is my father, Mr. Masud Rahman. He is the owner of one of the biggest garment factories in Bangladesh. Hello, sir, my name is Robin. Oh, she told me about you, young man; you will do very well. You seem too young for opening a company, but I will give you my blessing so you can do the best for your company. After saying he left us together,

She seems very popular, and a lot of young people are looking in our direction. Sir, you look nervous. Well, I have never been to this kind of event. It's alright, sir; the boring stuff already happened; now everyone is just meeting and talking.

You just said to relax. After that, she started to bring me to different people and introduced me to other businessmen and politicians. How do you know this many people? I asked her. Well, sir, my father is one of the richest people in Bangladesh, and I also work as the CEO of my father's company, but for the past two years, I've gotten to know a lot of people.

Okay, jannatul You can call me Robin now. Thank you for your help. So we are friends. Yes, let's be friends. We were both standing and talking to each other. It was a beautiful moment. I heard a voice with sarcasm. Who is this person, Jannatul? I was surprised to hear that person's tone of voice.

He just completely insults her and me. I smile at that person; who are you? With him were another couple of girls and boys. Hey everyone, this young boy doesn't know about me. Well, I can tell that you are a rotten rich kid who doesn't know how to talk. What the hell did you just say?

Do you have a problem with your ears? You are getting angry without any kind of reason, but before he can say anything, ask a middle-aged person what you are doing. Father, he just insulted me. The middle-aged person looks at me and says, "Young boy, I don't even know why you are insulting my son." Before I could say anything, Jannatul told that person that Kamrul started this first. After looking at me one more time, the middle-aged man just turned around and walked away.

Who was he? I asked Jannatul. Robin, you don't have to worry about him; he is my cousin, and he will not do anything as per his father. It looks like he will get a scolding after going to the house. She pointed me at her father, and then I realized that her father was very angry. After a couple of hours, the event ended, and I came back home.

Sir, how was the event? "Well, is it all right?" Jack inquired. There were a lot of people, as you said.

The next morning, I go to my office. Today is a very big day for our company because we have already made big deals with big companies like Google and Facebook, and those deals were in the billions.

I came to the meeting room, and everyone was there. They are all excited because we didn't expect that our software would sell like crazy.

Jannatul started speaking after standing up, sir. We did not expect that our product would be selling way too fast. We sell our software to big companies like Google and Facebook, especially since they are interested in translation software. Because of our software, they have seen a massive increase in their website and apps. The estimated value of our software has gone up by over 50 billion dollars. Every small or large company wants to make an agreement with our company.

The head of the marketing department also stands up to every company that makes microchips and hardware and wants to make a deal with our company for the data compression software. We already made deals with Samsung, Android, and Apple. We already have around 32 billion dollars. That's a lot of money. Yes, sir, and in the future, there will be other companies trying to make deals with us because, without customers, they will run out of business.

Alright, everyone, I am very happy with this news. I will give every employee $1 million and each leader $5 million as bonuses. Don't just say that your boss did not give you any kind of bonus. You will all become reach if you walk for me. After saying that, I started laughing, and everyone was laughing with me. In one month, a company with 300 employees earned more than $70 billion. Well, I can say now that I am one of the richest people in the world. How has my life changed in these two months? Now I can also go for my plan.
