
Chapter 686: Engagement

The National Day is approaching!

Fang Ye has been too busy to hold meetings with the keepers to discuss enrichment or to discuss event details with the PR department. The zoo has celebrated many holidays and hosted numerous events, so the staff is experienced and can be trusted to handle things.

He only approved some important documents and focused most of his energy on the engagement.

The arrangements largely followed the wishes of Lan Li's family.

They discussed what to buy and what betrothal gifts to bring. Both sets of parents had already communicated in advance.

For any unclear procedures, Fang Ye humbly asked for advice from employees who were already married, like Lü Jiamu.

The amount of money and gifts was secondary; the main goal was to show Lan Li's parents his sincerity and genuine intentions. Attitude was the most crucial aspect.

He couldn't afford to leave a disrespectful impression on her parents.

The engagement banquet was set to take place at a hotel in Linhai.

Given the engagement, Lan Li naturally couldn't stay with Fang Ye. They each returned to their respective homes and would meet again at the hotel for the engagement banquet.

Before leaving, they reluctantly held hands, strolling slowly through the zoo and talking about marriage and their future.

Fang Ye pointed at the alpaca pen: "When we have our wedding in the zoo, imagine a group of alpacas following us. It would be quite the spectacle."

Brother Ao Tian, seeing Fang Ye pointing, stylishly flicked his hair in a carefree manner.

Lan Li laughed brightly: "No, no, what if the alpacas poop on the way? That would ruin the image."

"Then how about having pandas rolling behind us?"

"Hey, that sounds good!"

Though unlikely, it was a pleasant thought.


In the blink of an eye, National Day arrived!

Early in the morning, Fang Ye climbed out of bed.

He swiftly opened the curtains, letting the bright sunlight pour over him.

He had been nervous and a bit excited the night before, tossing and turning and not sleeping well.

Today was the engagement day, so he needed to look sharp.

Initially, Fang Ye didn't pay much attention to his appearance. He would just wash his face, take a shower, shave, and keep his hair short without any particular style.

Being close to animals, he didn't use skincare products.

Male keepers generally didn't use skincare products, and even female keepers would only use mother-and-baby products.

For guys, being clean and fresh was quite handsome in itself.

However, after Lan Li became his girlfriend, under her guidance, he let his hair grow a bit longer and learned to use hair gel.

After washing his face, he rinsed his hair, then dried it with a towel.

While his hair was still slightly damp, he ran his fingers through it, shaping it upwards. Then he applied some hair wax, styling it to give it a fluffy look!

He carefully adjusted the details in the mirror.

Stepping back, he admired his work and smiled. Sunny and handsome, perfect!

He video-called Lan Li.


Seeing Fang Ye, Lan Li's eyes sparkled: "Honey, you look so handsome today!"

Fang Ye laughed: "How do I look? I made sure to dress up! I'll definitely leave a good impression on your parents."

Lan Li said, "I'm still doing my makeup! Oh, let's talk when we meet!"

"Alright, I'll go pick up Mom and Dad, then meet you. Bye!"

Girls' preparations were more complicated than boys'.

Lan Li meticulously finished her makeup, looking beautiful, and then started picking out clothes from her wardrobe.

She took out each outfit, held it up to her chest, and checked the overall effect in the mirror.

Finally, she chose a white dress with blue tulle, looking pure and sweet.

She went to the living room to show it off: "Mom, what do you think of this one?"

Lan's mom praised her: "This one is nice, very fitting for our daughter!"

Lan's dad looked at Lan Li's genuine smile, feeling a bit bittersweet. The cabbage he had painstakingly grown was about to be taken by a pig!

Lan's mom gently said, "Come, sit with Mom. Let's have a chat... You, go away and don't interrupt our mother-daughter talk."

Lan's dad sighed, "Ah, daughters grow up and can't be kept at home!"

He wandered back to the bedroom.

Lan's mom and Lan Li chatted. They had already talked a lot the night before, mainly sharing experiences on how to make married life more harmonious.

Today, they reminisced about childhood stories and growth experiences.

There was a hint of reluctance in their words. As they talked, their eyes reddened, and they wiped away tears. Lan Li also felt like crying!

Lan's mom said, "No crying today. You have to look beautiful."

Lan Li obediently hugged her mom's arm: "Okay!"

"The other family didn't ask for much, fearing they might have a bad impression of us and make things unpleasant for you. Your happiness after marriage is what Mom hopes for the most."

Some families treat marriage like a transaction, demanding exorbitant dowries, asking for tens of thousands, a house, and a car.

But Lan Li was an only child, pampered since childhood, so her family wouldn't make such unreasonable demands.


Fang's parents had flown in the night before and stayed at a hotel.

Fang Ye had wanted to bring them to the zoo for a night, but their flight arrived late, so he didn't pick them up.

He took a taxi to the hotel and found his parents having breakfast in the hotel's restaurant.

Fang's mom pinched Fang Ye's cheek and laughed: "Oh! Who's this handsome young man?"

Fang's dad glanced over and calmly said, "Hmm, not bad."

Fang's mom immediately disagreed: "Not bad? He's much more handsome than you were at his age!"

Fang Ye seriously said, "I got my looks from you guys."

Fang's mom beamed: "Having a girlfriend has made you sweeter. Nice hairstyle too, very spirited!"

Although Lan Li's family didn't ask for much in terms of dowry, Fang's parents weren't stingy!

Besides the cash gift, they prepared meat, sweets, cakes, fabric, and a valuable jade accessory for Lan Li.

At ten in the morning, Lan Li's family arrived at the hotel.

The parents greeted each other politely, and Fang Ye and Lan Li respectfully greeted their future in-laws.

They didn't speak much but exchanged glances and smiles.

Fang Ye raised his eyebrows, and Lan Li shyly glanced back, her face blushing and a smile playing on her lips.

When the parents weren't looking, their hands gently touched.

But once seated, they behaved very well.

Fang's mom, a businesswoman, adeptly handled the situation, chatting about various topics, quickly livening up the atmosphere.

She praised Lan Li, and Lan Li's parents couldn't stop complimenting Fang Ye!

The conversation was delightful.

Both families agreed on the dowry and wedding arrangements without any issues and soon began discussing the wedding plans.