
Chapter 635: The Unhappy Little Neng

Walking through the bamboo forest, we arrived at the red panda enclosure and first went to the back house to visit Red Bean.

After disinfection, Fang Ye entered Red Bean's delivery room and gently called out, "Red Bean? I'm here~"

Red Bean is currently lying in the corner of the nest box, belly up, with her short legs stretched out, and she is grooming herself.

Hearing the call, she was startled at first, then sat upright, her ears perked up in alertness.

Then she stretched her head to the entrance of the nest box, peeking outside.

Seeing that the visitor was the familiar zoo director, she felt much more at ease. Her bright eyes stared at him and then at the camera held by Lan Li. She stuck out her tongue, then withdrew her head.

When they arrived at the nest box, Lan Li also started filming the inside of the nest box.

One of the cubs was lying on its back, with its eyes closed and mouth puckered. Its chubby body was curved into a cute arc, with its small arms and legs raised, as if doing stretching exercises.

The fur on its belly is relatively sparse compared to the back, and you can vaguely see the pink and tender skin.

The meaty front paws stretched out and then retracted, as if it was still stepping on milk in its dreams!

The other cub, on the other hand, sleeps in a very regular position, with its chin resting on the dry straw and bamboo leaves in the nest box, and its paws tucked under its body. At this time, its body has not yet stretched out and become slender, and its chubby round body looks like a small, fluffy gray-white hedgehog.

While sleeping, it is still smacking its mouth and moving its head.

This cub looks very interesting, with its white eyebrows drawn inward and slightly curved, tightly squeezed together.

Its mouth is also turned down, and its face is full of unhappiness, with a unique temperament.

It looks more like Chestnut's eyebrows, which are thick and gathered in the middle, as if it is concentrating on thinking.

While Red Bean's eyebrows are round and spread to both sides, giving people a sense of innocent resentment.

Red Bean glanced outside, then lowered her head to groom the cub.

The cub felt its mother grooming it and immediately raised its head in cooperation, although its eyes were still closed.

"Opening burst! Ah Wei is dead!"

"So cute, like a piggy!"

"Really small!"

"Cute baby with a cute baby! Both mother and child are so cute, double the cuteness!"

" "Wow, I really want to kiss it!"

"Haha, such a young age and already has white eyebrows!"

"Little Neng doesn't have ears!"

The netizens were enthusiastically discussing.

Actually, it's not that it doesn't have ears, it's just that the small triangular ears are not easily seen from the front, covered by the messy fur, and there's a tuft of white fur where the ears are.

Fang Ye smiled at Red Bean, "Red Bean, can I take a look at your baby?"

He reached out and gently picked up the cub from under Red Bean.

Holding the soft fur on the back of its neck, he showed it to the camera.

The cub was picked up, its eyebrows furrowed, and it looked unhappy!

But its eyes were still closed.

Both feet were brought together, and the tail was still in a drill-head shape at this time, getting narrower towards the top, with a sharp end, curved and raised.

The meaty palm opened, swinging up and down as if in protest.


Humph, let me go!

"Hahaha, caught by the scruff of fate!"

"Little paws with nowhere to rest!"

"Let me go, let me go! Do I look happy to you."

"This cub's expression is so funny, why does it look so pitiful."

"Eh, be gentle, be gentle!"

Actually, Fang Ye's actions were very gentle.

He pinched the cub's paw, showing the netizens its tender meat palm and thin nails.

"Ying! Ying!"

The red panda cub then let out a scream, as if calling for its mother.

"Eh, it's so small, but its call is quite loud!"

Fang Ye laughed, "The newborn red panda cubs only weigh about 100 grams, but the sound they make is only made by animals 8 times their size, so the red panda mothers won't lose them!"

Someone else asked, "Director, when will this cub change to the same color as its mother?"

Fang Ye thought for a moment and said, "Well, for the initial coloring, probably around a month? At one month, some of the fur will turn light yellow, and to look more like its mother, it might take 3 months, but the color will still be a lot lighter."

He put the cub back in the nest box.

The other cub, after returning to the nest box, crawled over to Red Bean following her scent.

Its face rubbed against its mother's familiar warm fur, seeming to feel very secure, and it lay down to continue sleeping soundly.

Red Bean saw the cub being returned, and also lay down against the nest box.

With the curled-up cub, they struck the same pose, also lying on their backs, kicking their arms and legs, looking very interesting.

Red Bean lazily stretched her body, yawned widely, raised her upper leg, and the cub, possibly having telepathy with its mom, also raised its leg!

Synchronization rate 100%.

"Ah ah ah, too cute!"

"I don't know whether to look at the mother or the child for a moment!"

"Drooling over the manly man!"

Fang Ye couldn't help but laugh, gently stroked Red Bean's belly, "You're doing a great job as a mom! Take good care of your babies, and I'll reward you with more treats!"

He gave her a piece of apple.

Red Bean immediately grabbed the apple and happily started eating.

She knew the zoo director favored her the most!

Every time he came, he would bring her something delicious.

"Big Straw Hat Era" rewarded 30 rice balls!

"Yue灬Shang丨" rewarded an airplane!

"Ancient Words Di Tianxiao" rewarded a rocket: "Such a cute little Neng, I really hope that one day everyone can have one!"


Fang Ye and Lan Li walked out of the back house, looked at the barrage and said, "The number of red pandas in the world does not exceed 2,500, which is less than the number of giant pandas. It's impossible for everyone to have one. Although zoos have bred some, they are still far from being able to release them into the wild.

The situation of red pandas in the wild is also not optimistic, the number in the wild is decreasing, and we still need to protect their habitats. Otherwise, in the future, we may only be able to see them in zoos."

He complained, "I don't know why, red pandas have always been endangered, but they are only second-class protected animals in the country. I hope they can be upgraded to first-class next time, so the protection can be stronger."

"Eh, I feel sorry for Little Neng!"

"I hope the protection level can be lowered, because that means they are not so endangered!"

"Not only Little Neng, but the situation of many animals is not very good now, I don't know what the future will be like."

"With people like the director who are working hard to protect wild animals, I believe it will get better!"

Fang Ye said, "The efforts of a few people are still limited. It's only when everyone's awareness is raised that there is real hope. Since we're at the red panda enclosure, let's go see Chestnut and the others."