
Chapter 604: Limited-Time Store

The keepers carried the red-crowned crane, securely bound, out of the area!

Its high-pitched calls gradually faded away, leaving the activity area quiet.

Fang Ye rubbed the soft white fur on Jiaojiao's face, a bit exasperated, "Hey, you're both national first-class protected animals. Why make things difficult for each other? Next time a big bird flies in, can you give it a break and not chase it?"

Jiaojiao squinted her eyes, contentedly rubbing against Fang Ye's hand!

Though she didn't understand what Fang Ye was saying, she could feel the concern in his voice.

Binggao, having finished licking Fang Ye's head, rolled over to expose his soft belly, lying comfortably on the side.

Seeing this, Fang Ye couldn't resist reaching out with his other hand, scratching Binggao's belly, "Binggao, did you hear what I just said?"

Binggao looked at him innocently, as if asking, Is there food?

After playing with the two tigers for a while, Fang Ye left, as he still needed to check on the crane's condition.

He asked Xiaobao, who informed him that the keepers had already taken the crane to the animal hospital for examination.

At the animal hospital, the red-crowned crane lay on a bed, wearing a stress-relief hood, with a keeper holding it down. Lin Ying used a small flashlight to carefully inspect its feathers.

Fang Ye asked with concern, "How is it? Why did it fall into the tiger exhibit? Is its wing injured?"

He also used his "Observation Eye" to check the crane's status.

Mood: Excited/Fearful

Health Status: Good

Having just fought off two "fierce" tigers, the crane's fear hadn't fully dissipated, and it was still somewhat excited from its victory.

Fang Ye quickly used a calming skill, and an invisible hand of mental energy stroked the crane, soon changing its mood to comfortable/peaceful.

Lin Ying finished her inspection, turned off the flashlight, and set it aside, "I didn't see any injuries on its wings. It probably wasn't familiar with the tiger exhibit and got tired while flying, deciding to rest there. It should be fine!

Although there are no external injuries, being surrounded by tigers might have caused some stress. We can't tell how severe it is now; it might get sick if it's serious. We'll have to observe it for the next few days."

She advised the keeper, "I'll prescribe some nutritional supplements to mix with its feed. Keep an eye on its condition for the next few days."

The keeper nodded, "Got it, thanks, Sister Lin!"

Lin Ying then complained, "Director, if the crane can fly into the tiger exhibit, shouldn't we implement some anti-escape measures?"

The keeper admitted fault, "It's my mistake for not watching them properly. I'll write a review when I get back."

Fang Ye waved his hand, "No need to take the blame; it's indeed a design issue with the exhibit."

Lin Ying suggested, "How about clipping a few more of their flight feathers? Can you always arrive in time to save the day? What if you're not at the zoo when something happens?"

Fang Ye scratched his head, feeling conflicted.

Clipping the feathers is the most cost-effective method!

Visitors can still admire the beautiful cranes, but they won't see them flying in the sky. If they try to fly, they'll just fall, reducing the viewing experience.

And if the birds can't fly, they'll probably feel quite down.

Building a net cover would mean closing the crane exhibit for a long time, and the construction costs would be high.

It's a tough decision.

He sighed, "Let's leave it for now; I'll think about it more."

Just then, he heard a familiar "ding."

System prompt: "There are management and design flaws in the zoo that need to be addressed. A limited-time store is now open, allowing you to purchase related items with popularity points!"

Fang Ye immediately perked up!

Popularity points were something he had in abundance. Besides the continuous stream of visitors, various magical stories about Linhai Zoo circulated online, bringing in a steady flow of popularity points daily.

He had been drawing prizes occasionally, recycling most of the junk items and keeping only the best ones like spiritual soil, spiritual water, and guardian potions.

He checked the panel and saw that he had accumulated 10 million popularity points since the last draw.

Being able to purchase items directly with popularity points was great. Relying on luck to draw the right items was uncertain; even spending all the points might not yield a single useful item.

He eagerly returned to his room to check out the limited-time store.

Remaining open time: 23 hours 53 minutes 2 seconds

[Powerful Tranquilizer Blowpipe]

This blowpipe shoots tranquilizer darts that are safer and act five times faster than ordinary tranquilizer darts!

Price: 300,000 popularity points

Fang Ye was stunned, rubbed his eyes, and carefully counted the zeros, confirming it was 300,000 points. He couldn't help but curse, "Damn! What a rip-off store!"

Using popularity points like this was excessive!

If it could solve the problem once and for all, it might be worth it, but it's just a blowpipe with a range of a few meters, which is too limited.

If you miss the shot, the fast-acting tranquilizer is useless.

[Beast Tamer's Flute]

A flute made of purple bamboo, carved with unique patterns. The melody played on this flute slightly reduces the aggression of animals. Long-term exposure to the flute's music will make animals more affectionate towards the player.

Price: 300,000 popularity points

Fang Ye scratched his head, thinking, Can I get something more practical?

This item was useless for him since he had a calming skill. For the keepers, how would he explain it? In an emergency, should they start playing the flute first?

It could be useful for bonding with animals, though.

He asked in the group chat, "Does anyone know how to play the flute?"

Meng Shi: "Nope."

Lu Ye: "Director, why are you asking?"

Elephant keeper Xiao Kong: "I learned it in elementary school, was quite interested, and practiced for a while, but haven't played since then!"

Fang Ye replied, "Great!"

Elephants are also dangerous animals, and keepers inevitably interact with them. Building a good relationship is beneficial.

He bought the bamboo flute.

After briefly chatting in the group, he continued browsing the store, leaving the staff puzzled.

[Boxing Gloves]

Wearing these gloves and defeating an animal in a one-on-one fight will significantly increase the animal's obedience.

Fang Ye was speechless. If you can beat a lion or tiger, do you need these gloves to prove a point? If you can't, you'll die on the spot. Beating up a red-crowned crane? The crane would die on the spot, making it better to just clip its feathers.

The store had only three items, and refreshing it cost 100,000 popularity points each time.

After refreshing a dozen times, he finally found something truly helpful!

[Mental Field]

Price: 5 million popularity points

It creates a 10,000-square-meter area where zoo animals will instinctively turn back when approaching the boundary.