
Chapter 590: Arriving at Their New Home

After hanging up the phone, Fang Ye's expression turned cold, "Oh, you took advantage of me while I was on the phone! So, how should I punish you?"

Lan Li pouted, "You've bullied me so many times, and I bully you just once. What's the big deal? Besides, weren't you enjoying it?"

Fang Ye glanced down, feeling a bit helpless. You betrayer!

He pushed Lan Li onto the sofa, righteously declaring, "You little demon, today I shall exorcise you!"

"You bad, bad boy!"

Lan Li bit her lip gently, trying to suppress any sounds, but her eyes gradually became unfocused, and she couldn't control herself anymore...


After some intimate moments, the two lay together, letting their bodies cool down.

Lan Li gently hugged Fang Ye, resting her head on his chest, feeling his heartbeat. "Honey."

"What's up? Are you tired?"

Lan Li nodded honestly, "A bit, but I didn't want you to feel uncomfortable!"

After all, whenever Fang Ye felt tired, he would drink the spiritual water. Although drinking it regularly didn't significantly increase his strength, it greatly enhanced his stamina.

Lan Li, on the other hand, had only drunk a small amount of spiritual water, making her only slightly better than an average person.

Fang Ye felt touched and patted Lan Li's head, "You don't have to go out of your way for me!"

Lan Li's bright eyes stared at him, softly saying, "Just be good to me in the future!"

She had given her whole heart and soul to Fang Ye. Just thinking about him brought an indescribable sweetness. Being with him made her happy, and she would smile whenever she thought of him.

Fang Ye simply replied, "Sure!"

Being loved by such a girl is a kind of luck in itself.

Lan Li, feeling a bit mischievous, bit his deltoid muscle, leaving a row of small teeth marks, "What do you mean by 'sure'? That's so dismissive!"

Fang Ye laughed, "Then what should I say? Sure, my dearest, kindest, and most gentle wife?"

Lan Li hugged Fang Ye like a stuffed animal and softly said, "Hmph, who said I'd be your wife?"

After resting for a while, Fang Ye checked the time. More than an hour had passed.

He pulled Lan Li up, "Let's go, let's get ready and go see the giraffes together!"

It had rained again today. Summer rains are frequent in Linhai.

The air after the rain was fresh, with dewdrops hanging on the leaves and grass, and the summer heat had dissipated quite a bit.

Fang Ye held Lan Li's hand with his left hand and carried a folding umbrella with his right, just in case it started raining again.

However, rainy days are actually better for transporting giraffes, as the direct sun can make them uncomfortable.

When they arrived at the giraffe enclosure, although the giraffes hadn't arrived yet, many staff members were already busy.

Transporting giraffes is similar to transporting elephants!

First, they need to be trained by placing the transport cage in their dormitory for a week or two, allowing the giraffes to get used to it and enter naturally.

Then, using a crane, the transport cage is loaded onto a truck, and they can set off.

If the giraffe's height difference with the overpass isn't too much, a lower vehicle can be used. If that's still not enough, they can open a window at the back of the box to let the giraffe's head bend down and stretch forward a bit.

This way, they can pass through tightly, but if the height difference is too much, it's impossible.

You can't have the giraffe's long neck sticking out the whole time; maintaining that posture during long transport is uncomfortable, and the giraffe's head could hit the windows of oncoming cars when the truck turns.

When Fang Ye was buying the giraffes, he learned from the giraffe keeper that giraffes are particularly neurotic animals, prone to severe stress.

So, they had to load some snacks in the truck to ease the giraffes' nerves. The driver also had to maintain a steady speed and not drive too fast.

When their zoo first introduced giraffes, one got scared and ran, eventually dying from the fright.

Despite their large size, they are very fragile and sensitive.

Several more died before things stabilized.

Over a decade ago, there was a large-scale introduction of giraffes, bringing in 20 from Africa at once to various city zoos. However, within ten years, most had died for various reasons.

This shows the difficulty of keeping giraffes!

But once this hurdle is overcome, they are relatively easy to care for.

They are gentle and docile, don't cause trouble, eat moderately, and don't produce much waste.

A young giraffe eats less than 30 pounds a day!

An elephant, on the other hand, eats over 100 kilograms of food daily, with feed delivered by the truckload. Unloading the feed alone takes a lot of time. They also produce 70 to 80 kilograms of waste, which is a hassle to clean up. The zoo has four of these giant eating and waste-producing machines.

Fang Ye came not only to welcome the young giraffes but also to use his calming skill to prevent them from getting too scared and causing any problems.


Two trucks with high transport cages slowly approached, one in front of the other!

Through the bars, they could see the small giraffes inside, their bodies covered in yellow spots, looking like slender, unique flowers.

One giraffe timidly lowered its head, while the other nervously turned its head from side to side, observing its surroundings.

After a 42-hour journey, they finally arrived, looking travel-worn and exhausted.

Nearby visitors gathered outside the safety line, curiously watching the giraffes and taking photos for their social media: "I heard they were building a giraffe enclosure, but I didn't expect it to happen so quickly!"

"New characters unlocked!"

"The zoo's development is really fast. If you don't visit for a month or two, you'll find many new animals."

"How many animals are there now?"

"That's hard to count. The reptile house and birdhouse alone have hundreds of species, right?"

"Among large animals, I like giraffes the most. They are gentle and elegant eaters! They seem like the gentlemen of the animal world."

"Hmm, I remember giraffes being much taller than this?"

"Maybe they're young?"

Fang Ye walked to the side of the truck, cheerfully greeting the young giraffes, "Hi! Welcome to our Linhai Zoo! I'm the director here."

The one in front was Xiao Shi!

He lowered his head slightly, looking at Fang Ye with curious, big eyes.

For some reason, he felt that this two-legged creature was different from others, exuding a faint sense of familiarity, almost like family.

Lan Li's eyes sparkled with excitement, "The little tufts on the giraffe's head are so cute!"

The staff skillfully attached slings around the transport cage. Having previously introduced several elephants and with repeated practice, they were now very proficient in the unloading process for large animals!

Seeing Xiao Shiyi getting a bit nervous and kicking in the cage, Fang Ye quickly used his calming skill.

This calmed her down significantly. Although she was still a bit scared, it wasn't to the point of stress.

As the cage was lowered, Xiao Shi breathed a sigh of relief, cautiously observing his new environment!

After about two minutes, he carefully entered the enclosure.

Xiao Shiyi, without much hesitation, followed her brother inside as soon as she was lowered.