
Chapter 581: Today's Ticket Was Worth It!

Yan Ganghui, sipping his bamboo shoot soup, watched Cloud tumble around with a sack, then start rolling down the hill into a ball, adorably clumsy and cute. He couldn't help but smile, forgetting to drink his soup for a moment.

After Cloud finished rolling and stood up, Yan Ganghui returned to his senses and drank his soup.

He felt his spirit healed and relaxed!

After breakfast, they wandered around the panda enclosure for half an hour.

The pandas were most active in the morning. Their timing was perfect, witnessing many interesting scenes.

Zhuangzhuang had recently bathed. With the hot weather, it enjoyed soaking in the water every day, becoming much cleaner.

Running around the activity area, its joyful demeanor resembled a carefree wild boar rampaging through a cornfield!

Pandas usually walk with an inward gait, but when they run, their heads wobble amusingly. Their white heads, adorned with adorable black eye patches and ears waggling side to side, looked both cute and wild.

Running from a rock to a perch, even stopping in front of the glass walls to high-five a little boy.

With a slight upturn of the mouth as if saying, "No need to thank me!"

And then off it ran again.

Surrounding visitors immediately erupted in envious cries. The little boy, hand against the glass after high-fiving Zhuangzhuang, excitedly yelled, "Mom, did you see that? The panda high-fived me!"

His mother couldn't stop smiling, "I saw it, I recorded it for you!"

His father laughed heartily, "Ah ha, today's ticket money was well spent!"

Su Hui enviously said, "Ah, I also want to high-five a panda! Why didn't it come this side?"

Zhuangzhuang then ran to a young sapling, intending to climb it!

The sapling had just been planted and was slightly thinner than Zhuangzhuang's arm, unable to support its weight.

The trunk gradually bent, tilting towards Zhuangzhuang!

And like that, Zhuangzhuang hugged the sapling, bringing the whole panda to the ground.

"Look at that, Zhuang Zhuang's felling the willows!"

"Little sapling: I endured weight no plant of my age should bear!"

"Ah ha, another unlucky tree!"

The visitors found this spectacle amusing.

After bending the sapling, Zhuangzhuang bit off a handful of tender green leaves from the top, then ran off to play elsewhere.


After watching the pandas, Yan Ganghui asked, "What shall we see now?"

Su Hui pondered for a moment, then her eyes lit up excitedly, "Right, I heard the parrots here say cheesy pick-up lines. Let's go see the parrots!"

Su Hui occasionally followed celebrity gossip and remembered the variety show Yang Xiao Chao and others filmed here. The parrots had left a deep impression on her.


So, the two headed to the bird pavilion!

However, upon arriving, they found the pavilion's door was shut.

A notice on the door read: "Due to the green peafowl nesting and laying eggs recently, to provide a more comfortable and secure breeding environment for the rare bird species green peafowl, the bird pavilion will be temporarily closed to visitors for a month from May 15. We apologize for any inconvenience!"

Yan Ganghui blurted out two words, "Damn!"

Unable to see the parrots, they weren't too upset. Instead, they genuinely admired Linhai Zoo's dedication!

Some zoos, eager for profits, let visitors touch and photograph newly born tiger and lion cubs. While adorable and enjoyable for visitors, it's hardly pleasant for the cubs, who can't escape or resist fear.

Choosing to close to visitors to ensure the green peafowls' peaceful breeding was commendable.

Truly considering the animals' welfare, such a bold move was characteristic of Director Fang, an act of extrageva.

Seeing Su Hui somewhat disappointed, Yan Ganghui took her hand and smiled, "It's alright, there are so many animals in Linhai Zoo. Let's go see something else."


They headed to the plaza.

Retirees sat on the benches, admiring the lush greenery and casually strolling white pigeons, chatting leisurely. Children squatted on the ground, feeding the pigeons, a beautiful and harmonious scene.

Speaking of pigeons, there was a rather dumbfounding incident.

Recently, keepers noticed a decrease in pigeon numbers.

Since pigeons are ornamental birds of lower value, their management wasn't as strict.

After counting, four pigeons were missing!

Could someone have stolen them for a meal?

As pigeons were fed contraceptive-laced food, the zoo didn't suffer major losses, only a few dozen yuan per pigeon. But people consuming them was concerning.

So, a warning sign was erected on the lawn, explaining the situation, asking visitors not to steal or eat the pigeons.

Two days later, an irate mother and son complained to the zoo, accusing the contraceptive-feed pigeons of potentially causing infertility.

Pointing accusatorily at the keepers, they demanded compensation, insinuating the zoo's malice in feeding pigeons contraceptives, with the son loudly demanding the director's presence for a lesson.

Fang Ye was at a loss for words!

Stealing pigeons went unchallenged, yet they audaciously sought compensation, expecting reparation. Where did such courage come from, Liang Jingru?

He immediately called the police.

Also called Meng Shi and security over, indicating they join him.

Meng Shi, a muscular powerhouse wearing sunglasses, along with Wang Jun Lei and two guards, stood intimidatingly, making a dramatic entrance reminiscent of a gambling king.

The mother and son's arrogance diminished upon seeing the formidable group, no longer as audacious as before.

Taken to the reception room, the arrival of police followed. After hearing the incident, they equally disbelieved, schooling the mother and son.

The mother reluctantly admitted her wrongdoing, acknowledging the theft but persisting in demanding compensation!

Of course, Fang Ye chuckled, refusing any compensation.

Angered, the mother threatened legal action, but nothing further happened.

The incident provided amusement for the staff and witnessing visitors.

Yan Ganghui, spotting some couples queuing on the plaza, remembered, "Right, the zoo has activities today! Couples' three-legged race, winning a drink, right? Let's join!"

Su Hui's interest was piqued, "Yes, let's!"

Ultimately, the reward was secondary; enjoying the game's fun was what mattered, even the losing couples laughed heartily.