
I Have A Mystical Clone Ability

Transmigrated to the similar planet with Earth but this world has 10 suns in the sky, and the world were ravaged by monsters. Everyone in this world has their own ability, to control the Lightning, Ultimate Speed, Teleportation, Telepathy, Prophecy. Ling Tian's ability is to breed a clone, as long as he is given any kind of Life Genetic Material, he can breed that Life! Three-Headed Golden Dragons, Golden Horned Beasts, Great Golden Apes...

Pyroscrappers · Urban
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63 Chs

Burn the Building

The Human-faced Roe Deer is a ferocious and cruel monster.

If they encounter a human, then they will never stop until they kill and eat the human.

The most unexpected thing is that the Human-faced Roe Deer has an amazing fertility rate. The pregnancy cycle is only five months, and directly births around three to five babies.

Because of the unique ability to live, each group of Human-faced Roe Deer often has tens or even hundreds of Human-faced Roe Deer.

Once surrounded by Human-faced roe deer, the prey will definitely die miserably.


The three ran wild in the forest, but couldn't run fast at all due to the obstruction of vehicles, trees, weeds and vines.

Gradually, the three of them got closer and closer to the Human-faced Roe Deer swarm.

As soon as Ling Tian turned his head, he saw that the Human-faced Roe Deer was less than 10 meters away from them.

One by one, with ferocious faces and fierce faces, and madly chasing after them.

Looking at them with hideous faces, Ling Tian couldn't imagine what it would be like once he was surrounded by them.

"The Human-faced Roe Deer is faster than us!"

Ling Tian shouted loudly: "If we continue like this, we will definitely be caught up, so we need to hurry up and find a way!"

"Now, what else can I do other than trying to escape?" Wang Bao gasped, "You guys run first, I'll block them!"

"No! Once you are surrounded, even if you have the metal transformation ability, you will be in trouble!"

Ling Tian immediately rejected Wang Bao's suggestion. As he ran, he looked around, looking for a place to hide.

Suddenly, Ling Tian saw a residential building, which was 30 stories high and covered with vines.

"There is a building over there, go upstairs, go upstairs immediately!" Ling Tian shouted.

"Yes, go upstairs!"

The three immediately ran towards the residential building, and finally ran into the residential building when they were almodt caught up by Human-faced roe deer.

Then, they followed the stairs and ran all the way upstairs.

The stairs are not spacious, and hundreds of Human-faced roe deer are scrambling to rush up, where can they rush up?

They collided together and collided with each other. The pressure on the three of them was greatly reduced immediately, and they continued to rush upstairs.

"Go to the top floor!"

"I have a way to leave!"

After running wildly all the way, I finally got to the roof of the top floor. Then they saw the Human-faced roe deer swarm as they were all trapped in the residential building and could not leave.

"Brother Lingtian, where are we going now?" Wang Baolian asked.

"I'll take you away!"

Ling Tian switched out to his Three-Headed Ice and Fire Dragon body and control the surrounding gravity.

Wang Bao and Li Yue'er only felt that the gravity pressing on their bodies had disappeared, replaced by a force.

For a time, the three of them left the roof of the building and slowly floated up until they were more than ten meters above the ground before they stopped.

"Brother Lingtian, can you control gravity?" Wang Bao asked in surprise.

The Three-Headed Ice and Fire Dragon clone couldn't speak, so naturally he couldn't answer Wang Bao's question, so he only nodded his head.

His Three-Headed Ice and Fire Dragon clone have three great innate abilities: Ice Control, Fire Control, and Gravity Control.

Gravity… is the force generated by the Blue Star's attraction to objects, and the direction of action is always vertically downward.

Controlling gravity means that Ling Tian can not only control the magnitude of gravity, but also the direction of gravity.

Gravity can be increased.

Gravity can also be reduced.

You can also control the gravity to go down.

It is also possible to have gravity up.

Downward gravity can push the target to the ground, while upward gravity can make it float.

Even, gravity can be partially increased to some forms such as: gravity beams, gravity guns, gravity cones, gravity swords, and so on.


Wang Bao was overjoyed and pointed to a residential building next to him: "Brother Ling Tian, go over there to that residential building!"

Ling Tian immediately adjusted the direction of gravity, forming an upward thrust, pushing the three of them forward.

"Flying, we are flying!" Wang Bao shouted excitedly.

Li Yue'er was also very excited, her delicate face flushed red, like a seductive cherry, delicate and charming.

"Brother Lingtian, you are so powerful that you can fly at Level 2!"

Wang Bao is full of envy.

With the exception of a few power users with special powers, flying...only Level 5 ability users can do it.

The Level 5 ability user is very powerful, and the control of the ability is at the pinnacle. After releasing the ability, he can hold up his body, float in the air, and have the ability to fly short distances.

Flying... Therefore, it is also the privilege of the Level 5 ability user. Ling Tian is only a Level 2 ability user but he can fly.

Wang Bao is really envious of this!

Envying his ability?

'I also envy your ability!'

Ling Tian couldn't help but complain in his heart.

After a while, the three of them came to the next building, and when they looked back, one Human-faced roe deer finally rushed up to the rooftop and roared at Ling Tian and the others in the other building.

"These beasts are really haunted!" Wang Bao couldn't help scolding: "If it wasn't for Brother Ling Tian, we would be in danger today!"

A cold light flashed in Ling Tian's eyes: "You were chased so badly just now, have you ever thought about taking revenge?"


Wang Bao was startled: "How do you get revenge? Should we collapse the whole building? But we don't have the ability to control the soil!"

"I have a way!"

Ling Tian once again switched out his Three-Headed Ice and Fire Dragon, and then rose into the air, flying towards the building just now.

"What is he going to do?"

"I don't know!"

Wang Bao and Li Yue'er looked at each other, not knowing what Ling Tian wanted to do.

Ling Tian flew all the way to the first floor of that building and came to a room outside.

Through the broken windows, I can see the wooden tables and chairs, sofa plastics and other messy things in this room.

These things are a bit rotten and even covered with thick dust.

Ling Tian opened his bloody mouth, and spewed a fireball that went through the shattered window and directly exploded in the room.


This kind of fireball is not an ordinary fireball, but an ability fireball that contains divine energy, and the temperature is astonishingly high.

The fireball exploded instantly, releasing terrifying energy, and the curtains, papers and other objects in the room instantly burned.

Ling Tian didn't stop, and continued to breathe out fireballs. Five fireballs in a row entered the room, and the room suddenly became a sea of ​​fire.

Ling Tian turned to other surrounding rooms, and continued to ignite the combustible objects in the room, making the flames burn more vigorously.

Wang Bao and Li Yue'er watched Ling Tian closely, and when they saw him lighting up the room on the first floor, they instantly understood what he was doing.

"Brother Ling Tian is really a clever ghost, and he can think of a way for us to get revenge!"

Wang Bao laughed: "This building is a residential building. There are a lot of combustible materials in it. Once it is set on fire, the whole building will catch fire, and the Human-faced roe deer will be burned and die!"


Li Yueer nodded again and again, the residential building is indeed very easy to catch fire.

One is that there are a lot of combustible materials in residential buildings, such as wood products, asphalt, curtains and quilts, plastic products, organic polymer materials of thermal insulation layers, etc.

The second is because of the chimney effect.

When the building was constructed, a structure similar to a chimney was designed for aesthetics, convenience and ventilation.

With the chimney effect, flames can easily spread between floors, quickly igniting an entire residential building.

This was indeed the case. As Ling Tian ignited the residential building, the flames spread rapidly, advancing layer by layer.

The raging flames spread quickly.

Thick smoke plunged directly into the sky.

It didn't take long for the entire building to be completely enveloped in flames and smoke.