
I have a Mysterious App: cash x sex

☠️ This novel will have explicit SEXUAL content and a bit of perverted love, I will be testing between 1st and 3rd person alternately ☠️ ⚠️ If you are offended by this type of content, please, do not read it. ⚠️ Have a nice day! -seriously...Bro please, if you don't like it... don't read, and period. * the image presented does not belong to me, all credit goes to its creator. If you want it to be removed, please send an email to this address → [ Onī-chan yamete kudasai@KYAAA.cum ]

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30 Chs

Meetings and Reunions

⭐please, Take your time to read. ⭐

Max walks his body to the edge of the seat, while Keyla looks forward and spreads her legs to sit stranded between Max's thighs.

Keyla lowers her head until her back is hunched, keeping her head from hitting the car roof. ⁓ "Ready" ⁓ Keyla says before lowering her butt onto Max's thighs. inserting the entire cock coated with enough lubricant so that penetration was not a problem.

⁓"Oh God!!!"⁓ Keyla shouts and closes her eyes enjoying the moment, followed by a loud snort *Uff !!!*

the noise scares the girl next door. .⁓"Hey"⁓ Lizzy's jaw dropped at the sight of these two.

Keyla puts both hands on the front seats and uses them for support, to lift and move her hips, with little jumps that make her boobs quiver. *pa, pa, pa* at the same time Max grabs and presses the nipples.

Keyla screams with excitement. ⁓"Yeah master so very good, I love...I love this."⁓

Max whispers a few words in Keyla's ear. The lady smiles arrogantly, opens her legs and begins to move her hips slowly.

the BMW stops and Vanessa comments. ⁓"Ready brat....you can go down"⁓ looking at Lizzy who was still attentive as Keyla and Max fuck

⁓"go on"⁓ replies Lizzy.

Vanessa looked at Max to see if the master had any objections and use this pretext to get her out of the car.

At that moment Max grabs Keyla's waist, lifts her up and drops her hard on her cock. a clash of skins is heard, which looks like an applause *Clap*

Max repeats this process several times, within a few minutes. unleashing some moans inside the car.

Vanessa has to use the radio to avoid getting distracted and having an accident.

Keyla's eyes go blank, as she lets out her screams ⁓ "CUM....CUMMING..CUMMING" ⁓ at the same time, a liquid is thrown forward between the seats.

the nectar reaches the windshield and part of the dashboard.

Keyla seeks Max's sympathy so she can rest for a moment. ⁓"pliss...master pliss "⁓ Max lifts Keyla's body so that she settles into the seats. Max stops for a moment and tells Vanessa. ⁓"stop the car the girl gets out. "⁓

immediately the BMW slows down and pulls over.

⁓ "Deborah, get ready" ⁓ Max said and immediately puts Keyla's body face down on the seats and slaps her hips hard to make her lift them up. as Keyla lays her head on the seat, Max gets down on his knees behind Keyla.

⁓ "Oh God" ⁓ Keyla moans as she feels how Max hits her insides again with the first thrust.

when the car stopped. Lizzy looked sad as she opened the door and got out of the car. Deborah gets into the back seats with Max and Keyla.

Lizzy takes advantage and runs to the passenger seat, when she enters and sits down she smiles, the only one who noticed this was Vanessa. but since she was the new one in the group, she didn't have enough courage to open her mouth and comment on it.

Max glances at the seats, smiles and push hips forward. ⁓"God!!!"⁓ moans Keyla.

Vanessa started the car, while Max continued to penetrate Keyla who tries to hold on to the car seat. On the other hand, with a smile on her lips and humming a song, Deborah began to take off each of her clothes as if it had nothing to do with her. under Lizzy's critical gaze in the passenger seat.

the BMW ended up doing two laps around the city. while the three of them had fun in the back seats, until they found a Boutique for men.

Upon getting out of the car, Max was literally escorted by Keyla and Deborah into the establishment.

When they are near the doors, a couple of young men look at the four girls and check them from head to toe.

⁓ "Hey, what do you think of those girls who are about to enter the store, Vladimir." ⁓ Víctor asks his partner.

⁓"I don't know. Victor, three of those girls look older than our age, they won't fall easily like inexperienced young girls."⁓ replies young Vladimir.

⁓"Oh come on friend, don't be a coward. "⁓ insists Víctor.

⁓ "Okay. Let's go but I don't promise you anything." ⁓ answers Vladimir ready to flirt with one of the four girls.

the pair of young people walk towards Keyla and Deborah with a smile on their lips, they greet the group with a gesture and a beautiful smile and say. ⁓"Hi how are things ? "⁓

For a moment, the four girls return to look at the two boys who approach, waving happily and as if it were choreographed, the four girls turn their eyes at the same time, ignoring these two young men.

the only one who responds enthusiastically was Max who raises his hand and happily says ⁓"Hello !!! how are you. ? "⁓

by noticing several things in this group. (clothes, walking, talking) says a lot about social position. Vladimir and Victor immediately look at Max for a brief moment and make a face of absolute contempt.

To the bad luck of this pair of young men, the gesture killed any chance of having a decent conversation with any of the girls in the group.

not receiving a favorable response from these women. The two young people felt offended, they look at the cause of their misfortune and an idea begins to take shape in Vladimir's head.

one of the workers inside the Boutique tilts his body 30 degrees in greeting and approaches Max's group. and he comments ⁓ "this way sir." ⁓ pointing to one of the aisles in the Boutique.

In response Max greets the worker with a smile and quickly walks away, changing direction, to the racks of ties and socks. Without looking back, Max walks away and leaves the group.

Vanessa was the fastest and followed Max, wakes up with the sound of her heels to Keyla and Deborah, who immediately catch up.

⁓"hey.....what the hell is wrong with you, you were invited to a private room. "⁓ Lizzy complains with annoyance.

Max stops, frowns and asks ⁓"what are you doing here? "⁓

⁓ "What else... I'm coming with you" ⁓ Lizzy replies with a smile on her lips

⁓"then shut up and follow us. "⁓ Saying this, Max turned around, walks a couple of steps and continues saying ⁓"every person deserves some respect. "⁓

⁓"Okay. That's why they invited you to a private room….to get to know each other."⁓ says Lizzy pointing down the hall.

⁓"I come to buy clothes, not to meet people and if they want to meet me so much, Why didn't they come personally?. "⁓ answers Max.

⁓"because they need to follow a certain protocol and keep their distance."⁓ answers Lizzy, somewhat frustrated by Max's attitude.

⁓"Oh...I'm here to buy an executive suit"⁓ replies Max following his path ⁓"but if you want to meet these people so badly.....you can go, no one will stop you."⁓ Max looks at the three girls behind and comment ⁓"that's for you too. "⁓

⁓ "sure girls go with the brat to screw up somewhere else.." ⁓ says Keyla with a smile, as she clings to Max's right arm.

⁓"in your dreams Keyla, I know you just want to suck the master's cock in one of the dressing rooms. "⁓ Deborah says.

the comment makes Keyla laugh and she adds, as she loops Max's arm around her hip. ⁓"Fool, I won't just suck his cock in the locker room, I also want to fuck in reception, master do you think we can do it? ?"⁓ asks Keyla doubtfully.

⁓"Master what do you think about fucking in the locker room"⁓ Vanessa asks out loud, surprising the pair of women who exchange meaningless comments, while hugging Max

the surprise wasn't because of Vanessa's question. it was because of Max's response. ⁓"Of course...but first we have to buy things and in the end we fuck in my apartment what do you think"⁓

Keyla narrows her eyes and looks at Vanessa with hostility, then presses her body against Max saying ⁓ "Master I want my reward too." ⁓

⁓"yes master I will also need my hot dose of reward. "⁓ comments Deborah. as she runs her tongue over her lips.

Max sighs sadly and replies ⁓"Okay, let's get some outfits first."⁓

the group continues on its way to buy some clothes. The girls exchange some comments about their next positions to fuck.


a couple of hours later.....

In the windows of the "Aristocrats" Boutique, two people watch the departure of Max and his group and exchange some comments.

⁓ "I think the calf is not afraid of the tiger. "⁓ comments the owner of the Boutique.

⁓"my god...Evangeline you must never take things so personal or you will never grow in business. "⁓ says the man in front of the window.

⁓"What do you say Adfonzo, as if I need a MR. Nobody to do business. "⁓ Evangeline replies.

before this simple conversation escalates into a meaningless debate. a bodyguard interrupts by clearing his throat. *coof, coof*

⁓"tell me Terref"⁓ comments Mrs. Evangeline.

⁓ "We didn't find anything ma'am." ⁓ answers Terref somewhat embarrassed

Adfonzo had a stupid smile on his face and an "I told you so" face.

seeing the stupid face of his partner Evangeline snorts and asks the bodyguard with a shout. ⁓"did you search well? "⁓

Terref makes a face, nods in confirmation and comments. ⁓ "We search for the name Max and possible names like Maximus and derivatives of him but nothing.... we also search with the photo or his bank account." ⁓

⁓"Oh that's new"⁓ comments Adfonzo.

Evangeline nods and waits for the bodyguard to finish her report.


Sitting in front of the dresser, Ruth does her final make-up adjustments.with a couple of cosmetic creams that Max gave her, on her dresser, some scattered cosmetics such as mascara, lipstick and other items.



with a smile on her face. Ruth quickly grabs the phone without looking at the screen and answers reflexively. ⁓"I'm ready. "⁓

⁓"Hello Ruth"⁓ says the voice on the other end of the call. Just hearing her voice makes Ruth's smile disappear completely and she remains silent.

⁓"you're still there"⁓ asks Gilbert

⁓"Yes, what do you need?"⁓ asks Ruth curtly.

⁓"Heh, heh, you're still the same huh. Well *jam* how to say it...look Ruth I have some money problems at the moment and since the house is in my name...well...the boys are older now and apparently you already got my replacement....so...well, I want to sell that house. I hope you don't take this the wrong way...I just want to get out of debt....you understand me." ⁓ comments Gilbert

⁓"When comes the eviction. "⁓ asks Ruth.

⁓"in seven days and you'll have another seven to vacate the house, I'll let you know so you can talk about it with the boys... well take care of yourself and have a nice night."⁓ seconds later Gilbert hung up the call.

Ruth tried to calm her anger, frustration and sadness, letting out several sighs that felt like expelling the soul from her.

Ruth had to hold back her tears, that would ruin her makeup and the whole evening in general, so she got up and walked towards the exit door.

In the hallway, she walks with slow steps until she reaches the stairs where she leans for several minutes... Going down to the living room, she found Eliza waiting for her arrival sitting on the sofa.

seeing her mother go down, Eliza gets up and with a smile on her lips, she comments. ⁓"you look beautiful mom"⁓

⁓ "Look mom, prepare this list so you have a perfect evening." ⁓ Eliza says and approaches with a sheet of how she should act on her first date,

Ruth takes the list and begins to read.

she wrinkles her forehead and asks. ⁓"no sex? Hoye why do you only put that Eliza"⁓

⁓ "If that man is younger than you, it is normal that you are pressured by your age, beauty and your social position. I'm not saying hook up with an old man. just go at your own pace. if you feel comfortable and he supports you in the decisions you make, he will be the one."⁓ says Eliza.

⁓"but ?"⁓ before Ruth finishes speaking Max interrupts the conversation ⁓"you look beautiful mom"⁓

⁓"That's right"⁓confirms Eliza.

Ruth feels the hot gaze on her body, she is embarrassed and has to reprimand him with her eyes, so that it won't be so obvious in front of her sister.

Max looks at the paper in Ruth's hands and asks ⁓"what's that mom?"⁓

Eliza answers proudly. ⁓"it's so that mom doesn't fall into the trap of sex on the first date. "⁓.

Max reads the sheet and shows his dissatisfaction by wrinkling his face and before commenting on it, a car horn is heard.

*Bip, Bip*

the first to run to the window is Eliza, this is taken advantage of by Max who approaches Ruth and whispers ⁓"you will have a surprise, I will wait for Eliza to leave the house and I will pick you up later. "⁓

Ruth nods and you can see her nervousness.

Eliza looks at the car and comments ⁓ "Mom is a good car the one that came to pick you up and I think she has a driver, that's a good sign mom, but don't be impressed. you shouldn't fall for game.." ⁓

that makes Ruth smile and Max snorts in disgust. ⁓ "whatever mom, be careful and call if you have a problem.... ok."⁓

Ruth nods again and looks at the two young men and says ⁓"I had a call from...."⁓

Max raises his hand and comments ⁓"don't let anything or anyone ruin this night, just enjoy the evening, tomorrow you'll tell us what happened....okay"⁓ Ruth wanted to cry but she remembered the makeup and held it again her crying.

Ruth takes a deep breath and comments before leaving. ⁓ "Okay... don't stay up late, we'll see you in the morning." ⁓ When she finished her words, Ruth turned around and said goodbye to all. ⁓"I'm leaving guys"⁓

⁓"luck mom. "⁓ says Eliza.

⁓"enjoy the evening mom. "⁓ comments Max.

Leaving the house, a female driver gets out of the car and turns around to open the door saying ⁓"welcome"⁓ Ruth nods a couple of times and looks at the car before entering.

⁓ "Ma'am, I'm going to take a couple of pictures" ⁓ Having said this, the woman takes out her phone and takes pictures of Ruth getting into the car.


*Buzz, Buzz* 🎶

the smartphone vibrates and rings several times waking Keyla up, she narrows her eyes looking for the cause of it, when looking at the phone. calls Lizzy next to her to wake her up.. ⁓"hey hey wake up your phone is ringing"⁓

⁓"let me sleep another 5 minutes"⁓ replies Lizzy.

Keyla moves Lizzy again. ⁓"come on wake up, wake up they're calling you. "⁓

opening her eyes Lizzy looks at the screen and answers the call ⁓"Hello!!! "⁓

⁓"Lizzy where are you at this time, Mrs. Charlotte is looking for you. "⁓ says the voice on the other end of the call.

⁓"I'm going to get in touch with her in a moment...I'm at a friend's house.....school friends....in the Imperial tower...I'm fine...no..... no one is drinking.....yes, they will take me home....yes in one...mm....no. better in two. yes, in two hours, I'll be home....yes I love you... bye "⁓ with that said Lizzy hangs up the call and goes back to sleep.

Keyla looks at the time and lets out a sigh.

⁓" get that damn face off, you know you can't monopolize the master for yourself. "⁓ comments Deborah as she enters the bedroom.

Keyla wrinkles her face into a scowl and answers. ⁓ "I'm not thinking about that" ⁓ she tries to get up from the bed. but she fails at the first attempt to get up. falling back onto the bed.

⁓"you must rest"⁓ recommends Deborah after leaning on the bedroom door.

⁓"you guys can be quiet, I'm trying to sleep"⁓ Lizzy comments and rubs her butt ⁓"that motherfucker had no mercy on my butt."⁓


It was 8:00 pm when Eliza left the house for the disco, Max took advantage of the moment and also ordered a taxi. so as not to attract the attention of the neighbors.

the taxi arrived at the front of the house 20 minutes after the call. ⁓ "To the university subdivision" ⁓ says Max as he gets into the back of the car..

Max was taken to a group of buildings in front of the university where he had an apartment similar to Keyla and Deborah's and just by turning on the lights in the hall a group of women from the building across the street began to say hello. while they hit and show their butts.

Max immediately entered the apartment, before the women got out of control like the last time the university called the police to control the scandal.

he went up to the second floor to change, black leather shoes, three-piece black business suit, black tie, long-sleeved white shirt, leather belt. in his left hand the Spectrum device and in his right hand a titanium watch.

In a nutshell, what Max looks like:

a guy in an elegant suit who, thanks to his frowning face, would be easily remembered by people.

As he left the hall, a crowd of totally naked women was spying on him, on the opposite terrace. who shout in unison. "fuck me, fuck me, fuck me"

Max have to raise his hand in greeting and say in his mind ( Let's see if they have the same desire after fucking them in the ass.)

When he went down to reception. a group of students and parents were waiting for him with a summons to a meeting. ⁓"Mr. James we need to have a talk with you"⁓ says the chairman of the neighborhood affairs committee.

⁓"I'm sorry sir ? "⁓ Max stops on purpose and pretends to think for several seconds.

⁓"Gustav"⁓ says the man, obviously annoyed.

⁓"true...true, my sales proposition is the same and I suggest you consult your lawyer or you can get in trouble again...with your permission."⁓ says Max before greeting the receptionist and walking out into the parking lot.

Upon leaving the parking lot, several cars block the exit of his sports car. Max returns to look behind where a group of people practically had smiles on their lips.

⁓ "I love updating my hunting territory" ⁓ Max comments out loud before calling the girls and asking for a car, as he walks out onto the main street.

⁓"girls I need a car"⁓ comments Max.

⁓"right away master "⁓ answers Deborah

the white BMW arrives 10min, with Lizzy at the wheel, when seeing her Max comments ⁓ "why are you still here" ⁓ Lizzy pouts before asking ⁓ "where am I taking you master" ⁓

⁓"Deborah stop hiding and tell her the place"⁓ comments Max before opening the car door

the two women came "hidden" in the back, they lower the window and Deborah shows her best smile before saying ⁓ "master we can go around the city a couple of times before we get to the restaurant" ⁓

Max sighs, looks at the sky and replies ⁓"that won't happen, now move your asses to the corner and why the hell are you naked"⁓

Keyla smiles before showing her hip and saying, ⁓ "it's hot master." ⁓

Deborah takes advantage of the situation and comments. ⁓"master cannot enter the restaurant with that lump on his legs, people would notice it immediately"⁓

⁓"Oh!!! seriously and what do you propose?"⁓ asks Max with narrowed eyes.

⁓ "Put some ice master" ⁓ answers Debora with a smile on her lips.

Max sighs before asking ⁓"that sounds good....where's the ice?"⁓

Deborah answers. ⁓ "In my mouth. master must now lie down to put it" ⁓ without letting him answer she goes to unzip

Feeling the icy tongue wrap around her shaft, Max's body trembles. ⁓ "Oh" ⁓ he says as he grabs Deborah's hair tightly and pushes her head down. glock, glock, glock*

Keyla hugs the back of the passenger seat, lifts her hip and says. ⁓ "Master if his shaft is cold, he can put it in a bit to make it warm, but only a bit." ⁓ Before the trio goes back to fucking, Lizzy asks annoyed. ⁓"where is that damn restaurant"⁓


After getting out of the BMW. Max says goodbye to Lizzy. she nods and leaves right away. while Keyla and Deborah go to great lengths to avoid being noticed by Ruth.

Ruth looks at the driver and narrows her eyes and says quietly ⁓"I want to know who those girls are driving those expensive cars. "⁓

Max smiles and changes the subject saying ⁓"you're beautiful"⁓ Ruth's cheeks redden and she asks. ⁓"really ? "⁓

⁓ "Of course, you look beautiful." ⁓ Max admires Ruth for several seconds and exposes her arm, Ruth smiles and hugs Max.

she walks together with slow steps to the entrance of the Marshall restaurant.

Since the couple entered the parking lot, the employees who received the cars at the entrance greeted Max ⁓"welcome sir"⁓ this surprised Ruth who immediately whispered ⁓"do you know those workers? "⁓

Max leans close to Ruth's ear and comments ⁓"no...it's my first time here"⁓

⁓"it doesn't look like"⁓ answers Ruth.

At the entrance of the Marshall restaurant, the hostess was accompanied by several employees and waiters who greeted the couple at the same time. when they saw them enter the restaurant. ⁓"Welcome Sir "⁓

Max and Ruth returned the greeting and immediately assigned the table with the best view where a young lady was waiting for them and immediately greeted ⁓ "welcome sir, nice to meet you, my name is Naomy, current Manager of the Marshall restaurant. "⁓

seeing the appearance of the lady. Ruth pinches Max's arm.

⁓"why was that"⁓ Max asks quietly. but Ruth doesn't answer, she just smiles and pinches again

At the end of the greetings, the couple sits down and moments later one of the waiters assigned to the table brings a bottle of wine ⁓"courtesy of Marshall's restaurant"⁓ Ruth was about to pinch the liar again.

but the voice of a Woman interrupts her. ⁓ "Mr. James, it's nice to have you visit" ⁓ when she returned to see Max, she was shocked with her mouth open.

the woman approaches the table and greets Ruth ⁓ "nice to meet such a beautiful lady my name is Kathia Tillar but you can call me "Bora" I am in charge of the Marshall restaurant and if you have any special request we will gladly help you "⁓

Max narrows his eyes and asks ⁓"you are the second most outstanding girl. ? "⁓

Bora wrinkles her face and says with embarrassment ⁓"I'm sorry Mr. James I barely have the 5th place"⁓