
Chapter 415: Crane or Owl

Get in! I have to get in! How could I pass up a free ride?

Chen Jianhai quickly contacted the taxi driver he had called earlier, briefly explained the situation, and then jumped into the black sedan without hesitation.

The car wasn't some luxury vehicle, just a slightly better official car. But it had plenty of room inside, so even with his long legs, Chen Jianhai could sit comfortably.

"How did you end up coming all the way from Nanjiang to Zaomen? And to this place, no less?" the white-haired old man asked curiously.

Chen Jianhai glanced casually at the watch on the old man's wrist and responded modestly, "I bought this land, so I came to take a look."

"You bought the land on Naiyou Road?" The young man in the passenger seat turned around suddenly, his face full of surprise.

"Yes," Chen Jianhai nodded calmly.

As soon as he said this, the driver, Xiao Sun, couldn't help but glance at Chen Jianhai through the rearview mirror.

What a coincidence! They were just wondering who had bought such a large piece of land, and then the buyer shows up out of nowhere?

The young man in the passenger seat asked incredulously, "Did you come here alone? Without even a driver?"

"No need for a driver," Chen Jianhai replied naturally. "It only takes a little over two hours to get from Nanjiang to Zaomen by high-speed train. It's very convenient."

"And I know a great taxi driver here. If I hadn't run into you, I would've waited for him to pick me up."

Hearing this, the group's opinion of Chen Jianhai instantly rose.

Even the white-haired old man gave Chen Jianhai a deeper look. A young man with considerable financial power, yet he still travels by high-speed train and taxis on business trips… This was humility.

"What are your plans after buying such a large piece of land?" the old man asked, intrigued.

"To build a hotel. That's the only thing I know how to do..." Chen Jianhai replied, somewhat embarrassed. "But I haven't decided exactly how to build it yet."

The old man asked, "Running into some difficulties?"

Chen Jianhai nodded honestly, "My hotel is right next to Magic Century Theme Park, so the construction style has to align with theirs. But since I don't know what style they're building in, it's hard to proceed."

The young man in the passenger seat said in confusion, "What kind of style could a magic hotel have? Magical, of course."

Chen Jianhai shook his head and asked, "But is it Chinese magic or Western magic?"

The young man was taken aback, "Is there a difference?"

"Of course!" Chen Jianhai said seriously.

"Will the hotel's exterior be a Chinese palace or a Western castle?"

"Will the hotel's sculptures feature cranes or owls?"

"Will the hotel's lake have a Chinese dragon fountain or a Western wishing well?"

"Will the hotel's spiral staircase be shaped like a Chinese fire dragon or a Western serpent?"

"Will the interior paintings be Chinese landscapes or Western oil paintings? … These are all considerations."

Chen Jianhai sighed, "If I start building the hotel without knowing the other side's style, it could create a jarring contrast for guests, even if business is good."

The young man in the passenger seat said, puzzled, "The theme park and hotel are both built by foreign investors, so it should be Western magic, right?"

Chen Jianhai shook his head, "That's not necessarily the case."

"Nowadays, more and more foreigners are interested in our country's culture."

"As far as I know, many foreign friends love reading our xianxia (immortal cultivation) novels."

"And since this magic theme park is being established here, it's likely they'll build it in a style that fits the local culture."

The old man quietly listened to Chen Jianhai's musings, like a grandfather patiently listening to his grandson's worries.

Then, the next moment, his "troubled grandson" turned to him with a probing and hopeful tone and asked, "Sir, do you know what style that theme park is?"

The old man's eyebrows twitched slightly, and a smile appeared in his eyes.

He had been wondering why this young hotel owner was sharing all his concerns with a stranger—turns out this was his real goal!

"I'm sorry, I don't know," the old man replied honestly.

Chen Jianhai let out an "oh," looking a bit disappointed.

The black sedan continued to drive smoothly down the road. The seats were comfortable, and the soft music playing created a drowsy atmosphere.

As they approached the city center, the old man asked, "We're almost downtown. Should we drop you off at the train station?"

"Could you please take me to Xiaolang BBQ on Yun Duo Road, Rainbow Street? I'm meeting a friend there," Chen Jianhai answered.

Driver Xiao Sun immediately opened the navigation, "Strange, I don't see this BBQ place on the map."

Chen Jianhai quickly explained, "Try searching for Donghai Dragon Palace Seafood BBQ instead?"

"My friend just bought the place a few days ago, so the navigation might not be updated yet."

Hearing this, both the young man in the passenger seat and driver Xiao Sun once again glanced at Chen Jianhai through the rearview mirror.

Donghai Dragon Palace BBQ was the largest and most luxuriously decorated BBQ joint in Zaomen City. The colorful dragon sculpture that adorned the building was practically a landmark of Zaomen City.

How much money would it take to buy such a grand BBQ building?

Sure enough… rich people's friends are also very wealthy!

Twenty minutes later, the black sedan stopped on Yun Duo Road, Rainbow Street.

Chen Jianhai, the white-haired old man, the young man in the passenger seat, and driver Xiao Sun all looked up at the building.

The once glittering Donghai Dragon Palace Seafood BBQ had changed its sign to the bright characters of "Xiaolang BBQ."

To match the name "Xiaolang BBQ," the entire building had been redecorated with a rolling wave pattern in shades of blue.

From afar, it looked as if a giant colorful dragon was bursting out of the waves, ready to soar into the sky.

Driver Xiao Sun was stunned. Wasn't this design a bit too over the top?

BBQ represents fire, and waves represent water. People always say that water and fire are incompatible. Could this business really thrive?

But he kept this thought to himself, knowing better than to voice it out loud and risk getting a beating.

Seeing that they had arrived, Chen Jianhai offered, "Sir, what are your plans for lunch? How about I treat you all to some BBQ?"

The old man smiled and declined, "Maybe another time. I still have some unfinished business today."

"Alright then, Sir! If you ever feel like having BBQ, just let me know. It's my treat."

With that, Chen Jianhai smoothly pulled out his phone, "Here, let's exchange contact information, so I can make sure you don't go hungry."

The young man in the passenger seat was confused: ???

This topic shift was so casual?

The old man chuckled at Chen Jianhai's antics, "Alright, let's add each other."

He took out his phone and scanned Chen Jianhai's QR code.

After seeing the "Friend request accepted" notification, Chen Jianhai opened the car door and said, "Sir, I'll be off then!"

"If you get any news about the Magic Century Theme Park, remember to let me know. I'll treat you to a meal!"

As they watched Chen Jianhai dash into the BBQ shop, the young man in the passenger seat asked, a bit bewildered, "Isn't he being a little too forward?"

"We don't even know each other's real names, and he already expects us to help him get information?"

"Isn't he a bit silly?"

"Silly?" The old man shook his head with a smile, "He's not silly—he's so clever it doesn't even show."

"He's an interesting young man."

Hearing this, the young man furrowed his brow slightly.

So clever it doesn't show? Doesn't that still mean he's silly?