
Chapter 9 Siege by Girls

Ji Changsheng's lips kissed the beauty's earlobe, which made her so excited that she leaned weakly in Ji Changsheng's arms.

A group of girls surrounded Ji Changsheng, sending him water and hugging him, which made Ji Changsheng feel very happy and satisfied.

He also left his contact information for these girls so that they could contact him when they had time.

Of course, Ji Changsheng wanted to have a deeper development with these girls, but there were too many people now, so it was not appropriate for him to be too obvious.

"You are so happy, honey."

Farmer Francis walked slowly towards Ji Changsheng with Kamiga Kannan, with jealousy in her eyes.

Looking at the expressions of Farmer Francis and Kamiga Kannan, Ji Changsheng knew what the two women were thinking about.

"Yes, of course I am happy. With you two, how can I not be happy?"

"Did you completely forget me when you were flirting with these girls?"

Looking at Ji Changsheng with bitterness in her eyes, Kamiga Kannan felt very aggrieved.

Kamiga Kannan had given this guy her first time, but this guy turned around and flirted with other girls, which made her very aggrieved.

"How could it be? Honey, don't you know whether I like you or not? I won't forget you."

Ji Changsheng looked at her and felt a little impatient. After all, he was a face-saving man.

Now what Kamiga Kannan did was completely disrespectful to him, which made him very impatient.

"You lied to me. If you did think about it, you wouldn't have flirted with so many girls. I'm really angry."

Kamiga Kannan also lost her temper. After all, before she met Ji Changsheng, everyone had to tolerate her. She would never let herself be wronged like this.

Looking at the aggrieved look on Kamiga Kannan's face, Ji Changsheng also felt very impatient. Of course, he was unwilling to take responsibility, or s\he wouldn't have flirted with so many girls.

But he hadn't had enough fun, so he could only coax her.

"Honey, I'm really sorry. I promise I won't do it again, okay?"

Ji Changsheng forced a smile and looked at her with a strong look in his eyes.

Now that Kamiga Kannan was on the verge of breaking down, she naturally wouldn't think too much. Now, all she wanted was Ji Changsheng to coax her. But when she thought of Ji Changsheng's intimate behavior with the girls just now, the grievance in her heart broke out completely.

Tears streamed down her cheeks. Seeing this, Ji Changsheng totally lost his patience.

He had never thought that Kamiga Kannan was so sentimental. In his opinion, such a girl was too difficult to serve.

"That's enough. I apologize to you. What else do you want?"

Ji Changsheng yelled at her. He also broke out at this time. In his opinion, his behavior was not inappropriate at all.

Seeing this, Ji Changsheng's underlings knew that their boss was really angry, so they all stood out to persuade Kamiga Kannan.

They knew how horrible their boss was when he broke out, so they could only make Kamiga Kannan bow her head.

Looking at Ji Changsheng's dark face like ink, she was also very afraid. With the persuasion of Ji Changsheng's underlings, she gradually stopped crying.

"Baby, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be angry, but I didn't control my emotions."

"I shouldn't have treated you like that. I did have an affair with these girls just now, but I promise I won't do it again. Please forgive me."

Ji Changsheng gradually calmed down. After all, he hadn't had enough fun with the woman he had just confirmed his relationship with.

He would first give a step down for her, and then he would get rid of her when he had enough fun.

Knowing that it was not easy for Ji Changsheng to lower his head, she didn't dare to say anything more for fear of angering Ji Changsheng again.

Farmer Francis was a little angry at first, but when she saw the angry look on Ji Changsheng's face, she didn't dare to say anything more.

However, Ji Changsheng also noticed that she stood aside with an aggrieved look on her face.

"Honey, I promise I won't do that again. But those girls are too enthusiastic, okay?"

Ji Changsheng knew that Farmer Francis also felt wronged.

Farmer Francis was an open-minded woman. Just now, Farmer Francis was jealous just because of the influence of Kamiga Kannan, and now when she saw Ji Changsheng coax her, she was happy at once.

"Honey, I'm a little hungry. Let's go to eat!"

Farmer Francis touched her belly to show that she was hungry.

So Ji Changsheng took the two girls to the sixth floor of the canteen.

The two girls knew that they were going to the canteen, and they frowned \.

After all, they knew very well about the sixth floor of the school canteen. Although they had never been there, they were also clear about the situation inside.

On the sixth floor of the canteen. There was piano, violin, Guzheng performance, hot modern dance of hot and beautiful women, European dance, Japanese dance, Chinese dance, and so on.

Most importantly, they were all beauties and bunny girls. It could be said that this was a paradise for men.

As girls, they had never been to this place, but now Ji Changsheng proposed to have lunch here, and the two girls were more or less uncomfortable.

"What's wrong? My two muses. It seems that you are not willing to. There is a lot of delicious food on the sixth floor. I just want to take you to eat something delicious."

Ji Changsheng looked at the two girls and argued.

Hearing what Ji Changsheng said, the two girls felt better.

"My Lord, you are here again. You have brought two female companions with you this time."

As soon as they entered the dining hall, two bunny girls came up to them at the gate of the sixth floor, smiling at Ji Changsheng.

When he saw the two bunny girls greeting him, he naturally responded warmly and hugged the two bunny girls.

"Sir, do you need any special service today?"

The bunny girl whispered in Ji Changsheng's ear. Her tone was full of temptation.

"I don't need it today. Why do I bring two girls here? Next time, I'll spoil you."

Ji Changsheng also responded in the bunny girl's ear. Ji Changsheng was also excited to be molested by the bunny girl.

But Ji Changsheng couldn't go too far with his two girlfriends around.