
Chapter 10 Show Off

Ji Changsheng just took advantage of the inattention of his two girlfriends to flirt with the bunny girls secretly. After all, he just made these two girlfriends angry, so he naturally did not dare to go too far.

As soon as the three of them entered the canteen, they attracted the attention of the crowd. After all, handsome men and beautiful women were easy to attract other people's attention.

"Ji Changsheng has gone too far. Having one girl is not enough that he even hooked up with another."

"Yes, but I have to say that the three of them are a perfect match."

Other students began to discuss among themselves. Ji Changsheng's two girlfriends were also very satisfied when they heard other people's discussions,

"I don't believe it the two girls won't mind your occupying them both. I'd like to have a try. Is this guy so charming?"

Jarvis said excitedly as she looked at Kamiga Kannan's hot figure.

He thought he was more handsome than Ji Changsheng, but now Ji Changsheng had two beautiful girls, which made Jarvis very jealous.

Jarvis decided to contact the two beauties later.

Jarvis was confident that he could win the two beautiful girls' hearts with his appearance.

Ji Changsheng had no idea what was going to happen next. He just had lunch with his two girlfriends.

"Two beautiful ladies. My name is Jarvis. I hope I can meet you."

Ji Changsheng and his two girlfriends were drinking happily when Jarvis interrupted them.

"Why are you here to steal my girlfriend?"

Ji Changsheng smiled at Jarvis.

He wasn't afraid that Jarvis would succeed, because he was confident that his girlfriend would be loyal to him.

"How can you say that I'm stealing? The two girls are so perfect. They are my goddess in my heart. I can't help it."

Jarvis said like a gentleman.

"Am I lucky enough to have the contact information of the two beauties? If possible, I want to invite the two beauties to attend the ball tonight."

Jarvis looked at Kamiga Kannan and Farmer Francis with expectation.

He thought that he was also very handsome, so he believed that the two girls would not refuse him.

"It's not available for me, because I already have a boyfriend, and I love him very much."

Of course, Kamiga Kannan knew what Jarvis was thinking. But she had just been conquered by Ji Changsheng today, so she was not attracted by Jarvis.

If it was before, she might have given him her phone number. After all, this guy was also very handsome.

Jarvis's face darkened. He didn't expect to be rejected.

Jarvis's expression amused Farmer Francis.

"My name is Farmer Francis. Nice to meet you."

Farmer Francis offered to shake hands with Jarvis.

Seeing this, Ji Changsheng didn't say anything. He knew what Farmer Francis was thinking.

After all, he had just had an affair with those girls. It was normal for Farmer Francis to have some emotions now, but he would not worry about it in the future.

"Nice to meet you, beautiful lady. I want to invite you to attend the ball tonight. I want you to be my dancing partner. What do you think?"

Seeing that Farmer Francis took the initiative to shake hands with him, Jarvis thought that Farmer Francis had a crush on him.

Although Kamiga Kannan rejected him, Farmer Francis was also a goddess. If he could get Farmer Francis, he could brag about it for a while.

Looking at Jarvis's lusty face, Farmer Francis felt very impatient.

But in order to piss off Ji Changsheng, she could only pretend to be happy.

"Honey, do you think I can go?"

"Of course you can. If you like it, you can go. After all, it's your freedom."

Ji Changsheng didn't show any unhappiness on his face.

"Beautiful goddess. Since he said so, will you accept my invitation?"

Jarvis said excitedly. He praised in HIS heart that Ji Changsheng had his style and was less handsome than him.

"Fuck off! I'm not interested in you."

Farmer Francis was so angry that she vented all her anger on Jarvis.

"Beautiful lady, do you have some misunderstanding?"

Jarvis said to Farmer Francis patiently, but he was already burning with anger.

He had never encountered such a thing before. For him, it was completely an insult.

Jarvis had never been refused by a girl so decisively in public, which made him lose face completely.

Ji Changsheng couldn't help but burst into laughter when he saw Jarvis's funny expression.

The people around them also laughed, as if they were looking at a fool.

Only then did Jarvis realize that he had been fooled.

Moreover, it was this damn Ji Changsheng. He didn't have any pride to stay here. He just kept it in mind and decided to revenge on Ji Changsheng next time.

"What's the relationship between Ji Changsheng and these two goddesses?"

"Yes, the two girls seem to be loyal to Ji Changsheng. Why is Ji Changsheng treated like this? I'm not bad looking."

"I guess that Kamiga Kannan is Ji Changsheng's girlfriend, and Farmer Francis is his sister."

Everyone was talking about it. They looked at Ji Changsheng with envy and hatred.

Hearing the speculations of the crowd, Ji Changsheng became more playful. He wanted to make these boys admire him more.

"Two girlfriends. Kiss me."

When the two of them heard Ji Changsheng's words, their faces were full of shyness, but they didn't refuse his request.

After all, kissing was not a big deal for them, not to mention that Ji Changsheng just asked for a kiss on the face.

The two ladies gave their own kisses. When the others saw this scene, they all wailed and looked at Ji Changsheng with murderous eyes.

They wished they could kill Ji Changsheng and replace him.

Looking at the envious and hateful eyes of the crowd, Ji Changsheng was very satisfied.

"One more kiss!"

Ji Changsheng held Kamiga Kannan in his arms and kissed her passionately, not caring that they were in the canteen.

If it had been in the past, Kamiga Kannan would never have done such a thing.