
413 Land Grant University

When Hong Xiaoyu found Jiang Chen, he was surprised that his cousin was actually playing basketball with a group of people.


He didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Jiang Chen turned his head, then, after saying goodbye to these students from the Geological University of Hancheng with a smile, he walked over.

"Your shoelaces are untied."

Hong Xiaoyu looked down and realized that in his hurry, his laces had indeed come loose, so he quickly crouched down to retie them.

As a senior year student himself, Jiang Chen didn't stick out on the campus of Hancheng's Geological University; those youths on the basketball court probably took him for an alumnus too.

"Bro, why are you here?"

Hong Xiaoyu stood up after tying his shoelaces.

"Just came to see how you're doing. Am I not welcome?"

Jiang Chen teased.

"Bro, stop joking around, what's up really?"

"Came with a friend to Hancheng for some matters, thought I'd drop by to see you on the way."