
Master Li please have mercy on me.

"Thank God you're here Doctor, I've been fighting off the female staff all morning." Kai and Hao stood exhausted in her office. Mia set down her file and looked at them sympathetically, the first line of defense was a failure meaning it was time for the trump card.

"You've done well gentleman, you can take an extra break. On your way would you tell every female staff member to come see me at once." Kai and Hao looked at her excitedly, she had that sly look on her face meaning this wasn't a request. Kai and Hao nodded immediately practically springing at the chance to get revenge on their fellow female staff for overworking them. Mia shuffled her file together and put on her glasses. Sheepishly, several female staff wandered in including the trainee Lisa Wei which Mia locked eyes with immediately. All of them awkwardly played around with their fingers shuffling in discomfort. Mia smiled at them all kindly before shutting the door with a bang causing them to jump. She stood at the front like an orchestrate glaring at them.

"Could someone care to tell me rule two of my practice." She said softly, everyone looked around their eyes filled with guilt. Lisa Wei learned from her last encounter that Doctor James was smart yet collected, she didn't stand a chance.

"Everyone is treated equally Doctor James." One of them finally spoke up.

"Correct. Now then, I'd like you to consider how the other patients may feel seeing someone receive special treatment. They already feel underappreciated within society; your selfish tendencies have only strained that further. I'm very disappointed all of you have fallen under your work adequate over one man."

The nurses looked down in guilt, they had been so starstruck they had completed disconcerted the other patients. Lisa Wei was also guilty of the crime, Mia was furious with her most of all. This was a time to be professional and not follow the crowds, this was a tough line of work. Mia looked for potential in every member, each of them held snippets of good qualities but sadly none held all of them. Mia sighed at them all, they needed to keep professional curtesy for the sake of the other patients. Mia could only imagine how disheartening it could be seeing someone who is supposed to be equal being drooled over by staff. It was unacceptable.

"I'm giving each of you your first disciplinary warning, as professionals I expect much more from you. To work in this environment mistakes like this could cost someone their life, this is a very delicate area of work. If I find out the celebrity service is continuing you will be given a second warning and partake in a review with me. This is a very small hurdle and I'm not ruling out the fact you are all young, I understand completely. I want you all to learn from this, if you cannot keep up your work adequate then perhaps you are in the wrong profession."

All the nurses gasped, she would really be so harsh about their childish behavior. Something as small as this could cost them their jobs? Lisa Wei was in awe, she hadn't even finished her training and already she was at risk of losing her job, Doctor James really was a force to be reckoned with.

"You're dismissed, return to rounds." Mia sat back down waving them out the door as if it was nothing. Hao and Kai watched them all walk out in a daze; Doctor James had destroyed them. Not even one could pluck up the courage to object. Hao and Kai walked in quickly like school children.

"You show no mercy Doctor James, I hope you didn't make any enemies." They teased. Mia gave them a warning glare.

"I've got more enemies than a Japanese official gentleman, seven more won't make much difference. If they do their jobs right, then they may hate me as much as they please. Speaking of, wasn't your break over five minutes ago." Hao and Kai looked at each other. Mia didn't even need to glance at her watch. Hao and Kai soon left trying to make up the time before they were pulled into a meeting with her. Mia smirked at the panic in their steps, she wouldn't admit it but being superior had its perks. She had endured countless years of being in the underclass sector receiving scrutiny wherever she went. Now, she was the highest of her rank, her hark work had payed off considerably. She checked her watch, it was time to consult with Mika. Mia decided he could use some fresh air after being cooped up in his room for the day.

Mia knocked at his door before entering. Mika was sitting by the window looking at the cherry blossoms fluttering in the wind. It was the end of spring meaning the trees were shedding their flowers, the courtyard floor was blanketed in pink delicacy. Mika was unaware it was Mia, he expected it to be another female nurse pestering him.

"I don't need anything." He said sternly.

"Good morning Mika." She said gently, it was clear he wasn't in a good mood today. Mika spun around recognizing her voice and his face lit up.

"S-sorry I thought you were---" Mia raised her hand cutting him off.

"My apologies for my staff they're quite starstruck, we don't get very many celebrities in here. Have they been pestering you?"

"Yeah but I'm used to it." He said lightly but Mia could hear the sadness behind his words.

"I've given them a formal warning as penance, I don't allow favoritism in my practice. I admitted you here, so you could break away from that lifestyle. I can only imagine the stress that comes with keeping up appearances." Mika nodded in agreement.

"Doctor James…can you really help me?" Mia knew it was only natural or him to have doubts. When disconcertedness becomes part of one's lifestyle it is very difficult to break that cycle.

"It's not a matter of me helping you, can you promise me to work with me. I'm not a Doctor that will lie to you and fill your head with false hope. If my treatment is ineffective then I will exhaust every option until I find success. I won't give up." Mika looked at the determination on her face.

"How about you take a walk with me, it's beautiful outside today. It would be a waste to just look at it." Mika looked a little surprised, this was a locked ward.

"Sounds good." He stood up and followed her out. Various patients greeted her on the way smiles on their faces, she was well respected by every member that was clear. Mia scanned her key card and wandered into the courtyard, Mika watches her raven hair flutter in the breeze as she took a deep breath. Mika wasn't looking at the scenery, he was watching this little woman full of life. He'd never envied many people, for her to have such freedom in such a solitude place gave him hope. He had the world at his feet, yet he felt trapped in his own body. Mia sat on a bench underneath the blossom tree. Mika sat down in the shade as the sun beamed across the fresh green grass, it was very peaceful.

"You seem really content?" he asked inquiringly as Mia closed her eyes soaking up the fresh air.

"I've learned that true content can be discovered in the littlest of things. When I was in training to become a Mental health clinician my mentor told me something very important, I think you will relate quite a lot." She said kindly. Mika sat back looking at her.

"Until you are happy with who you are, you will never be happy with what you have." Mika listened intensely, it was true. Mika could never truly be happy until he found himself.

"How do I know which ones the real me?" he said seriously. Mia looked at him sternly.

"I can't tell you that. I can find you Mika, but I can't keep you. Your disorder means you lack compassion, if this had gone untreated you would have reached erasure. Which is when you dissociate from yourself. You are struggling because your behavior is imitative, you don't know how to act anymore and therefore undertake characteristics from your roles as an actor." Mia looked at his empty eyes, this was difficult to tell him. Hearing your actions aren't your own is admitting you have no control. Control is a primitive function within the human brain, men are more susceptible to this than women due to the testosterone levels, it is a man's role as a dominant figure to control the factors around them.

"You were seven when your parents assigned you to a performing arts school, that's a very young age to undertake such pressure. The emotional, social and physical development of young children has a direct effect on their overall development and on the adult they will become. That is why understanding the need to invest in very young children is so important, so as to maximize their future well-being. I think you were deprived of that which is why you prioritized being someone else to fill that gap." Mika looked at her in shock. Not once had he mentioned his childhood, but she knew exactly where this disorder stemmed from.

"I've had this disorder since I was seven?" he said confused, this was news to him.

"I believe so. Mika, I'm going to ask you a question and I want you to answer me truthfully." Mika looked on edge, but this was a motivation technique Mia specialized in, seeing the fear in his eyes meant he wasn't numb.

"Forgive me for asking this. Have your parents ever been abusive towards you?" Mia watched his face drain of colour; her answer was right there. Trauma was a common cause of desensitization, people detach in order to cope. Mika sighed, that was secret he wanted to take to his grave.

"If I ever forgot my lines or froze up on stage my father would beat me until I recited the perfectly. I always believed it was normal, that's what my coach used to tell me. I would come to class black and blue, but no-one ever tried to help me, so I decided to help myself. I obsessed over memorizing each line until I'd pass out, that obsession is most likely why I am the way I am." Mia fought back her tears, she couldn't understand why this had upset her so much. The way he spoke so casually about his trauma worried her deeply, this was far from normal. It was a vicious industry he was forced into. Mika realized she wasn't saying anything and looked at her in confusion. Mia shied her face away, this wasn't professional at all. Mia cleared her throat and got herself together.

"Parent lose their way often when making the path for their child's future. Mika, there is a difference between wanting the best for you and needing what's best for them. I want you to know it's not your fault…this emptiness you feel right now isn't because you want it to be there." Mia looked up at the sky, Mika joined her. Tears formed in his eyes as he heard the words he'd always wanted to hear. It's not your fault.

"You're an amazing man Mika Hu, don't lose your way because the path is clouded. If you can't find your way, then make one. Someone very important to me also fell victim to his parent's malice for a very long time. So, he found his footing and estranged from them without looking back. Not because he doesn't love them because I'm sure he does. Because they loved themselves more than anything else." Mika shot up. It was never an option because they controlled everything around him from being young.

"I can let them go?" Mia nodded at him.

"You are in control, this is your life. You choose who to share it with the same as you choose who you are." Mika felt himself breath as if for the first time.

"You're right, I was so hell bent on pleasing them I lost sight of who I was."

"Exactly." Mika felt a small smile creep up on him, they were like detectives except it was his brain rather than an actual case. Mia knew more about him then he did, he was impressed beyond relief.

"I would never pressure you to estrange from anyone, that would be very unprofessional of me. Just take my words lightly, remember your in control." Mika smiled at her gratefully.

"Doctor James, would you support me if I had a serious conversation with my parents?" Mia was slightly surprised, she would happily challenge those low-life's in a heartbeat. However, if Mia felt strongly about something, she would often speak out of turn creating a personal conflict rather than a medical one. Another prime example of her heart winning over her head.

"I'll sit in and only interject with your permission. Would that be alright?" Mika nodded enthusiastically. Mia stood up and outstretched her hand.

"Then we have a deal." Mia felt overjoyed, this was amazing progress. Mika walked over and gripped it gently, she was captivating. The way her blue eyes lit up whenever she helped someone showed true passion, passion he hoped he could feel one day. Mia wasn't just his doctor, she was his inspiration.

-----------------------------------Shijie Li Industries--------------

Meanwhile, Aiden wasn't having a very productive day. American officials had moved their meeting back at the last-minute meaning Aiden could have taken the day off. It gave his time to review the market stats and sign some documents, but he was bored senseless. Yang was also struggling to find things to do and pottered aimlessly cleaning Aiden's office as he worked. Aiden sighed and took out his phone, he decided to see what Mia was up too. He needed a bit of entertainment or his brain would shut down.

"Doctor James, what are you wearing to dinner?" Mia was on her lunch and saw it immediately. Mia hit her head, she had completely forgotten.

"Probably my work clothes, you better not of booked somewhere fancy. Leave me with a little dignity, would you?" She said pleadingly. Aiden chuckled at his phone catching Yang's attention, he never knew the Master could smile.

"You really are hopeless. Fine, If you admit you forgot then I'll send you over some new clothes. If not, then I will never let you live it down." Mia froze up, this was a big mistake. When Aiden said he would never let something down he meant it. In high school, her pants had ripped on the way to her Judo match, in a panic she called Aiden. It was the biggest mistake she'd ever made in her high school depot, he purposely ran all the way there to laugh his ass of at her. Still, he was sweet enough to buy her some new ones on the way but didn't give her them until ten seconds before the match started. Aiden reminded her every day for four months straight, it was a nightmare.

"Fine, I forgot could you send me some clothes please?"

"Not until you say Master Li please have mercy on me." Mia felt like jumping through the phone and beating him to death. Aiden could hear her trying not blow up, she took a deep breath.

"Mas—" Mia cut herself off, she didn't care about going in her work clothes but what would everyone else think about someone as sophisticated as him bringing a woman like her. Aiden's face turned from a victorious grin to defeat.

"Nice try. Who will suffer more I wonder if I attend in my work clothes. Come to think of it maybe I should wear my pajamas. Is that better Master Li?" Aiden could help but chuckle.

"Well played, fine I'll send you some over. I'll get you back." Mia pumped her fist in the air, it felt good to win.

"I'll looked forward to it." Mia hung up and grinned to herself.