
I can see the guilt all over your face, it’s so strong I feel like I’m drowning with you...

"It's okay Blaike I'm here. I'm glad you called for me. Don't tell me your breaking our deal I was looking forward to watching Spirit Pack with you." Mia was very delicate with her tone and knew he valued their agreement, so she kindly reminded him.

"Doctor James, I don't feel right. I'm confused," Blaike said tears streaming from his face.

"I know you are but that's why I'm here. You can ask me anything and I will answer you truthfully. I'm not here to lie to you. You trust me, right?" Blaike nodded at her.

"Why am I sick? Why can't I live a normal life like my friends?" Mia could see the struggle in his eyes and her heart throbbed for him.

"Being normal isn't something you want to achieve. Do you know why?" Mia said intriguingly. Blaike looked up in interest.

"People who live a standard life are immediately thrown off my little inconveniences you and I are faced with every day. Blaike your much stronger than you think because those little inconveniences don't knock you at all. Your friends may feel sad about failing a school test or being rejected by a high-school crush and may think their worlds are falling apart. You're special because your world is much bigger than theirs, so you survive the unimaginable every day. You don't deserve to feel the way you do because you have such a kind heart. A heart I hope you'll share with some-one one day, but that won't be possible if you take a step further." Aiden listened from the side-lines to the wisdom coming from Mia's lips and felt moved by her words.

"So, I'm stronger than them?" he said enlightened.

"Physically it's debatable but mentally you're titanium. I really enjoy visiting you, I'd be lost if I didn't have your head to shake." Mia smiled kindly at him and could see Blaike begin to relax at her words.

"Doctor James are you going to lock me away?" he said tears still falling from his baby-like face.

"No, I'm going to take you home and come back first thing in the morning. I'd never lock you up against your will. How about you come down and I won't tell your mother about this." Mia felt guilty making such a promise but Blaike quickly stepped down and to her surprise ran into her arms and began sobbing. Blaike fell to the floor dragging Mia down with him but she didn't mind. Aiden watched as Mia shushed him while stroking his head, sitting on the wet concrete. In a matter of two minutes she'd saved his soul using nothing, but words and Aiden was mesmerized at her professionalism. Mia hadn't looked at him since she'd walked up to their position, so Aiden was unsure what to do. Surely, he couldn't ask her to talk while she was working.

"Let's go you must be exhausted. "she said lifting him up. Mia began walking away with Blaike under her arm but quickly turned back looking at Aiden.

"You're a witness I'll need a report. Follow me." Mia said it sternly, so Aiden couldn't really object not that he wanted to anyway. Mia hated the fact she had to ask him for a report she would rather jump off the bridge herself, but it was her duty as a doctor to collect evidence. Aiden got into his black Audi A8 and followed Mia's Ford Focus to a lower-class neighborhood. Calmly, he watched Mia hug Blaike before sending him home calming talking to him as she waved. Mia stood in-front of Aiden's headlights and gestured he follow her which he nodded back.

Mia was still wearing her causal clothes, so she didn't look very professional, yet her attitude made up for the lack of formality, Aiden couldn't stop looking at her. Mia pulled into a nearby diner and took her black file from the back seat before sitting down with Aiden at a 50's diner booth.

"Could you tell me what time you spotted Blaike on the bridge?" she asked formally. Aiden could see she wasn't giving any lee-way so patiently answered the question needed for the report.

"It was 9:15." Mia nodded and wrote down his answer biting her pen as she studied the questions to find ones which were valid.

"At any point did Blaike say he was looking to end his life before I arrived." Mia talked to Aiden like a regular person ignoring the pounding in her heart, she wanted to rip it from her chest and throw it against the diner wall.

"No, he never implied it." Mia nodded and wrote down notes. Aiden could see she still bit her pen and smiled to see old habits did indeed die hard. In school, he would always scold her for biting his pens when she borrowed them.

"As a precaution I have to ask how you feel after the incident. Do you feel anxious at all or stressed?" Aiden looked at her like an alien.

"What about you? You seem unphased." He said with a confused tone.

"I'm asking you out of professional courtesy. I face situations like that daily, I'm used to seeing it." She said unamused he'd turned the question around on her. Aiden chuckled and was starting to get annoyed at this front she was putting up.

"So, Doctor are you ready to cut the bullshit now?" Mia looked away and smirked. There was the strong-willed boy she used to know.

"Thank-you for your time, if you do feel anxious at any point, we have support services." Mia stood up to leave but Aiden grabbed her wrist and yanked her back down.

"Mia… I'm asking you nicely please hear me out." He said desperately. Mia scoffed at him while giving him a warning glare.

"Has your health declined Aiden or are you just that ignorant? I have nothing to say to you." Aiden couldn't believe she was still as stubborn as she was when they dated. Professionally her demeanor changed, and she went on the defense at the drop of a hat.

"Yeah well I have a lot to say to you. It must be fate I was just on my way to your apartment to talk to you." Aiden said childishly as to which Mia scowled.

"How do you know where I live? You're still nosy as ever I see, I'll be sure to move out as soon as possible." Aiden laughed at her statement, they were bickering like children. Some things never changed.

"Strange, that would be really convenient for me. You can move in with me." Aiden blurted it out so casually Mia burst into laughter.

"Are you deranged maybe I should admit you saying such nonsense."

"Mia, I'm being serious. I made a mistake. You'll be safer if you're with me." Mia slowly stopped laughing and felt her body swell with rage.

"Aiden, what have you done?" she said gritting her teeth. Aiden had a way of always dragging her into his troubles when they dated, usually it was just fighting and petty little ordeals, but she never imagined five years on he would still be doing it.

"I estranged from my parents and independently took over the company. They declared war and said they were going to hurt people I care about. Including you." He said sincerely. Mia was dumbfounded and couldn't bring herself to breath never mind speak. It confused her what she was angrier about. The fact he'd put her in harms way or saying he cared about her.

"Why are you doing this to me Aiden? I'm not a f*cking toy you can just play with then throw away only to find it in adulthood and rekindle. We're adults now why can't you just leave me alone." Mia spouted every word with the pent-up anger she'd swallowed for five whole years in his absence.

"You were never a toy to me Mia. Why do you think I'm telling you this? If I didn't care about you couldn't I just let them do with you as they please?"

"There's a difference between caring about someone and being guilty about a past fault Aiden. I can see the guilt all over your face, it's so strong I feel like I'm drowning with you. It's simple you left me at the worst time in my life and I hate you for it. If your parents want to wage war, then let them wage I'm stronger than I look. I haven't needed you for the past five years and I sure as hell don't need you now." Mia was so angry tears streamed from eyes as she held her fists to the table.

"Mia, I didn't leave you." Aiden said painfully to see her so hurt.


"I'm not lying to you. Just listen to me." Mia crossed her arms with an evil expression and waited to hear his pathetic excuse.

"My father found out we were dating in Senior years and coincidentally sighed me up for a Japanese business school abroad. They shipped me off without my consent and I was stuck there for five years until I completed my studies and got my Honors Business Degree, so I could take over the company. You know once my father made up his mind, I had no say or was in no position to fight him." Mia listened with a cold expression on her face. When she thought in more depth Aiden didn't just break away from her or stop seeing her. He disappeared like a ghost, she didn't even hear anything in the papers about the son of the richest man in the Shanghai. Mia didn't want to hear this because he could say he was kidnapped by a foreign country and held for ransom for five years and it still wouldn't take away the heartache she felt.

"How cliché, you were ripped away because you chose to date the poor girl is that it?" Mia couldn't even look him in the eyes anymore and dropped her head. Aiden could see she wasn't buying his story, so he told her something only she would know.

"Do you remember why I kept our relationship a secret?" Mia thought for a while and remembered how they would sneak around like mice when it came to Aiden's family.

"You had a name to uphold, you didn't want me to taint that, so we hid. All the time you kept me in the dark while you shined boldly in the light to keep up appearances." Mia said coldly but Aiden didn't remember it that way.

"No… I had a name to uphold and I kept you in the dark, so I could protect you. My parents would go to impossible lengths to make sure I had the best of everything, wealth, power as well as women. For a long time, I believed it was my destiny to take over the business like that was my only purpose for living. Until I met you…" Aiden looked at Mia's face which was still doubtful yet softened at his words.

"Your just not getting it are you? It doesn't matter what you say to me because the past is the past. I've let you clear your guilty conscience spouting as if you were the victim of foul play, like leaving was out of your hands. Stop being so naive and look at it from my perspective." Aiden's eyes widened at the sudden calmness in her voice.

"Maybe your right, you had no say in the matter, but I didn't have any say either. If I had known your father was so ruthless to do something like this then I would have accepted letting you go. Instead, you hung onto me for dear life because I was the girl who gave up everything, I believed in to be with you. One minute we were talking on the phone and the next I don't hear from you for five whole years. I'm not angry you left I'm angry because I thought I wasn't good enough for you. Then, while I speculated what I could have possibly done for you to leave me I lost everything. You've come back, and you still have business and wealth waiting for you, how do you expect me to accept what your saying?"

"I don't care about all of that Mia. Sure, I came back to everything I need except the one thing I want most. You…" Aiden raised his voice causing Mia's heart to jump. Mia could see the pain in his eyes and slowly began to lose control, everything she thought about him was wrong… he still looked at her like a god and spoke to her without a hesitant word. This boy she fell in love with all those years ago was also hurting, maybe even more than her…

Mia, "I can't do this Aiden. Even now I'm still in the dark… count yourself lucky you knew why I wasn't by your side. That's a question I've asked myself for five whole years, but now I'm ready to let you go. I'm in the prime of my life I don't need a petty high-school romance to resurface and knock me down."

"I'm not letting you go Mia. If it was just a petty high-school romance, then I've spent these pasts few years under a delusion. You weren't just a fling to me or a way to pass time, you were and still are the reason I'm still standing. I want you by my side..." Mia felt her lip quiver and wanted more than anything to let him down gently, but heartache was the worst form of pain. Pain she'd tried to let go of for half a decade, only for it to be replenished by the man before her.

"You have too Aiden. If you care about me at all then just let me go. We don't have to hurt anymore, what we had died a long time ago. I've moved on…" Mia said as a tear fell from her cheek, quickly she composed herself and picked up her file.


"Don't! I have work tomorrow I need to sleep. Congratulations on your new CEO title and I wish you a happy life. You don't have to protect me anymore, I'm a grown woman. Goodbye Aiden." Mia pronounced every word delicately and swiftly left the establishment. Aiden cradled his head in his hands overcome with heartache, childishly he expected Mia to run back into his arms. Failing to consider that she was now a substantial citizen, living a happy life without him. Aiden needed her, but she didn't need him. Even when explaining the tragic misunderstanding it no longer mattered, Mia was reluctant to forgive him. Aiden reverted to basics and selfishly decided if Mia wouldn't accept his help, he'd protect her anyway. Picking up his phone he rang the only person he could trust other than Yang. When Aiden had attended his school reunion, he'd reconciled with his childhood friend Yai Chu who was now a private investigator. Aiden knew he could rely on him like he did in school and Chu was the man who found Mia for him when Aiden was courting. Having a knack for revealing the hidden he was a very reliable ally.

"Chu, it's Aiden I have a favor to ask you."

"Of course, Master Li what can I do for you." He said sarcastically.

"Cut the formality I'm your friend not your boss." He said hopelessly, and Chu just laughed in response.

"Would this have anything to do with our precious Joni?" he asked childishly.

Aiden, "It would. I want to know her schedule, family connections personal affairs and bank details. It's important."

Chu, "You don't change, still as possessive of that girl as ever. I'm guessing she knows nothing about this."

"She doesn't need to know. I'll pay you handsomely just do it fast."

Chu, "Your wish is my command leave it to me."

Aiden hung up and felt at ease hearing Chu would help him. Yai Chu supported Aiden and Mia with a whole heart, they were his favorite couple after all. Aiden sat for a while before returning to his hotel.

-------------------------------Mia's Apartment-------------------------------------

Mia dragged her feet through the front door and felt like a black cloud had followed her from the diner. Still, her heart pounded, and her brain burned, she was so overwhelmed after today's events. In a single day, her mother had attacked her. One of her most cherished patients had threatened his life. Then, the boy she once loved more than the world appeared just as quickly as he disappeared five years ago. Mia wanted the ground to swallow her until this feeling went away, why did she feel so guilty? Why was her heart and brain fighting after seeing Aiden's pine green eyes again?

Mia shook her head, she knew ruminating on things which were out of her control would only lead to unnecessary thoughts. Mia was work motivated but also a control freak, so when situations jump out from nowhere, she struggled to cope. As a Mental Health Clinician identifying other people's insecurities and reading body language was her strength, not many people could slip by her. Except herself, she spent so much time looking after others, Mia failed to know herself.

"Come on Mia, keep it together." She lectured herself before retiring to bed. Sitting in the cold dark room she stared up at the ceiling with teary eyes. Why did he always have to ruin everything, why couldn't he just let her go? Thoughts and memories about the happiest year of Mia's life plagued her worn brain. It pained her to admit it but that year she dated Aiden, he opened her heart showing her how brighter this world could be when you had your partner by your side. It really was the happiest year of her life and since he left, she was just keeping her head above water as tragedy after tragedy followed her. Aiden was now one of the most wealthiest men in China, he could have any woman he wanted but all he desired was his high-school Joni. Mia began scrolling through her WeChat page keeping up to date with the recent epidemics, Mia wasn't one for social media but occasionally got curious. Yu basically lived on social media and would share silly little quotes which Mia knew made no sense. Mia sighed to see Yu's newest quote.

"The smartest thing a woman can learn is to never need a man." Mia found it ironic Yu would post such a thing considering her world would end if a man payed her no attention. Mia felt her fingers twitch to respond and eventually she couldn't hold it in anymore. Mia commented.

"Irony is the gaiety of reflection and the joy of wisdom." She replied scheming. Mia never posted on social media, but teasing Yu would talk her mind off things so delved into a war. Classmates of Mia and Yu began getting excited to see the legendary Joni making a social appearance, liking her quote to avail.

"Hey, this is my platform butt out." Yu replied with a pouty face. Mia was enjoying herself, friend requests were coming in faster than she could read them. Of course, majority of them male classmates which were so desperate Mia didn't know to be annoyed or sympathetic. Mia laughed at Yu's petty retaliation. Just as she was about to finish the discussion, everything pleasant about the harmless banter ceased.

"Joni huh…nice nickname, it suits you well." An unknown recipient sent a private message to her WeChat.

"Forgive me do I know you." Mia thought maybe it was an old classmate wanting to catch up.

"How could you forget me? I'm a little wounded." Mia started to feel slightly uneasy, he was talking like she should know him. When thinking deeper there was only one person who could be perusing her so boldly. Mia felt her blood run cold at realizing who this was, she was smart and calculated it only took this single message to give him away.

"It's been a long time Sam. What do you want?" She replied bluntly. Sam James, the leading finance manager of Hangzhou and Mia's cousin. After his speech at the reunion Mia thought she'd shaken him but was worried to see he was still obsessed with chasing her.

Sam, "Still as sharp mouthed as ever, I want what I've always wanted." Mia knew his want all to well.

Mia, "Not interested, do you have nothing better to do than hang onto childhood dreams?"

Sam, "I wouldn't call it a dream more like a desire. I always get what I want Mia."

"You're still that spoilt boy I rejected all of those years ago. Obsession can cause decay of the mind and as said by philosophers sometimes what you want isn't necessarily what you need." Mia wasn't that sweet, shy girl who was scared to hurt people's feelings. Now she was a stern, grown woman who took sh*t from no-one. Sam would soon realize what Mia said, Mia meant…

"Harsh words, careful you wouldn't want to hurt my feelings, would you? I'll see you soon enough beautiful; sleep tight." Sam ended his message with a love heart making Mia want to throw up in her mouth.

"Great, I'll add him to the list of past displeasure." She moaned pushing her head against her pillow. Was she cursed? People who prided themselves on getting what they wanted would soon lose interest when achieving it, Sam was dangerous. Impulsive and relentless, in high-school if Aiden hadn't of warned him off, Mia didn't know what lengths he would have gone too. Mia screenshot the messages and sent them to Yu. Yu immediately replied.

"This is not good. How can be still be obsessed with you? That idiot should be married and settling down not chasing loose ends." Yu exclaimed. Mia agreed completely, there wasn't a specific mental diagnosis for people like him because he was so unpredictable. Therefore, Mia decided just to ignore all contact hoping by miracle he would go away peacefully. She didn't have Aiden to scare him off, this was her battle now.

"If only, this is what happens when your fed a silver spoon. It will only be a matter of time before he throws a tantrum."

"Maybe we need someone with a bigger silver spoon to teach him a lesson again." Yu said genuinely, and Mia was startled Yu would suggest such a thing.

"I can teach him a lesson on my own. I may not have a silver spoon, but I've got a diamond mind." Yu laughed, and they said goodnight. Mia felt slightly better speaking with Yu and was reluctant to tell her about her face to face encounter with Aiden. Yu would probably explode on the spot. Mia exhausted herself and eventually fell asleep.

---------------------------------James Premium Finance Company----------------------

"Master James, you asked for me?" A young female in assistant attire stood in a large oak office surrounded by filing and whiskey. Sam James sat with a dark expression on his face looking her up and down. His sandy blonde hair and dark brown eyes complemented by his Armani red interior suit and golden chain, he studied the young girl with seductive eyes. Being the owner of one of Hangzhou's top finance representatives, he had money to burn and spent it on less appraising things.

"Take off your shirt Yang." He said with a cold tone. The young girl looked at him with pleading eyes and shaking hands. Sam filled his head with perverse thoughts after speaking with Mia, since he couldn't have her, he directed his lust at his weak assistant. Sam upheld a caring, sophisticated front in meetings and around friends but once behind locked doors he was a monster.

"Please Master James, I don't want too." She stuttered fearfully. Sam lifted his head with a sadistic grin on his face and stood up.

"Do you not value your job?" he asked sternly. Yang began shaking as he edged closer.

"I do, I really do Master James." She wanted to run but Yang was under his control. Yang had very little credentials as she dropped out of school at age 15 when she fell pregnant with her son. This job was all she had to support him, and Sam knew this.

"Do as I say, there's hundreds of people waiting to take your place. Do it for your son Yang." He said lifting her chin as she looked at him shamefully. Tears In her eyes she fell victim to his manipulation and took off her shirt. Sam smiled and stared at her for a while.

"You better make this good for me. I'm not in the best of moods." He warned her with wild eyes. Yang knew what was coming but put on a brave face and endured. Sam was a frightening character, but Mia had no idea just how frightening he could be. As he assaulted Yang, he fantasised Mia in her place and couldn't get enough but this wasn't the real thing. Once, he'd finished he looked at her with disgust.

"You're just a substitute, I'd much prefer the real thing." Yang didn't understand what he meant and quickly scrambled to get dressed before practically running from the office. Sam yawned and re-lived his memories of Mia. Now that rich boy wasn't with her, she was all alone. This was his chance to get what he'd always wanted…