

Mia felt frozen like a deer in headlights to see her cousin take the podium. Sam James was her relative cousin who had lived in china from being a young child, their relation occurred on their father side which is why she shared the same surname. When Mia was in high school, she was shocked to find out her cousin lived not far from them and upon hearing of her arrival made his way to her house to inquire about her. Mia's father was estranged from his brother but didn't object to Sam's visit, expecting him to be innocent in their ordeal. Upon returning home she was unnerved to find out Sam had requested to marry her as cousin marriages were legal in Shanghai. Of course, her parents rejected not being accustomed to Chinese culture, but Sam didn't stop pursuing her there. Mia didn't even know this boy, but he was reluctant to give in so therefore would wait for outside of school and try to get to know her better. Sam, came from a long line of finance companies derived from his father's substantial wealth which he inherited as Mia's uncle retired, Sam was only seventeen at the time. Mia told him countless times that his ideas weren't natural to her but being raised in China he didn't see much of a problem. Sam would always ignore her feelings and try to confess his unrequited love for her but was warned off by Mia's high school love, so his pursuit gained some distance. After Mia moved away from her home to University Sam managed to lose track of her but took it upon himself to find her after discovering the man she loved was no longer in the picture. In truth, he frightened Mia quite a bit because he had wealth and desire making him a difficult man to shake. Living peacefully for five years without him pestering her she'd almost forgotten about his unapprehend able mindset. Only to be sorely reminded as he took the podium.

Yu Yan, "How convenient he benefited this exact reunion. I always knew he was wrong in the head." She said angrily. Mia on the other hand was at a loss for words. Sneakily, his eyes scanned the room and found her among the sea of people. A smile cut across his face as he began giving a scripted speech. Sam hadn't aged at all and still looked like the same teenage boy she remembered so unappealingly. Sam had sandy blonde hair and brown eyes, he was a mix between English and Chinese heritage. His mother Chinese and his father Mia's British uncle which she'd never met. Unsurprisingly, everything he wore was designer, he wore such rare items it was a struggle to say how much money his outfit cost, but Mia could tell it was a lot.

Mia looked away and began drinking her wine quicker to Yu's discomfort. Mia began feeling suddenly flushed, so she looked at Yu pleadingly before leaving the function room while the speech was still in session. Sam smiled even wider to see her leave and Yu noticed this. Sam wasn't phased by her flee as unbeknownst to Mia he had already gotten her details from the school system including her address. Wealth had a way of surpassing the law after all. Yu called a cab while Mia was in the bathroom. Lei was disheartened to see them leave but had also stolen Mia's number from Yu Yan when she wasn't watching her phone earlier on in the rowdy room.

Mia splashed her face with cold water but noticed her dizziness wasn't subsiding and she had a pain-splitting headache. Applying a cold compress to her head she stood holding onto the sink with one hand for support. Using her medical background, she quickly identified she'd been drugged from her symptoms and had never been so thankful for Yu in her life. Yu Yan had called a cab for the hospital and explained she knew Lei had done something to her drink but was fearful to say while he was still present in-case he did something worse. Mia tied her long raven hair up, so it wouldn't stick to her sweating brow. Yu Yan knocked on the door to ask if she was alright and Mia weakly replied yes. Yu Yan called through the door soon after telling her she would wave the cab driver down because he had gotten lost in the late-night traffic but lock the door and to stay put until she came back for her. Yu Yan left to find them.

Mia stood in the bathroom helplessly for a while trying hard to stay awake, but her limbs began feeling numb increasing the urge to drift. Mia decided she needed to keep her body stimulated through motion and unsteadily unlocked the bathroom door, so she could walk around. The minute she stepped out of the bathroom she felt a force knock into her causing her to stumble back. She regained her focus and almost fainted to see the recipient staring back at her with wide green eyes.

"M-Mia…?" Mia suddenly didn't mind being drugged as she was certain that if she wasn't the man before her would be on his way to A&E. Her vision was blurred but she recognized that voice from anywhere. Mia stumbled back again but he caught her by the waist and before Mia could push him away, she succumbed to the drug and passed out. Yu Yan came running back and almost fainted to see Mia in his arms as he lay her gently back gently supporting her head. He looked up and recognized Yu Yan straight away.

"Have you called an ambulance?" he asked concerned pressing his hand against her head. Yu Yan was reluctant to speak to him but out of respect for Mia's safety she submitted.

"We called a cab to drive us, but he's lost in traffic." Yu said with a worried tone. The man nodded and picked Mia up bridal style without effort because she was so light. Yu Yan looked at him with pleading eyes.

"Aiden—" she said trailingly, but he quickly interrupted knowing what was going to come out of her mouth.

"I'm driving her end of discussion, if we wait all night, she'll just get worse. I don't care if she would want me too or not." Yu Yan briskly shut her mouth and followed him outside to the car-park. Yu Yan watched him unlock a new Audi A8 black limited edition, it was clear he was still extremely wealthy. Carefully, he placed Mia in the backseat and got in the car followed by Yu Yan jumping in the passenger seat looking back at Mia's idle face. Yu watched as he sped away skillfully.

"Can you tell me what happened?" he asked. Yu thought about her answer but decided he had a right to know after he'd went to the trouble of driving her.

"She was spiked by one of her classmates." She said her tone expressionless.

"Do you know which one?" he asked this time with bitterness in his voice.

"Since when did you give a sh*t what happened to her Aiden?" she said annoyed.

Aiden was a very attractive man, from his coal black hair to his tree green eyes and toned body ripe under his suit. Yu Yan even though she hated his guts would admit he was flawless. His family being American and Chinese he was the perfect balance of the two with striking cheekbones and a fair jawline.

"I'm not here to bring up the past I'm asking out of concern for her safety as a bystander. Is it someone I should be worried about?" Aiden asked conservatively. Yu Yan shook her head bluntly and continued staring at the streetlights above her.

"Judging from your reaction I'm sure she hates me?" he said out of the blue. Yu Yan gripped her hands in anger.

"Could have sworn it was you who stated we weren't bringing up the past. What does it matter if she feels that way towards you, you are both ancient history?" Yu Yan said angrily continually checking behind her to see if Mia was alright. Aiden didn't say anything else for the remainder of the trip until he got to the hospital. Yu Yan watched as he carried her in and the doctors on scene quickly recognized her symptoms and wheeled her away on a gurney for observation. Yu Yan filled out some basic details before sitting in the waiting room. Aiden followed and sat opposite to her.

"Did you mean what you said? About her hating me?" Yu Yan couldn't believe he was still pondering over her words.

"What affect would it have on you if I did? You just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time and because you had history with her decided to be a knight in shining armor out of courtesy. You're a billionaire, wouldn't the world look down on you if you just left her to be assaulted?" Yu Yan said spitefully but was dumbfounded to see him chuckle at her words.

"I could be the richest man in the world and never turn a cold-shoulder to Mia. Why do you think I attended the reunion across the way Yu?" Aiden asked conservatively. Yu Yan thought for a while but couldn't find a response... Why would a billionaire feel the need to attend a tedious reunion if not having ulterior intentions? Aiden watched her struggle and decided to put her out of her misery.

"Yu, I made an unforgivable mistake all those years ago. One I wish I had a chance to change but it was out of my hands. You know all too well how much we were in love and the only reason I came tonight is, so I could catch a glimpse of her again. Make sure she was doing well for herself, I never thought for a second I would have run into her the way I did." Aiden said sadly. Yu could see he was being genuine, and she was tempted to find out more.

"Your telling me you came all the way out here tonight, so you could see her? You've had five years to see her so why now?" Yu Yan asked with dangerous squinted eyes. Aiden collected himself before answering.

"Yu, I never left her. My father found out I was dating a girl from a lower-class background and said I was shameful to be the Shijie Li company successor, so he shipped me off to a business school abroad without my consent. I only recently returned. I can understand why she would hate me after I left her so suddenly but she's the love of my life. Seeing her again was the only thing that kept me sane while I was in Japan reform University." Aiden looked up to see tears streaming down Yu Yan's face. His words were so heartfelt she cried on Mia's behalf hearing of this tragic misunderstanding.

"Would a parting goodbye, letter or even a phone call of killed you Aiden? You're telling me after all this time my best friend has suffered to think you abandoned her when this was your father's doing?" Yu Yan said with wet eyes. Aiden didn't realize how much this had affected Mia and the people around her.

"My father is a powerful man…" Aiden said before trailing off fighting off the urge to say anything more. Yu Yan didn't know what to think anymore, Mia would be devastated and conflicted to hear of such words. Yu Yan wiped her tears away after careful consideration.

"I have no right to tell you about Mia's personal life but know that she is doing really well for herself. I will grant you this kindness for her sake because I refuse to make this decision on her part. I'll give you her number, so you can contact her whether she responds is her decision but don't keep your hopes too high Aiden. That girl went through a lot in your absence." Yu Yan wrote down Mia's number as she talked and handed it to him without giving another glance.

"You can leave now but I'll tell her you drove us here." Aiden took the number from Yu and left without pushing his luck even though he didn't want to leave Mia… Yu Yan cried for her best friend after he left but quickly composed herself when a doctor informed her that she'd been placed on an IV which had flushed majority of the drug from her system and she was coming around.

-----------------------Hospital room-----------------------------------

Yu Yan entered the hospital room quickly and hugged Mia before she was even coherent. Mia instinctively hugged her back and began chuckling to herself causing Yu to raise her head in bewilderment.

"You were the one who wanted to get me wasted. I hope your happy, you win." She joked, and Yu Yan tapped her forehead playfully. Deep down she was worried in-case Mia blamed her, but the minute Mia came back round she reassured her mind, which was her specialist. Mia blinked a few times to regain her vision and looked at Yu face to see her eyes were quite red.

"Yu what's wrong?" she said stroking her face. Yu Yan rolled her eyes.

"Mia would you stop worrying about me for two seconds. Look at you you're in the hospital, I'm going to string that Lei Gang by his neck for what he's done to you." Yu gritted her teeth, but Mia patted her cheek. Desperate men like that would only bloom over added attention, it was better to pay them no eye.

"If he was willing to go to these measures then he's quite dangerous. Promise me you will stay away from him." Mia asked with pleading eyes holding onto Yu's hand. Yu nodded understandingly and sat on her bed.

"Don't tell me he's still here." Mia said painfully after a small silence. Yu Yan felt her heart stop, even her breath caught in her mouth.

"W-Who?" she stuttered unaware Mia had seen his eyes for a split second before passing out.

"You have no reason to protect me Yu. Was it him who made you cry?" she asked sternly with fire in her eyes. Yu quickly shook her head.

"Good, then I won't be getting arrested tonight." She said light-heartedly but Yu could see Mia was struggling after seeing his face after five years apart. Yu started fidgeting with her fingers and Mia knew the symptoms of stress from her training. Mia took both of her hands and looked Yu in the eyes.

"You're afraid to tell me something aren't you?" Yu looked shell shocked Mia could tell from observation, she really was her best friend. Yu sighed deeply before looking back worry written all over her face.

"I can't believe in one night the three men you forgotten turned up out of the blue. This was supposed to be a special night for us, but my plans have been ruined." Mia didn't understand what she was saying so nodded at her to continue.

"I—I got accepted for an access course in food hygiene to become a professional chef." Mia's eyes lit up. Yu Yan wasn't one for academic career pathways, but she had always loved to cook and from Mia's taste she was a very talented one. Mia knew Yu had been applying and was delighted to hear her best friend had finally been recognized.

"Yu I'm so proud of you, you have no reason to look so glum. This is your dream."

Yu, "Yes, I do. The University which accepted me is in the next city over, so I have to move there while I do my training." Yu stopped making eye-contact with Mia because she felt overwhelmingly guilty seeing her friend laying in a hospital bed while telling her this. Mia could read her mind and pulled her face back to her.

"Listen to me. You could move over the next state and I wouldn't be upset do you know why?" Yu shook her head.

"This is your dream and as your best friend I would turn the world upside down to make sure you achieve that. When I was working towards my dream you supported me to no end, this is my chance to return the favor. I'm going to miss you more than anything but it's what I must sacrifice for you to be happy. You better call me often though or I'll come over there and kick your ass myself." Yu laughed and hugged Mia tight. Her best friend always knew what to say to ease her mind. They chatted about Yu's course for a while until the doctor discharged Mia.

"Mia, I'd advise you take it easy for the next few days. We found a considerate amount of Rhohypnol in your system but managed to flush it out. Do you have any idea who would do this, we can file a police report?" Yu went to speak but Mia quickly interjected.

"That won't be necessary, I have no idea who the culprit is. I'm just lucky my friend was there to get me here." Mia smiled at Yu who looked at her with a concerned expression. The doctor talked about ways to flush the remaining toxins with home remedies and Mia politely listened but knew what to do. It was the same advice she would give to her patients after they'd taken an overdose. Yu ordered a cab which actually showed up this time and they both headed home. In the cab Yu asked Mia why she didn't tell them about Lei Gang. Mia had a talent for deciphering someone's emotions and mindset which is why she thrived within her profession and judging from Lei's eye movements and past encounters it was clear why she didn't want to provoke him.

"Lei is a sociopath from my observation and has dangerous tendencies. When he walked over to the table, he ensured the drinks were bought beforehand so we couldn't object without seeming rude. This gave him the upper-hand of control, I also observed he didn't converse with any other members despite once being the idol of our school. Sociopaths tend to disregard consequence and have very anti-social personalities. It took me some time to give a rough diagnosis but that is what symptoms he portrayed told me. Sociopaths like to be the center of attention and will mimic behavior so his advances towards me was purely his attempt to be normal except he still had desires to be in my bed which is why he drugged me. People like him are to be ignored or his ideals will become more intense and harder to manage so promise me you won't go anywhere near him." Yu Yan looked at Mia like a god as she gave her thoughts. Yu gave another little applause before nodding to say she understood.

"I promise."

----------------------------------- Li Mansion-------------------------

Aiden dragged his feet through the front door of the 20,000 square feet Mansion complete with an additional 1000 acre of surrounding land. It was built from scratch according to his mother's designs and cost over £1.8 Billion after personal touches which didn't include the furniture. It was a modern style décor with the bottom floors covered in Blanco Macael marble and premium Bocote (Top Class wood) complemented with silver center pieces and statues ranging from £200,000 per custom make. Secondly, was the next floor up which was Aiden's mother pride and joy. It held the kitchen area which was a Fiore di Cristallo large enough to seat eighty people at least, as well as a fridge fit for a king. Not to mention it was £1.4 million to build and maintain. The living area didn't differ much in price line with leather recliners and a movie sized screen. Overall, the area screamed wealth. The third floor had over ten individual decorated bedrooms conjoined with on-suite washrooms probably bigger than Mia's apartment altogether, and charmingly had a sauna attached to a balcony on the east side looking out towards the nearby city where at night the dotted lights of life looked like the night sky. All floors were connected by a spiral staircase which Aiden wearily stumbled his way up.

"Son is that you?" a high-pitched voice called out as he walked past the kitchen. Sighing he walked in the flashy kitchen and waiting for his mother to blabber like she usually did. Laura Li was Aiden's American mother which is where Aiden inherited his big green eyes from. Overtime her physique had declined quite a bit and she was slightly plump, but she was still good-looking for her age. Light brown curled locks and freshly manicured nails worth more than a weekly food shop, showed she was well maintained. Wearing a cooking apron, she faced away from him while following a cook-book, by looking Aiden could see she was making a cake and he rolled his eyes.

"I can't believe my baby boy is the new appointed owner of Shijie Li, I'm so proud of you." She shrieked dancing on the spot. Aiden ringed out his ears and loosened his tie, after seeing Mia tonight he'd drank quite a lot and was feeling flustered and irritable. Still, he grasped her number tightly in his hand, the world couldn't pry something so precious from him.

"Thanks." He said unenthusiastically before pouring himself a glass of water. Laura continued mixing the batter mix in the bowl and turned to see him looking quite rough.

"Aiden, where have you been?" she said concerned. Aiden thought about lying but knew his mother could see through him.

"I went to my school reunion." He said before drinking the water down without taking a gasp. Laura's facial expression soon darkened, and she began interrogating him to satisfy her own nosiness.

"I didn't realize you still went to such things; did you see anyone you remember?" she said with a warning tone. Aiden felt his chest bubble at her voice, he knew what she was really asking.

"Yeah, I saw a few people I remembered, I even got some of their numbers, so we can catch up when I'm not working." He smiled at his mother cunningly. Laura bit her tongue trying not to provoke him. Aiden and his mother had a very complicated relationship ever since his parents shipped him off abroad.

They said it was to better his future, but he knew it was, so he could no longer be with Mia. Laura tried too hard to earn his forgiveness, but Aiden didn't care for her one bit and barely tolerated living with her. His relationship was more questionable when it came to his father. Shijie Li industries was the highest brand of clothing, real estate and retail in all of Shanghai surpassing even global retailers in stats. Its business grossed over £70 Billion annually meaning Aiden's family had money to shred. His father enjoyed spending his wealth on material things such as cars and resorts, but Aiden preferred simpler pleasures.

Someone, very important to him once said 'If money is your hope for independence you will never have it. The only real security that a person will have in this world is a reserve of knowledge, experience, ability and a loving heart.' Aiden cherished those words more than his life because it was Mia who told him this back in high-school when he was spoilt and poisoned by his father.

Aiden had been back from Japan for three weeks and shadowing his now estranged father, so he could take over his responsibilities after his recent retirement. Aiden had been studying business for five years, so it was like second nature to him therefore he adjusted without any issues and had been stated as the new CEO of his family business. His face was plastered over every gossip and entrepreneur magazine there was to ensure China knew of the surprise bachelor of the business realm. Aiden hated publicity because he wasn't accustomed to it, but it didn't stop his mother putting him forwards for interviews and such.

"Aiden, you have a photo-shoot tomorrow morning and an interview with the Bachelorette in the afternoon so clear your schedule." Laura said bluntly but Aiden refused his mother's feeble attempt to rule his life.

"No, I have a meeting with Japan officials tomorrow about expansion overseas. How do you expect me to run this business if your flaunting me anywhere but?" he said assertively. Laura was about to argue back but was interrupted by her husband.

"He's right Laura, Aiden doesn't need you smothering him." He said patting his son on the shoulders as he raked through the fridge. Jian Li was Aiden's father and the richest man in Shanghai but was happy to retire and hand over his wealth to his son. From birth Aiden had the future of the company dangled above his head until the present day when he was strong enough to carry the weight. Jian was a tall slender man with black hair striped with grey, his clothing was always up to standard even his lounge wear was top branded. Aiden inherited his hair color and physique from his father side which wasn't a bad thing at all, Aiden was toned and stood around 6"3 which was a considerable height for Chinese standard. Aiden and Jian looked quite alike except Jian was much older, shown by the faint wrinkles on his face.

Aiden didn't say anything to his father and continued drinking water hasty to get out of there before he was caught up in conversation. Jian shook some juice before drinking from the carton locking eyes with Aiden.

"Where have you been tonight Aiden?" he tried to sound like he was interested but Aiden could see in his eyes he knew something. Being the son of a billionaire, he had to differentiate between being Jian's son and Jian's possession. His father wasn't a man you wanted to cross or deceive so Aiden stayed silent waiting for him to reveal what he knew. Jian tutted at his sons' conservative eyes.

"Aiden answer me this truthfully. Did you leave the function rooms with that commoner girl?" Jian spat his words like acid at his son who looked away in guilt. Laura gasped and slammed her mixing bowl on the table.

"Aiden!" she shrieked. Aiden quickly found his ground and stared his father in the face with piercing eyes.

"She had been drugged, I couldn't just leave her there." He said honestly. Jian couldn't fathom what he was saying and began hitting his head.

"Then you should have left her on the street. How could you be so stupid Aiden! Even after we send you away for half a decade your still under that b*tch's spell." Laura said spitefully. Aiden yawned at her leaving her flabbergasted.

"I didn't think it would come to this so soon but your leaving me no choice." Aiden said exhaustively glaring at them both. Jian stopped hitting his head and was unnerved to see this determined look in his sons' eyes.

"I now own one the most influential and successful companies in the word which means I no longer need you both. I don't need your money, nurture, or even your roof. Who I date and what I do is MY business. Consider this revenge for taking away the one thing I ever held dear to me. I'm moving out and you have no input." Aiden finished his statement with a smile on his face. Laura and Jian both looked traumatized by his sudden change in demeanor. In the time Aiden had been away, the resentment he had towards him for taking Mia away was unmeasurable. In fact, this company was of no interest to him, but he knew the quicker he completed his studies, the quicker he could see Mia again. While also taking revenge on his parents for acting so rash. Jian was powerful because he was untouchable being such an upstanding billionaire, now Aiden had cleverly snaked his way into his father wealth it was now Aiden who was invincible.

"Well played son… well played…" Jian stuttered in total bewilderment. Laura wasn't as accepting and said the worse thing she possibly could.

"You may be untouchable my boy, but that common vixen isn't. Would you really want her to suffer for your own insolence?" she said viciously. Aiden's eyes almost burst into flames hearing Mia being threatened.

"You wouldn't dare touch her."

Jian, "This is your choice son. You can state your independence from us as quickly as you wish but your aware this is war. You may be the CEO but your also newly-appointed so don't be so naïve. I have connections everywhere, she won't be safe from me." Jian said devilishly. Aiden thought his statement was for her benefit but, he'd just put Mia's head on the chopping block. Mia and Aiden weren't even dating, she was completely oblivious her life was being thrown around like a bouncy ball.

"Even so your war is with me leave Mia out of this. I'll burn the company to the ground, you along with-it father don't underestimate me. Those years in study taught me a lot of loopholes. You made your bed when you ripped me away from her, now lie in it." Aiden spat his words and then left the room before Jian couldn't take another breath. Driving from the mansion, Aiden picked up his phone and called his trusted assistant.

"Yang, could you book a hotel suite for me?" Aiden said sternly.

"Of course, Master Li is the Hot Spring's Hotel to your liking?"

Aiden, "That will be fine. Request a real-estate officer to arrive at my office tomorrow morning I'm looking to purchase a new project. Ensure, they are not from my company am I understood." He could hear the pen scraping against paper as his assistant wrote down his requests.

"It's done Master Li, the hotel King suite is prepared for you. I'll inquire about an external real-estate officer immediately. Is there anything else?"

"No, your dismissed." Aiden hung up and sped away from the mansion. It would be a struggle finding a good real-estate officer outside of his company, but he needed to be certain his father couldn't track his income or location. Hearing he'd discovered about him helping Mia, proved he was keeping close tabs on him. It wouldn't surprise him if he'd hired a private investigator to follow him around since he'd been back. Aiden pressed his head against the steering wheel and thought about Mia. How could he be so stupid? Now she was maybe in danger because he couldn't keep his mouth shut…

Aiden pulled over and thought deeply for a while before pulling his phone out…

"Forgive me Mia…"