
I hate to love you

A year ago Riana's heart was broken when she found her boyfriend Alex Parker cheating on her with her child hood best friend Veronica everything was so messed up, she hated him, she hated him for cheating on her , she hated him for breaking her heart but most of all she hated herself for falling in love with him, she hated herself for trusting him and she hated herself for still having a soft spot for him but as it turns out that Alex story was completely different from hers and he hated himself for not trying to explain everything to her, he hated himself for not being able to stop her from leaving but that would change as he promised himself that no matter what he will find the love of his life and make her his again it wasn't easy the first time and he is sure it won't be easy the second but he would never give up as Riana was the only girl he ever loved and the only girl he will ever love What happens when he finds her and enrolls in the same university as she, will Riana find it in her heart to forgive him and will they ever be together as force from the past treathens to break them apart

Anastasia_smith · Teenager
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2 Chs

I hate to love you

Chapter 1

Riana's pov

It's been a year since I last saw him, a year since he broke me completely, a year since that incident happened, now am standing in front of my dream university waiting for my best friend so we can start our freshman year in prestige university one of the best university in New York and I can't help but be nervous after all this is a new environment, after what happened a year ago I came to New York to live with my sister and now am starting school it's just too soon. As i was busy with my thoughts a feminine stature came running towards me and hugged me making me to almost fall, i was so furious until I looked up to see who it was

o my God! Bella are you trying to kill me; i said but Bella just stopped hugging me and rolled her eyes and am pretty sure it's a miracle her eyes isn't stuck in the back of her head, would you stop being so dramatic you couldn't have possibly died and i rolled my eyes again but less exaggerated than she did, oh common let's go check out the campus we have an hour before class begins she says while dragging me along with her and I couldn't help but miss my bed, Bella and I have known each other literally since we were both 2years and we have been inseparateable and when we were both 12 we met Veronica at the park and we instantly became besties until a year ago when i found my boyfriend of more than 2years Alex Parker cheating on me with Veronica and was when me and Bella stopped being friends with her to be honest i would be lying if i said i wasn't hurt by the betrayal I mean I have been friends with Veronica for more than 5 years and i really liked Alex in fact i loved him and if am being honest a small part of me still do and I hate it

55mins later ~

I was about to enter the class when suddenly i bumped into a masculine figure making my books to fall out of my hands and I bent down to to pick it up when the masculine figure also bent down to help me and after picking it up I stood up and raised my head that had been down the entire time to say thanks only for one word to come out Wow!