
I Grow Stronger By Eating Dragons

Hiatus to focus on my other novel which I believe is leagues better than this one. Probably dropped forever, but who knows.

NecroBin · Fantasie
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55 Chs

Revenge Time

I awake the next day feeling refreshed, the rest doing wonders for my body. The cool air of the cave invigorates me as I stretch my limbs and yawn deeply. Remembering Scarlet's request from the previous night, I decide to check on her in the second chamber. As I make my way towards it, the early morning light filters through the cave entrance, casting a gentle glow over the stone walls.

Entering the second chamber, I find Scarlet still asleep. She must have been really exhausted, having stayed awake for many days without eating a bite. I sniff the air around her and detect no issues with her health. Her scent is a mix of the fruits she devoured last night, combined with a bit of dirt, forest foliage, and sweat. It's a strangely comforting smell.

My eyes fall on the scattered remnants of my shedded wyrmling scales. I had forgotten to collect them, but it seems Scarlet hasn't paid them much attention either. She is lying right in the middle of them, even hugging one to her chest. The sight is almost endearing. I study her sleeping form for a bit longer, fascinated. It is my first time seeing a humanoid asleep, and I notice that, in this state, there are not many differences between monsters and them.

After learning how many differences there are between the two groups, I was… I don't know. I expected their sleeping habits to be also vastly dissimilar. I'm a bit disappointed, I had hoped to find something amusing once again.

Her breathing is slow and steady, her body completely relaxed. Occasionally, she mumbles softly, and I catch her whispering, "My Lord…" with a happy expression on her face. It brings a small, involuntary smile to my own. Metaphorical smile, of course; I can't make such expressions with my maws.

I take a step closer, careful not to disturb her. The chamber feels peaceful, a perfect sanctuary for rest. Watching her, I realize that, despite our differences, there are some commonalities that bridge the gap between our kinds. Sleep is one such universal need we share, a time when all creatures, regardless of their form, find respite and solace.

Satisfied that she is well and truly resting, I turn to leave the chamber quietly. There is much to be done today, and I intend to make the most of it.

As I step out of Scarlet's chamber, my thoughts are drawn back to the dire wolf that had humbled me not long ago. Its fierce, predatory eyes and powerful jaws haunt my memory. The shame of fleeing from such a creature still gnaws at me, like an itch I can't quite scratch. I had evolved since then, gaining new abilities and physical strength, yet the memory of that encounter lingers like an ugly stain.

The dire wolf had been a formidable opponent, larger and more ferocious than any creature I had faced before. Its speed and agility had surprised me, catching me off guard and forcing me into retreat. I had underestimated its prowess, and the shame of that failure weighs heavily on my draconic pride.

But now, I am different. I've gotten a lot stronger since then and even evolved. I decide that it is high time I finally wash that filthy stain off my mind and legacy.

Leaving the safety of Valdrakar's Hold behind, I take to the skies once more. The early morning air is crisp and invigorating, filling my lungs with its freshness. I remember the region where I met my prey, and I remember that wolves are very territorial. It should still be around there somewhere.

I soar high above the forest, scanning the landscape below for any sign of the dire wolf's presence. It doesn't take long before I pick up the scent—a faint but distinct trail that leads deeper into the woods. With each beat of my wings, I draw closer to the source, my anticipation growing with every passing moment. This time, there will be no retreat. I am determined to face the dire wolf head-on and emerge victorious, even if it suddenly brings a whole pack out.

As I descend towards the forest floor, I spot movement ahead—a flash of fur and a glint of yellow eyes. The dire wolf stands before me once more, its muscles tense and its gaze fixed on mine. It senses my approach and whimpers, a sound filled with instinctual fear. Beautiful music to my ears. 'That's right, piss yourself before my presence, weak mutt!' I sneer inwardly.

Without hesitation, I unleash a powerful roar, a challenge that echoes through the forest. The dire wolf responds with a panicked yelp, its body trembling as it turns to flee. It no longer sees me as an opponent to be fought but as a predator to be escaped from.

I take a look at my prey's stats.

[Name: -]

[Race: Dire Wolf]

[Soul Core Stage: 2nd Tier Initial]

[Vitality: 580/580]

[Mana: 200/200]

[Strength: 75]

[Dexterity: 65]

[Magic: 30]

The same as last time, it didn't get one bit stronger.

Now I examine mine.

[Name: Valdrakar Nemesis]

[Race: Devouring Dragon]

[Age Stage: Wyrmling -> Very Young]

[Soul Core Stage: 2nd Tier Initial -> 2nd Tier Intermediate]

[Vitality: 800 -> 1300]

[Mana: 350 -> 500]

[Strength: 85 -> 125]

[Dexterity: 70 -> 110]

[Magic: 40 -> 70]

I've grown so much stronger. I'm only ahead of this mongrel by a single Soul Core Stage yet the difference is simply overwhelming. This just shows the superiority of the draconic race over lowly wolves. No wonder they must form packs. Simply too weak. Pathetic.

I waste no time. With a single, decisive movement, I launch myself forward, my claws extended. In one swift strike, I tear my prey's fur off its flesh with similar ease to how I helped Scarlet peel her papayas. The wolf gives off one final death howl in the form of a pained cry then remains silent forever.

As I stand over the fallen dire wolf, a sense of pride swells within me. Finally, I will no longer have this animal always egging me on in the back of my mind. With my honor cleared up, instead of simply utilizing Devouring Stomach, I decide to use my fangs and claws to consume my enemy. I slurp its flowing, rich blood up straight from its cut arteries. It feels so much better this way.